Unless Congress immediately impeaches Bush and Cheney, a year from now the US could be a dictatorial police state at war with Iran.
Bush has put in place all the necessary measures for dictatorship in the form of “executive orders” that are triggered whenever Bush declares a national emergency. Recent statements by Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff, former Republican senator Rick Santorum and others suggest that Americans might expect a series of staged, or false flag, “terrorist” events in the near future.
NOTE: godwin alert
and another feather for the demorats…to accompany the many they’ve already earned.
Blacks in the United States are imprisoned at more than five times the rate of whites, and Hispanics are locked up at nearly double the white rate, according to a study released Wednesday by a criminal justice policy group.
The report by the Sentencing Project, a Washington-based think tank, found that states in the Midwest and Northeast have the greatest black-to-white disparity in incarceration. Iowa had the widest disparity in the nation, imprisoning blacks at more than 13 times the rate of whites. – linkage
Hi Manny, anyone who believes racial prejudice is a thing of the past has their head up their ass(they still have segregated proms for pete’s sake in many places)….certain drug laws also contribute greatly to this disparity…if you are caught with five grams of crack(poor mans coke)you automatically go to jail on the other hand it takes 500, yeah 500 grams of cocaine for this automatic law to kick in..how much more patently racist can you get than that particular law.
James Kotecki was annoyed. The college student was a political junkie and, like most people his age, a heavy user of the Internet.
So it was irritating to him to see presidential candidates making poor use of the Web — posting speeches and canned performances rather than more personal communications. They weren’t using the medium the way young people use it — talking directly to the camera in a very casual and laid-back way.
James Kotecki critiques online campaign
videos with the help of pencil puppets.
Denmark has completed the evacuation of some 200 Iraqis who it feared faced danger for their association with Danish troops in southern Iraq. The family members of these Iraqis have also been targeted in militant attacks. Most of the 200 evacuated Iraqis are expected to be offered asylum in Denmark.
The airlift of the Iraqis, including translators for Danish troops, had so far been kept secret for security reasons, a Danish official said.
Iraqi interpreters have helped Danish forces in Basra
Denmark is expected to withdraw its group of 480 troops from Basra in southern Iraq next month. Militants fighting US-led forces regard as traitors any Iraqis who work with foreign troops.
[Dutch forces do not use local Iraqis, but hire and train civilians beforehand in the Netherlands. They are employed as military when transferred to war zones like Iraq and Afghanistan. – Oui]
dada, what`s up.
I`m putting a link in here that takes you to clock that in real time runs numbers relating to relevant stats on the rates our planet is progressing or regressing.
Enjoy it everyone.
It also shows the rates by day, by week, by month, by year & by “now” . http://www.peterussell.com/Odds/WorldClock.php
what’s left of your constitutional rights before you leave home in the morning.
the blackguard aka: cheney, officially dons the mantle of the grand exalted leader of the empire tomorrow while chimpy has his head removed so they can search for wmd’s.
Gotta love your graphic, lol.
Or I should say Manny’s graphic.
Impeach Now, Or Face the End of Constitutional Democracy
NOTE: godwin alert
and another feather for the demorats…to accompany the many they’ve already earned.
KO’s KO special comment is available for your enjoyment HERE
the video of bill moyers on Impeachment from last week is now available here.
highly recommended
non-sequitur WILEY
What will it take for US citizens to march in protest to uphold the Constitution and an independent Judiciary?
We don’t need to wait on Congress!
≈ Cross-posted from my diary —
Joy in Pakistan – Musharraf’s Dictatorship to End? ≈
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
unfortunately, this wasn’t funny:
with voters rights legislation and health care in the US.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Hi Manny, anyone who believes racial prejudice is a thing of the past has their head up their ass(they still have segregated proms for pete’s sake in many places)….certain drug laws also contribute greatly to this disparity…if you are caught with five grams of crack(poor mans coke)you automatically go to jail on the other hand it takes 500, yeah 500 grams of cocaine for this automatic law to kick in..how much more patently racist can you get than that particular law.
James Kotecki was annoyed. The college student was a political junkie and, like most people his age, a heavy user of the Internet.
So it was irritating to him to see presidential candidates making poor use of the Web — posting speeches and canned performances rather than more personal communications. They weren’t using the medium the way young people use it — talking directly to the camera in a very casual and laid-back way.
James Kotecki critiques online campaign
videos with the help of pencil puppets.
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Denmark has completed the evacuation of some 200 Iraqis who it feared faced danger for their association with Danish troops in southern Iraq. The family members of these Iraqis have also been targeted in militant attacks. Most of the 200 evacuated Iraqis are expected to be offered asylum in Denmark.
The airlift of the Iraqis, including translators for Danish troops, had so far been kept secret for security reasons, a Danish official said.
Iraqi interpreters have helped Danish forces in Basra
Denmark is expected to withdraw its group of 480 troops from Basra in southern Iraq next month. Militants fighting US-led forces regard as traitors any Iraqis who work with foreign troops.
[Dutch forces do not use local Iraqis, but hire and train civilians beforehand in the Netherlands. They are employed as military when transferred to war zones like Iraq and Afghanistan. – Oui]
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Thank goodness we’re keeping such riffraff out of our country.
dada, what`s up.
I`m putting a link in here that takes you to clock that in real time runs numbers relating to relevant stats on the rates our planet is progressing or regressing.
Enjoy it everyone.
It also shows the rates by day, by week, by month, by year & by “now” .
wow…that is really neat and kind of scary too.
A couple days ago I found this article (PDF) relating Pinochet and the Bush Clan. It is one of the best I have read so far. It is worth to read.