They both want to be worse than Stalin.

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Evil sumbitches.


Read on for my solution to this awful problem.

Ok. I’ve Got it!!! Here’s what we should do.

We should disband the military entirely.

AND the intel system.

Close the whole shebang right down. The military industrial complex too, for good measure. Except for those that make passenger planes. And be damned sure that those planes don’t waste any gas while we are at it.

HYBRID jet planes!!!

THAT’S the ticket!!!

Make all of the displaced military-connected workers take jobs as greeters in chain stores and microwave operators for rural fast food franchises.

THAT’D fix `em!!!

But…errr aaahhh…I guess we can’t do that. The economy would instantly plummet into complete chaos.

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OK…how about this.

We take all of their weapons away except swords and bows and arrows.


But…nooooo. That wouldn’t work either, would it? The country would be invaded from every direction before we could say “Cowabunga, dude!!!”

Well…let’s just unilaterally get rid of our Weapons of Mass Destruction. Publicly.

How many months after that action do you think that it would take for someone to light off a nuclear cap under Detroit or Washington DC?


Lemme see…here we are, stuck in a bad, BAD neighborhood. “We” didn’t make this neighborhood, exactly…others did, 70 years or so ago. Sure, they used our name, some of them. They may have even been related to us. But George Butch and Big Dick Cheney act in our name as well, and they by no means represent us.

Walk softly and carry a big stick.

Teddy Roosevelt said this.

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He looked a lot like the original Arthur Gilroy. My grandfather. Acted like him, too. Who taught ME how to act. He was no dummy, ol’ Arthur. On the evidence. On my OWN evidence.

I have been walking the hard streets of NYC (the same streets on which where the real Arthur Gilroy grew up in the early 1900s, one tough little Irishman)…at night, most often alone, regularly carrying a couple of thousand dollars worth of musical equipment on my back…for almost exactly 40 years. Most of that time I have been without the benefit of a concealed deadly weapon. I have some martial arts skills and I have lots of street smarts, but I am NO match for a well armed ripoff artist, let alone several hostile assholes of any sort.

And yet here I am. Untouched.


Basically? (Except for the ongoing benefit of sheer, dumb luck?)


Plus I am truly ready to die rather than be taken down.

And…I will compromise my path to avoid spots that look wrong.

Now…let’s talk turkeys. Since Truman did his little act, how many Presidents have there been who had the total capability of starting a nuclear war? And how many OTHER heads of state have had essentially the same capability?

Tens? Twenties? Thirties?

When you count in all the lower level assholes with their hand on a stray button or two? More like hundreds or even thousands?

And yet…the last time I looked, no nukes.

Not since the horror of 1945.

Just talk.




And yet…to a man (and to a woman as well) they have all said essentially the same thing.

“We’ll use `em if you push us too hard.” Or words to that effect.

That is the only big stick that carries any weight whatsoever in a nuclear age.

Please…look at the electoral record (or the success record, in non-so-called “democratic” countries) of aspiring national leaders who have said that they will NOT use whatever weapons they might have at hand in a firefight.

Y’know what?

There IS no record. Because there have been NO (That’s zero folks. Zilch.) national leaders who have said that. Not leaders of nuclear powers, and not leaders of  non-nuclear powers either. Hell…not even leaders in isolated tribes or neighborhoods.

Yer dreamin’, folks. The left’s GREAT speciality.

Wouldn’t it be nice? “No nukes”…or even better “No army”…from a national leader?

Sure it would. For a minute, anyway.

But is it going to happen?


Not in our lifetime, and judging from the history of all animal life on this planet, not in anyone else’s lifetime either.

So here we are, howling bloody murder at the two front-runners for the Dem nomination, BOTH of whom are competing not only for the doubtful privilege of said nomination but simultaneously for that 1%/2%/3% razor’s edge plurality that has decided most Presidential elections over the past several decades.

So what are we doing, here?

Keeping them honest?


If they were “honest” in terms of what they say they would not be in contention for ANY political office. Y’all know that. It’s how the game has been played from time immemorial.

Lies and counter-lies. The great poker game of politics.

Look BEHIND the rhetoric.

I am.

And once again…as is the case with any savvy horserace bettor…I can only come to one conclusion.

Place your bets on the record.

Did the previous Clinton administration tend as much as it could towards trying to ameliorate the inescapable pains of being human worldwide despite the undeniable resistances that arise against such efforts (domestic resistances AND international ones), or did it not?

Compared to the possible, please. Compared to say the last 60 or so years of U.S. administrations as opposed to the dreams of earthly nirvana-seekers everywhere.

My own answer?

Nice try.

Better than any other in my lifetime, for sure.


One smart guy. Who is flying blind in this race because he has NO IDEA of what Ms. Clinton saw as the real second-in-command during the Clinton I years. So he is making big moves in the hopes of hitting the electoral piñata before Ms. Clinton clinches the nomination. (And you do know that piñata hitting is most definitely a blindfold act, right? Yup. That it is. More misses than hits most times, too.)

So…where are we, really? Here on the blogs.

We can support the (in a practical, winning-an-election sense) essentially unsupportable. Kucinich, Gravel, etc.

We can continue to try to tear down both practical contenders for the Dem nomination. Do you REALLY want another Rat in office?

We can get behind the probable winner(s) and see what we can do to influence their courses.

We can wait for a (most likely doomed from the start, most likely splitting the Dem vote and thus giving the Rats the presidency once again) third party effort of some kind.

Or…and this is quite an honorable choice, one that I have taken in the past although I will not take it this time…we can fucking well sit yet ANOTHER election out. Which, given the danger posed by the Neo-Cons to the possible survival of life on earth, I simply cannot do this time.

So there we are.

Choose well, folks.

Your asses are hanging on thin eggshells this time, and there are fools in contention who actually believe that they can win the BIG big game by using nukes.

Not just posturing.

What BOTH of these Dem candidates are essentially doing is saying to the rest of the world “Listen. We are going to back off of the feed trough as far as we can without collapsing the societal and economic structure of our country and the rest of the world. Including backing off our military as far as we can get away with doing so and remain in power. But DO NOT FUCK WITH US. We still have the biggest stick of all, and we WILL use it if provoked.”

I have said the following on the leftiness blogosphere before. Here it is again. Think on it.

Why do y’all think that 9/11 was confined to what was essentially a symbolic protest…bloody, but symbolic…rather than an attempt to completely fuck up the socio-economic structure of the United States? Why did those planes hit the World Trade Center and the Pentagon rather than a major nuclear plant in a strategically important, heavily populated area of the country?

My own answer?

Because it is and was well understood by our enemies that the 12 or more nuclear subs that are sitting on the bottom of oceans around the world have their orders, and that if something of the sort DOES happen, they will create as many fine glass parking lots as it is possible to create out of the major cities of any and all suspected bastions of active resistance to the United States.

And the Devil take the hindmost.

Bet on it.

Wanna bring them home and disarm them?

Feel free.

But remember…if you do so then you may as well just move as close as possible to the nearest nuke plant so’s it’ll be over quickly if that is your final decision in this matter.

Because that’s what will happen.


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Bet on it.

Or worse.

Whatever you manage to do with your truly misguided kneejerk resistances to Clinton and Obama, this much I will guarantee.

You will NOT get a true pacifist elected to the office of President of the United States.

Not now, and probably not ever.

Want proof?

Take a good sized stick and travel exactly 17 minutes from wherever you live. Walk up to the first person that you see and whack them hard in a non-lethal area with said stick while shouting vile calumnies at them about their parentage and their ongoing ethical and moral lapses. Continue doing so with everyone else that you encounter until you are…violently, I guarantee…stopped.

That’s show business!!!

And that is how we roll.

Us humans.

BET on it.

Have fun…



Or die.