As you will note in the video immediately below, Bill O’Reilly is incensed that some unidentified someone (not anyone on the front-page, mind you) at Daily Kos once referred to the Pope as a ‘primate’. Now if that droll commenter meant to cast aspersions on the Bishop of Rome by comparing him to our simian president, I can understand the offense. But it’s worth pointing out that even such a disrespectful remark would be technically correct. Human beings, just like gibbons, lemurs, and George W. Bush, are technically ‘primates’. And the Sovereign of the State of the Vatican City is a human being, is he not?

But it is also possible that the Daily Kos commenter was merely referring to the Pope by another one of his titles.

pri·mate -noun
1. Ecclesiastical. an archbishop or bishop ranking first among the bishops of a province or country.

Either way, the Pope is a primate, both going and coming. What the Pope is not, is a monkey.

I have to say that I am more than a little offended by Bill O’Reilly’s segment on Daily Kos. It’s not unusual for FOX News to distort the facts, but saying that Daily Kos is a hate-filled site comparable to the Ku Klux Klan and the Nazi Party is a tad bit over the top. I think that kind of characterization would be better flung at the good ship National Review, where they actually kind of embrace that kind of thing. Just saying.

I know that I’d be violently angry if this site was portrayed the way Daily Kos was portrayed by Falafel Bill. I’m not sure what I’d do about it, but I’d want someone’s head on a platter and a lot of cash compensation. And, to be honest, this site would be a lot more deserving of the term ‘left-wing’ and it certainly allows for conspiracy theories to be discussed. So, I’m a little displeased with Mr. O’Reilly’s two minute hate. Just remember:


And Bill O’Reilly is a good person.

Update [2007-7-17 10:31:51 by BooMan]: I think Atrios found the offending comment, from July 12th.

* [new] Yes, the Pope is a Primate (3+ / 0-)

As the cover of Free Inquiry magazine said a few years ago, “Catholic Primate Accepts Evolution”.

by dconrad on Thu Jul 12, 2007 at 07:03:26 PM EDT

O’Reilly is a fool.