this diary is dedicated to all who suffer because of war
we love and support our troops, just as we love and support the Iraqi people – without exception, or precondition, or judgment
we have no sympathy for the devil
we acknowledge the power to act that is in us
cross-posted at MyLeftWing, BooMan Tribune, and my blog.
video with images, music, and poem below the fold
I haven’t posted anything in a long time and decided that, rather than go ahead with a long and tortured explanation of why it’s been so these last several weeks, I’d put this up instead, and try to get back on track.
and patience, when needed
welcome back good sir…it’s a privilege to see you.
Rice confronts Iran (oil resources) at a time the Taliban and Al Qaeda struck a deal with Musharraf to live in peace in Waziristan, Pakistan. US soldiers dying in establishing a friendly oil ally in Iraq, where no Al Qaeda existed.
Musharraf's Waziristan deal a sell off to the Taliban
● Taliban: Bombs and Threats Shut Down Schools
● Breaking: 105 Die in ‘quiet’ Kurdish Kirkuk
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Bush mentioned the terrorist group 27 times in a recent speech on Iraq at the Naval War College in Newport, R.I. In West Virginia on the Fourth of July, he declared, “We must defeat Al Qaeda in Iraq.” The Associated Press reported last month that although some 30 groups have claimed credit for attacks on United States and Iraqi government targets, press releases from the American military focus overwhelmingly on Al Qaeda.
PM Gordon Brown: Don’t Say Terrorists Are Muslims
… the phrase “war on terror” – strongly associated with Mr Blair and US President George Bush – has been dropped.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Missed you a lot. Welcome back, I hope all is well with you now.
Peace and love –