Found this jewel on ABC news
$63 Million Plane 0 for 49 in Tests
The plane, designed to take off like a helicopter and then fly at high speed, failed to remain in the air for more than a few seconds in 49 separate tests last year, according to John Kinzer of the Office of Naval Research.
“The good news is that when it crashes, it only crashed from a foot or two off the ground,” said subcommittee Chairman Brad Miller, D-N.C..
The Navy doesn’t want this dog, but congress gave it another 6 million of our hard earned tax dollars.
Congressman Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., has led the effort on behalf of a hometown company, DuPont Aerospace.
In testimony today, Hunter said he considered the investment “prudent from a financial and risk perspective.”
“One would be hard pressed to argue that a technology that could deliver greater speed and greater stealth capabilities has no military utility and is not worth some investment,” Hunter said.
Hunter has received at least $36,000 in campaign contributions from the owner of the company, Anthony DuPont. Both men deny the contributions are connected to Hunter’s continued support for the aircraft project.
But that doesn’t explain why the rest of congress went along with this nuttiness.
I put this on the orange cheers and jeers place too.
When you add up all the tax payer boondoggles like this over the years it really is no wonder that there is no money-no real money-for social programs to combat homelessness, poverty here, no real job opportunities created, no economic support for higher education for all and the list goes on and on..gee I’d almost think that both the dems and the rethugs don’t give a damn about creating a healthy, educated and prosperous America. A lone voice here or there in the House or Senate can’t accomplish much.