Not so much a diary as a plea to all responsible persons around to heed the call of CASMII. Thanks for reading!
CASMII calls on journalists and the public to challenge dangerous distortion of news on Iran
The Campaign Against Sanctions and Military Intervention in Iran has strongly criticised the Financial Times and launched a complaint with the Press Complaint Commission over the publication by the FT of a story making incriminating and unfounded allegations about Iranian government’s complicity with Al-Qaeda launching terrorist operations in Iraq, using Iranian territory. – Via Media Lens
P.S. If you agree that this call for action is valid, do not hesitate to disseminate it yourself. It may indeed make the difference between war and peace.
I’ll venture out on a limb here…
I support ANY and ALL efforts against war. I am against any attacks on ANY Country, with one exception: If a Government plans and executes an attack against this Country or its Citizens, I say “Woe unto them”.
But I will not support an organization, that, by all indications, seems to support mullah rule in Iran. I am against religious rule in any country. We, the people of Earth are, first and foremost human, an evolutionized species of mammals. We are not gods, we are not ruled by gods. We are ruled by men and women who create our own Laws, and create a sense of respect for our fellow man.
My limited knowledge, and I stress limited, tells me that were the mullahs not be in power in Iran, most citizens there would prefer a democracy.
What or who to believe in these days, is difficult. Between propaganda, and disinformation, who do you trust? I am at this point leery of Casmii.
Are some of their points valid…yes. Do I support a group that may not be exactly who they purport to be…no.
I will stand corrected if enlightened by others.
Thanks for the feedback. Support for a particular organization is not required here. This is only a call to be on the lookout for “dangerous distortion of news” – dangerous, BTW, both for Iran and all of us – and to act upon it somehow.
As for that “democracy” thing, since that is a formidable subject to deal with and I would not know where to start, may I refer you to this interesting essay that deals with the challenges and impediments to the implementation of true democracy?
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I make no claims fer or agin, -just sayin’
There are blogs that purport to be representative of “progressive” in the Persian/Middle Eastern sphere. So I will Link to them. None I would “hang my hat on”, and their are reputable American Left organizations that have come together with Casmii, here. I am just as leery of AIPAC as I am of Casmii
Now these aren’t NYTimes type caliber links, but I’m trying to form some kind of opinion, so I look around….
The first of those links states that CASMII “have put all their focus on stopping any future war and have not said much on actually what to do with the current ruling fundamentalist regime of Iran.” So, that doesn’t translate into supporting the current Islamic regime.
The second link seems to be a site that favors war with Iran. And it has an interesting conspiracy theories about CNN, CASMII, and Johns Hopkins scientist Roger Stern.
As I have stated over and over, I’m looking for information too!
Who do I trust for legitimate information?
Just showing links that back Casmii, doesn’t give the whole picture, and vice versa. A link war wont solve anything.
The neocons wont be happy until they go nuclear on the Middle East. A modern population like in Iran does need to get it’s word out, I’m not arguing there. So…if anyone has some definitive information, I would be obliged to listen, and heed.
Very legitimate and healthy scepticism here, Meagert. Personally I don’t know that much about CASMII but this call was published at Media Lens, which I trust. I figured they have done the proper vetting before publishing the message.
Secondly, because I believe it is imperative that we do all that is in our power to stop any further aggression from the Bush government, I must say that I would jump on the bandwagon of any group who proposes valid action to do just that (even AIPAC!). Time enough to question those moves afterward when all threats of more wars have been crushed. Just a point of view.
In the meantime, should you find “better” groups that are doing the same as what CASMII is doing here, I hope that you will not hesitate to post the relevant addresses. Cheers!
(The Guardian/Observer) June 10, 2007 – During the 20-month investigation, which also involved MI5 and Customs and Excise, a group of Britons was tracked as they obtained weapons-grade uranium from the black market in Russia. Investigators believe it was intended for export to Sudan and on to Iran.
The Observer under investigation for breach of accurate reporting on Iran
The media watchdog on Iran rhetoric CASMII.
More right-wing exploits in the UK:
● Conning the British public opinion on Iran
● Con Coughlin
≈ Cross-posted from Steven D’s story — Kill Iran! Kill! Kill! Kill! ≈
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
I am fully aware of the propaganda being placed in the public discourse by the present US Administration and its right wing allies. I am also fully aware that Casmii has a position as a media watchdog in fighting back against that dissemination.
I am however suspicious of the group. One propaganda team against the other, does not allay my fears, or lower my guard.
I cannot pretend to know the truth, it has never been revealed to me.
Believe nothing.
no matter where you read it,
or who has said it, not even if I have said it,
unless it agrees with your own reason
and your own common sense. – Buddha