My heart is all a-twitter:
IN the battle for the women’s vote, Fred Thompson has a secret weapon against Hillary Clinton – the legions of former girlfriends who still adore him and who want him to be president.
The Hollywood actor and former Tennessee senator racked up an impressive list of conquests during his swinging bachelor days in the 1990s, but he appears to have achieved the impossible and kept their friendship and respect.
Lorrie Morgan, a country singer who dated Thompson and considered marrying him in the mid 1990s, told The Sunday Times: “I couldn’t think of a bad word to say about Fred if somebody put a gun to my head.
“Fred is a perfect example of chivalry. He’s the kind of man little girls dream about marrying, who opens doors for you, lights your cigarettes, helps you on with your coat, buys wonderful gifts. It’s every woman’s fantasy.”
Ladies? Can you resist this man?
I don’t get it. I can’t remember what show it was, but we had some talking head type program on a couple weeks ago, and the commenter was saying that Thompson’s “good looks” were one of his advantages.
I’m not feeling that.
The man’s fugly – not that that would be a problem if he wasn’t also a Republican.
I can resist any man who doesn’t believe that a woman has a right to determine what happens to her own body.
even one that will light your cigarette for you?
Oooooooh. Let me think.
He doesn’t do a think for me. No sweats, no tingling (anywhere) no oggling, no wet pants- as a matter of fact, nothing.
I don’t want to know how his ex girlfriends feel about him or whether he held open the door for them.
Is it the fact that he is an actor.(remember that former idiot?)
Hell, yeah.
As unappealing as a zit, and could leave a scar on the rest of the female body politic.
I remember dreaming of marrying a wrinkled up, gnarly old man who lit my cigarettes.
…I grew up wanting to make something of myself.
I did not grow up dreaming that some gross ass combination of Lurch and Uncle Fester would hold the door or light some goddamn cigarette for me. And I say this as a happily married WOMAN, and not an infantilized one.
Who are these losers??? I really hate when people infantilize women, and it chafes my ass to see other grown women engage in it. Geeze, this isn’t that damned hard: use your God-given brains, grow the fuck up and have some damned standards!
What could women possibly know about politics and leadership?
Of course, we vote for people to lead us based on their physical appearance, just like men do.
Shall we compare the size of physical endowments? OOps that leave Hillary in an ackward position. Let’s get rid of all the male candidates and run only women. We can have a fun time comparing their physical attributes and who dresses them.
Eeeck we might as well move the White House out to L.A. to be closer to the plastic surgeons.
Since I think assertive, intelligent women are hot I want our President and all our Senators to be women. And by the way, could a government run by women 100% do better than one run 100% by men? Duh? Just look at the one we’ve got.
Republican Party politics have become the politics of identity, not the politics of accomplishment or policy. It’s the same with the major arm of the Republican Party, the religious right. Politics of identity allows the Republicans to say, “we’re like you” and then not do anything that actually benefits their voters. Issues like abortion, gay marriage, flag burning, immigration are all politics of identity issues. With a politics of identity what matters is who you are not what you do. It’s anti-politics which is all about accomplishing things. The most vociferous organization based upon the politics of identity? The Ku Klux Klan. Does this mean I think that the KKK and the Republican Party are the same? What was that thing about a duck?
and I’m positively swooning over Fred… </snark>
I would remain a virgin if Fred Thompson was my only choice.
i know one woman who doesn’t like him.
She was my favorite! I never learned why she left (or was she pushed out?) but I just looked at an episode one week and she wasn’t there. What happened?
but her character was fired, and she asked fred thompson, who fired her, “is it because i’m a lesbian?” going down in history (or herstory) as one of the most off-the-wall, ill-fitting forced non-sequitors in all of television writing.
now every time mrs. skippy and i watch the reruns and she shows up, we yell at the screen “is it because i’m a lesbian??”
Ohhhh!! Well, alrighty, then. Thanks for that update.
I remember hearing something about that, but since I never saw that episode, I just had no idea. I just looked up and my favorite Asst. DA was no longer there. 🙁
Now I get it.
When Republicans are on the prowl and “loves lots of lad-ehhhs” they are heartthrobs.
When Democrats do so, they are cads and cocksters.
I get it.
Lorrie Morgan you’re making my head hurt-I guess I was one deprived little girl cause I don’t remember mooning around when I was say 13 or so wishing and hoping for a man to come along and sweep me off my feet with the stupendously amazing and daring act of helping me on with my coat or better yet opening doors for me so I could escape from the prison I was living in..afraid to open my own door….oh my god where were you Freddy?
You know I think the operative phrase here might be the ‘buys wonderful gifts’ part of the chivalry thingy.
Me, I think I’ll go for a heartthroby thing like say someone who respects me, treats me like an equal, listens to what I have to say vs the whole door opening/coat thing.
Pushing FT as a heartthrob is akin to saying bush has a superb command of the English language.
what part of ‘no’ doesn’t she understand?
What part of “Ick!” does she not understand?
The interesting thing is that some recent polls suggest that it’s Hillary that women find irresistible.
She’s resistible, but she does have some qualities when she’s not trying to be “tougher” than the guys.
I wish I was a little girl who smoked cigarettes, but couldn’t light them myself, even if somebody put a gun to my head.
can he eat pussy like a chipmunk?
Can I resist this man? OMG YEEEESSSS!!!
My little girl dream was Princess Charming or the Goddess of love intent on sweeping me off my feet.
FT. . . . EeeeeeeeeeWwwwwwwwwww.
A majority of Americans seem to WANT a bad fuck.
Believe it.
Butch II.
And the beat goes on.
A total of 24 years out of the past 50 or so.
And I’ll bet Ford and Butch I were no fun, either.
Add 8 years to THAT.
32 years.
Roughly 64% of the time.
Tommy Boy looks like S + M to me.
A male dominatrix.
Maybe we’re getting kinky in our extremis.
Here goes…
There are many, many rumors about Fred Thompson being on the down-low. Maybe that explains why 1) James Dobson finds him so “un-Christian” and 2) why he has so many “girlfriends” coming out of the woodwork to talk about his manliness.
calvin, being the cat that he is, recalls the definition of a gentleman. A gentleman is a man who would do anything to protect a woman’s honor from any other man, except himself.
In the pursuit of “true love” and sexual satisfaction, a man will do and/or say anything that will help him to achieve his goal. Open doors. Light cigarettes. Or, for that matter, put up with women who smoke. Buy flowers. Jewelry. I believe it’s called seduction. Any man worth a damn can play that role in the short run.
We ought to be more concerned about the long haul. After the initial thrill is gone is when a man shows his true colors. Does he still do the seductive things he used to do? Or, now that the thrill of the chase is over and monogamy turns to monotony, what will his behaviors be?
I have a feeling that most women get realistic in a big hurry and realize that indications of true love now involve changing diapers, cooking, taking out the garbage, and all the other tasks required of a partnership.
A real woman wants a man to whisper in her ear those words she really loves to hear: “Darling, I’ll clean the house.”
Everybody knows that the jury will be out on Fred’s manly manliness and pheromone levels until we get to see how he fills out a flight suit.
When that happens Chris Matthews will have to run out and buy himself some new underwear.
“Fred is a perfect example of chivalry. He’s the kind of man little girls dream about marrying, who opens doors for you, lights your cigarettes, helps you on with your coat, buys wonderful gifts. It’s every woman’s fantasy.” … But Lorrie Morgan sure as hell wasn’t desperate enough to marry the ugly sob, in spite of — or perhaps, because of those little girl dreams.