E.J. Dionne wants liberals to cut David Vitter some slack. I totally agree with his sentiment. I didn’t write about Vitter until I realized that Louisiana Republicans were plotting for his resignation. That made it a story to me. In a Senate where we have a nominal majority but cannot rely on Joe Lieberman and do not have the benefit of Tim Johnson’s vote, any advantage is alluring. Yes, Vitter is a world class hypocrite, but this is his personal life and adultery, even diaper-wearing adultery, is a fact of life among powerful politicians. It would be nice if things were different. As Dionne says:
The essential point, however, is that believing in a wall between the public and the private makes you a traditionalist, not a libertine. The traditionalist embraces a strict moral code but sees it as best enforced in the personal realm. We should judge public figures by how they meet their public responsibilities, and leave it to spouses, pastors, children and friends to praise or punish their private behavior.
But things are not so civilized in the modern game of politics. Dionne is being unrealistic. First, his call is basically an appeal for the Democrats to unilaterally disarm, as the GOP has never shown any mercy once they smell blood. And, even if there is some advantage in taking the high road (and I believe there is), this cat is already out of the bag.
Yet, there is an essential lesson here, and Democrats would be wise to heed it. Vitter’s ‘sin’ carries more weight precisely because he inveighed so heavily against such immorality. If the Dems want people to overlook their own infidelity they would do well to tread lightly on the infidelity of their opponents. Let the GOP cannibalize their own.
It just keeps getting worse.
Pretty much blows the Republican talking point right out of the water that “this was only one incident and it happened well before he became a Congressman”.
Just as believable as “Officer, I swear I only had one beer”.
I don’t think the Democrats really should get too involved in stone throwing here. Pointing out the specific hypocrisy of Vitter is about as far as they should dare go. And even that must be done with a great deal of caution. I love seeing the “values” crowd exposed as hypocrites as much as everyone else, but they should probably keep their powder mostly dry on this one. You can about bet your sweet ass that if 10 of those phone numbers show up as politicians that some percentage of them will likely be Democrats.
So before any Democrat gets all puffed up with shock and outrage about this, remember one thing. Hormones and testosterone mixed with a little lust know no political labels. They are equal opportunity tempters.
I have to admit, though, it sure is fun to see someone like Vitter squirm, isn’t it??
I don’t even care to know when Paris Hilton got out of jail. Did she?
For once I have to agree with Dionne. Dems should avoid easy “moral outrage” like the plague and just stick it pointing out the hypocrisy of the “family values” con artists. They should also just give up the “personal morality” posing altogether.
Anyway, with Hillary leading the pack at the moment, the populace is reminded daily of our own erotic dark side. If she is nominated, the best we can hope for is that guys like Vitter and all the rest serve to neutralize the Bill attacks that will characterize the general campaign.
I can forgive the sin, but I have a deep and abiding problem with the hypocrisy. I really don’t care much if a person cheats on their spouse. It says something about their trustworthiness, but really it’s between them and their spouse. I don’t care if someone gets off on diapers or whip cream and leather. Different strokes and all that.
But I do care when someone shakes their finger in my face and calls down the wrath of God on those who deviate from some supposed high moral code and then turn out to be guilty of just the sort of thing they’ve been so quick to condemn. That just sticks in my craw.
Free for all in the White House?
Wasn’t Gannon uncovered as gay prostitute with free entry to White House facilities with no records being kept by the Secret Service. Ofcourse GOP don Grover Norquist had frequent encounters with Karl Rove on ‘policy issues’. Norquist ‘s WH entries are also kept in the dark. The ABC list of the DC Madam had numerous GOP affiliated lobbyists … this could easily snowball to the father’s precedent .
GOPUSA (who else) covers the David Vitter affair.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Maybe I missed it, but I haven’t seen any Democrats railing against republican immorality, or anything of the sort. I have read lots of blog posts that laughed at the incident, made fun of it and the hypocrisy that always swirls around these loathsome stories.
I’ve also seen the serious and sensible pundits snickering at it, while saying the same thing Dionne is saying (and then snickering some more; I’m thinking Dana Millbank on Countdown a couple of nights ago).
To me this is treading pretty lightly.
Here’s something along the same lines: a diary I posted and a couple comments. Hypocrisy is what should be lampooned.
To which shergald replied:
And I responded: