This past weekend I went over to Taylor, TX where the infamous T. Don Hutto Residential Center (immigrant concentration camp) – owned and operated by Corrections Corp of America – is located.
I am currently writing up my experience from my visit over there, however, in the mean time here are some of the pictures I took, I have plenty more and along with some video footage. I will be posting those shortly.
I, for one, can’t wait for your diary on this…thanks.
These builder/owner/operators have reaped wheelbarrows of cash from our national coffers, in preparation for something unknown to us…..
Some links –
● T. Don Hutto Residential Center
● CCA – Corrections Corporation of America
Closure of T. Don Hutto Correctional Center
March 23, 2004 – In a separate announcement, CCA has indicated its intent to cease operations at the CCA-owned and operated T. Don Hutto Correctional Center located in Taylor, Texas on May 14, 2004, due to low inmate population demands in the facility’s region. CCA expects to be able to transfer the majority of the approximate 60 federal offenders currently housed in the 480-bed facility to other CCA-operated facilities.
CCA does not expect the closing of this facility to have a material impact on its previously announced 2004 earnings per share guidance.
● CCA: A Critical Look At Its First Twenty Years
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
one of the reasons i like this blog is this diary. there are just diaries here you won’t see elsewhere.