- No Diary Police
- Mojo is just Mojo.
- BooMan really tries.
- Diaries stick around longer than particles in an accelerator.
- Fewer “dicks”.
- It’s the only Major site I was ever FP’d.
- People try and understand even your most convoluted thoughts.
- Everybody knows when to just frikkin’ relax.
- International input.
And the number one reason I post here…
1. I laugh every time I see the frog, handcuffed with his hands in the air.
PS. Don’t recommend this diary, leave the spot to a productive diary….
But, please do add your top ten reasons to the comments section.
Update [2007-7-16 17:16:8 by meagert]:: The next person who recommends this diary has to buy TWO Coffee Cups!
I keep posting here for the complimentary BMT fruit baskets that BooMan sends me each month.
That could be an interesting Still Life painting. What would be in those baskets…? Can you fill a basket full of green fruits? Avocados anyone?
Granny Smith apples, and pears. Also green grapes.
Cherimoya and limes and kiwi
I have to go out, and see if my hair is long enough to give to “Locks of Love”. I’ll be back in an hour or two, probably with a wiffle. Enjoy!.
When I get back I hope to see this diary has the most comments for an unrecommended diary…EVAH!… And BooMan is flushed red from all the compliments. He deserves them.
And don’t forget to get a coffee mug.
Ponytail is gone. Not a wiffle exctly, but close enough.
Don’t worry, I’m still a lazy, shiftless hippy, just incognito.
I like number 5 the best. The “Cheers” theme keeps running through my brain….
i think #10 is the main reason i post here.
Absolutely. #10. And Booman being so cool and knowledgeable, especially about Anne Goodpasture et al. ;D He knows.
And agree too re StevenD – absolutely one of my all-time favorite posters on any blog.
But it’s the friendly intelligence here that I keep coming back for. It’s wonderful to talk about things that matter with people who care, without some trolls or troll police stomping around like gestapo. I really appreciate the village here.
Heh. Anne Goodpasture. I guess you know too. But George Joannides is more important.
They both know where some bodies are buried, to be sure….
Awesome List. Now I don’t have to write one. I’m just going to write “What Janet Said.”
Sorry…just had to recommend. 😀 Feeling a little rebellious today!
Been trying to come up with 10 different reasons why I am still here…and not coming up with a thing lol. They are for the most part the very same ones I see posted in this diary.
Oh wait! I know of one that hasn’t been mentioned yet…
I forget why I post here. Must be something …
You don’t have to remember why you do, just keeping doing.
I love you guys. (You have to imagine Gene Hackman saying it to his team in Hoosiers to get the full effect).
What Janet Said.
Excellent writing, enjoy my daily warm bath in the pond and the International entries for diaries ofcourse.
Migrated shortly after BooMan and many others from dKos. Spend more time here after August 2005 (banned).
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
You are real good at finding news items, usually not seen, or as an addition to a diary. You’re a one man RSS FEED, you are…lol.
Sorry, but after your Update, I just had to Recommend. Always been a contrarian like that. 😉
Except for #5, what you said …
Just so long as you went to BooMan’s store and bought the two cups its okay…I might add, I’m going to need proof of purchase on the next recommender!!!
Done, just now. Two mugs and a t-shirt. Thank you for “making” me do this; it was long overdue that I contribute something around here. 😉
Great, more coherent community…with a sense of humor and a great taste for music. Significant diaries, and a lot less meta-stuff. (Isn’t this meta?)
Just thank you for this diary. I ditto what Janet and you said….+ I get to have lots of learning in reading here….and lots of fun in the process…hugs…
BTW, have you ever heard of donating you hair to ppl who have cancer for wigs? My daughter does on occasion and she has long,, long hair.
Anyhow, many hugs to all and you too….
That’s exactly what I did today. It’s called “Locks of Love”. About every 18-20 months, my ponytails are given to them. It’s a Sustainable Crop!
01 No waiting period.
02 No overt popularity contests (that I’ve noticed yet).
03 No viciously snobby, smugly arrogant bloggerazzi.
Do you know, until you said it, I had NEVER noticed the frog was handcuffed??? Talk about unobservant! 🙂 I’m good with words. Pictures? Oblivious, evidently!!
LOL at your list, but I heartily agree, on all counts, especially now that I see the handcuffs. ;D
….and pleasure. The whole gamut of human beingness. Laughter and tears, even the handcuffs.
I especially like that I don’t have to post anything at all and if I do it’s usually okay.