So I started a reply to a comment on the wonderful post Within the Architecture of Denial and Duplicity: The Democratic Party and the Infantile Omnipotence on My Left Wing. The post itself is a re-post of a Thomas Paine’s Corner piece by Phil Rockstroh…another ally/friend  of Joe Bageant…that pretty much sums up what is going wrong here in the U.S. of A. If you have not read it…you should.

And the reply grew.

The comment was by BobGuyer, and in part, it said:

A moderate corporate cashocracy government is better in the short run than a blood thirsty, primate alpha ape driven corporate cashocracy government. So I will be voting Democratic in 08 but without illusion that our form of government will be changed from a one-dollar-one-vote form to a one-person-one-vote form by Democratic control of congress and the presidency. The use of war as an economic and propaganda tool used by the crazed alpha apes of the corporate elite that run the republican party is well worth opposing in the short run so that the population at large can get back on their feet and there can be less direct killing perpetrated by our government.


But…I have become something of a Bloombergologist over the last few years. I do not necessarily support his program, but I must admit that  it has been amazingly successful in NYC.


No. Not by my lights, anyway.

But successful?

Bet on it.

And now Bloomberg’s hat is in the Presidential ring.

Bet on that as well.

Read on for more.

A moderate corporate cashocracy government?

How about a LIBERAL corporate cashocracy government?

That is what Bloomberg is going to offer.


Socially liberal…roughly speaking. (VERY roughly.)

Financially conservative.

And internationally pragmatic.

As long as the working classes do not bring down the real estate values, they’re OK with him.

A half a chicken in every working class pot. (OK…maybe three quarters if you’re good. That’s enough to live on, right?)

Jobs for ALL. (Rebuilding the infrastructure. At half-a-chicken/three quarters wages of course, but…he’s right. We ARE too fat.)

And A MASSIVE public transportation system. Because all of those working people? Most of them will be forced out living areas near their work into less “desirable” areas. An hour or more away from the real estate goldmine central districts, where the values will skyrocket. Can’t depend on oil to get all’a them proles to work…gotta make public transportation. And the very MAKING of that public transportation system nationwide could revitalize the entire economy.

Bloomie’s version of the WPA.

This is the NYC vision that Bloomberg will be offering. It is EXACTLY what he has begun to do in NYC. And…it is working!!!

Further…just as the conservative Nixon was the only Prez able to effect a rapprochement with China?

So the Jewish Bloomberg would be the only one able to rein in Israel and calm the Middle East.


He has a shot.

A GOOD shot.

His campaign motto?

“I am owned by NO interests.”

Catchy, ain’t it?

You’re damned right it’s catchy.

Listen…it is quite obvious that the Ratpublican Party is currently moribund. Giuliani? Thompson? Romney? PLEASE!!!

And the DemRats? Helpless in the face of their own ongoing complicity in this great, yet-to-be-checked American collapse. Mired so deeply in their own rapidly hardening bullshit that they are going to be hard pressed to escape no matter HOW weak their traditional “enemies” might become. Eventually the public tires of every dog and pony show, no matter how well produced it may have been.

That time fast approaches for the one-party/two-party system as it stands today.


Because it is FAILING!!!

Third Party?

I cannot WAIT!!!

How about…TWO Jews?



How about…two minorities?

Bloomberg/Obama. (It could happen…Bloomie is NOTHING if not pragmatic. How many party affiliations has he had in the last 10 years? And Obama is a vote magnet.)


It’s going to get interesting.


And be bourne into ever more interesting times.

Bloomberg: “Is America ready for a short, divorced Jewish billionaire as President?”

Joe Voter, et al: “C’MERE Honey!!! This guy is FUNNY!!! AND…he’s making sense!!!”

