Ann Coulter proved beyond a shadow of a doubt what type of person she really is when she was interviewed on Good Morning America on June 25, 2007.  And Coulter herself said, “if I’m going to say anything about John Edwards in the future, I’ll just wish he had been killed in a terrorist assassination plot.”

cross posted at Booman Tribune, refinish69, Texas Kaos,GLBT Democrats For Edwards

This shows how afraid of Sen. Edwards the Right Wing and their henchmen and women truly are.  They know that John Edwards is a real leader and someone who can do great things for America.  The Republicans would rather keep destroying Civil Liberties and stealing everything that isn’t nailed down.  

The time has come to stand up and say NO MORE!!!!  I am asking anyone who reads this to make a donation to the Edwards campaign to help elect a True Democrat and a True Progressive to the White House.  America needs a Leader who is willing to make strong stands for Americans and what America needs to do not only at home but around the World.

Help put a stop to the Republican Party’s continued rape of America and the constitution!!!

Bloggers For Edwards

Make a donation to the John Edwards campaign at GLBT Democrats For Edwards

After seeing Ann Coulter do her usual nastiness,
Make a donation to the John Edwards campaign at GLBT Democrats For Edwards

Also contact ABC and the Good Morning America Show and ask why they are giving national air time to this vile agent of the right wing.

To show the other side of the coin:

In Case You Missed It from the Edwards Blog.

MSNBC’s Hardball decided to do an hour-long show today with Ann Coulter. Yesterday on Good Morning America, Coulter once again attacked John Edwards, this time saying, if she is going to talk about John Edwards she’ll just “wish he was killed in a terrorist assassination plot”.

That kind of hate-filled language has to stop. So today, during Hardball, Elizabeth called Ann to ask her stop using personal attacks as part of her dialogue.

“It lowers our political dialogue,” said Elizabeth, “precisely at the time we need to raise it.”

Elizabeth Edwards proves yet again what a fabulous First Lady she will be.

Elizabeth Edwards For First Lady

My Podcast about this:

Ann Coulter Proves She is a Bitch