(AP) June 10 – Finkelstein’s most recent book, “Beyond Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the Abuse of History,” is largely an attack on Alan Dershowitz‘s “The Case for Israel.” In it, Finkelstein argues Israel uses the outcry over perceived anti-Semitism as a weapon to stifle criticism.
Dershowitz, who threatened to sue the book’s publisher for libel, has urged DePaul officials to reject Finkelstein’s tenure bid.
“This should not have been a close case,” he said in an e-mail Sunday. “Finkelstein’s only academic output is ad hominem attacks on ideological enemies. … The only reason this appeared close was because outsiders from the hard left mounted a political campaign on his behalf.”
Jeff Goldstein Thinks I’m an Anti-Semite ◊ by BooMan
Israel Has Blundered
DePaul Students Sit-In for Academic Freedom
Did you catch the contribution from the Dershowitz fan club over at Daily Kos? Looks as if the right wing has stepped up its take over of Daily Kos.
In my opinion, this decision came down from Rome, where the Vatican is still trying to distance itself from past antiSemitism. Tenure may have been interpreted as antiIsrael, i.e., antiSemitic.
Thanks for the links!
I have a few here as well that might be of interest.
What is berufsverbot? It is the practice of prohibiting people with particular political views to work for the state, that is to become civil servants — a practice proposed, sanctioned and carried out by the government.
It is clear that the Berufsverbote policy assures the establishment of a selected civil service — a civil service with an enormous scope and free of individual “infiltrators” who are striving for a democratic, socialist or communist society. However, the far reaching and indirect effect of this policy is much more significant. The tactic behind the Berufsverbote policy is to create such a fear in the minds of the people that no one will dare to belong to a communist or other left oriented organization, that no one will dare to contradict governmental policies (e.g. building of atomic energy plants). The whole strategy is aimed at political conformity.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I am not surprised. Just look at what happened to Ward Churchill over at the University of Colorado. Might as well see good bye to critical thinking. We are we becoming the Borg, a collective society that feeds on media input and is addicted to the technology that drives us forward. Culturally, we are busy extending our networks, our pop media, our consumer based values into every wired corner of the globe, assimilating other nations and cultures in the process. Resistance is futile. Our invincible military will intervene on our behalf wherever, and whenever the collective is threatened.
Now the universities have been infiltrated, if professor refuse to get with the program, they can be denied tenure or fired.