Crossposted from West Virginia Blue.

I read the latest drivel from rightwing “strategist” and former West Virginia Republican Party executive director Gary Abernathy and had the usual reaction: “That’s it? That’s all you’ve got?”

Once again, Abernathy treats politics like it’s a junior high school clique and he’s the gossipiest girl in school.

In taking aim at State Sen. John Unger, however, Abernathy inadvertantly shot Unger’s opponent, vulnerable Rep. Shelley Moore Capito in the foot.

Unger’s WEPM  radio cohost, news director Chris Strovel, took a job as a field staffer for Capito. Now I’m about as partisan as you can get and no fan of Capito’s, but my initial reaction was I was glad Strovel finally got a job that would pay him money. After carrying water for conservatives for years, it was about time he got some pay back for his efforts.

My second thought was how weird the Martinsburg Journal was for not mentioning Unger in their story on Strovel.

But Abernathy, political “strategist” that he is, tries to make it about Unger.

Probably no one knows John Unger better than Chris Strovel, and the fact that Strovel is taking a job with the person Unger wants to topple should tell us all we need to know about Unger and the feelings of the people who know him best.

That’s it? That’s all he’s got?

As a regular listener of Panhandle Live, I know that Strovel and Unger have commented on their friendship and respect for each other many times over the years.

Now Abernathy can either call Strovel a liar or he can admit he is desperately throwing any kind of mud, including made-up mud, to find something to stick to Unger.

Considering how often Abernathy has made up shit about Unger, it’s pretty safe to say Strovel is not a liar.

But what is interesting is how Abernathy’s post also reveals about his “skill” as a political “strategist.”

I’m an amateur blogger. I saw how he shot Capito in the foot immediately. Professional Republicans are probably screaming, “Abernathy, you f’n idiot! Capito doesn’t need friends like you!”

You see, in his poor effort at reading the tea leaves, Abernathy highlights a story that:

  1. Shows a veteran staffer of Capito’s left her before an election where many consider her vulnerable. In other words the rats are leaving her sinking ship.
  2. We can read Strovel’s words for ourselves and not only does he not say anything negative about Unger, he also does not say anything positive about his new boss Capito.

Now I’m not dumb like Abernathy, so I won’t read anything into that and unlike Abernathy I’ll let Strovel speak for himself.

But if Abernathy wants to continue to make things up, I’ll be happy to report soon on what I “dug” up on him. It’s despicable behavior even for a Republican and it is something he has never denied doing.

However, with “strategic” “thinking” like his latest, it is easy to see why the West Virginia GOP tossed Abernathy aside.