I was looking at the San Jose Mercury News website. Not sure why, because I already read this morning’s dead tree and they don’t update very often during the day.
And I found a link I hadn’t expected to.
Bill, life will change in Hillaryland (free registration required).
I had read this godawful thing in print, and I’m surprised no one else here has diaried about this column yet, it’s a slimy hit piece about the Clintons.
But the really surprising thing is the byline:
By Joe Blow
San Jose Mercury News
Because what this is, is Maureen Dowd’s syndicated column, dated the 4th on the NYT website, where it’s titled Fireworks for Former First Lady and Future First Lad Behind firewall of course. That’s why syndicated columns that run in print rarely appear on the Merc website; it obviously would undercut the NYT’s ability to charge for the stuff.
When I started writing this a few minutes ago I didn’t yet have a theory on what’s going on, now I do: it has something to do with this:
The newspaper plans to eliminate about 40 of the editorial department’s 240 full-time positions beginning July 2.
Looks to me like a prank by an ex-employee, and someone should have changed the passwords sooner. It’s still up right now but I’m sure it can’t last long. (yes I took screenshots). But I’m telling you before I tell either the Merc or NYT. Enjoy!
also in orange
It’s still up as I write this. But plagiarism of Maureen Dowd’s stuff?!! Not very discriminating, it’s not exactly like stealing a piece by Hemingway.
if you look at the comments on dkos, a realist has suggested that it’s an honest mistake – I’m guessing the web editor had a different job last week. But it’s still funny – the mistake, not MoDo’s drek.
I had been assuming they didn’t have the rights to publish this on web. If the syndicators all over the country can put up copies of MoDo, Krugman and the rest, how can NYT charge for them on Times Select?
I was on vacation for two weeks deep in the woods of Maine so returning to the vacuous stupidity of the human race has me at a disadvantage in commenting on this piece.
Even those words “Bill,life will change in Hillaryland” actually cancel most of the detoxification I experienced breathing fresh mountan air and swimming in clear rushing waters of the stream.