
in our effort to stop the enabling of democrats to get elected and not listen to the constituency that actually voted for them, we struck a few nerves amongst the denizens of blogtopia and yes, we coined that phrase.

most significantly, roger issued this challenge, or at least this observation, in our comments section:

i’d guess that progressives refusing to donate to democrats is a great way to get repulicans elected.

i’m just sayin’.

to that we reply:

yes.  actually, yes.

and the difference would be — ???

now, please don’t take us literally.  we know there would be a difference.  without the dems in office in congress, there wouldn’t have almost been a vote to decide whether or note to vote no confidence against gonzo’s justice department.  there wouldn’t be scads of congressional investigations into the reading first program.  there wouldn’t be anybody to suggest that a congressional investigation into secret prisons might be needed in the next few months.  there wouldn’t be anybody to ignore the governors who call for an investigation into soaring gas prices.

but most importantly, there wouldn’t be anybody to water down the ethics bill which would have severly limited lobbyists’ ability to slip cash into the pockets of our elected officials.

but that’s not our concern.  our concern is that the democrats rode into office last fall specifically on a promise to change direction in this country, particularly when it came to iraq.

our concern is that we, and several of our peers (yes, we do have them!) are still receiving emails and snail mails soliciting money for dems.  that in itself is not a problem.  the problem is the people who aren’t receiving those requests.

people like sgt. dariek e. dehn, 32, from spangle,washington; pvt. scott a. miller, 20, of casper, wyo.; sgt. cory m. endlich, 23, of massillon, ohio; and staff sgt. brian m. long, 32, of burns, wyo.

people like 23-year-old army infantry sgt. cory endlich, and air force airman 1st class eric barnes, both of ohio.

people like senior airman william n. newman, 23, of kingston springs, tenn.

people like these service personnel who will never receive anything ever again, because they were killed in iraq. and that’s just a cursory sweep of this month’s casualties on google.

the dems not only didn’t follow thru on their promise to change course;  they once again meekly sat with their heads down when it came time to speak out about funding the war.  

fine.  if that’s the way they want to play it.  good.  then do it without our money.  do it without our support.  if you want to be repubbblicans, so be it.  but don’t come asking us for cash, because the atm machine has shut down, folks.  

we will no longer be your enablers.