From AlterNet:
Paul Harris’ piece asking, “Is the US Heading for ‘Developing Nations’ Inequality Levels?” drew lots of passionate comments, including this anecdote by ALANHESTER:
Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to have to explain to people from Canada and Europe about the homeless people in the US? I met an immigrant who put the issue succinctly: “In the UK, there is debate on healthcare, public transportation, the war in Iraq, how to integrate Muslims into society, and other quality of life issues. In America, we dabate about abortion, gay marriage and stem cell research. In short, the British debate over issues that are important to the quality of their lives, while Americans rarely debate about ANYTHING that will improve the quality of life for the populace as a whole. Katrina is instructive on this issue. Most of the debate by Americans is centered on who to blame, rather than how to rebuild New Orleans or how to prevent a recurrence. Meanwhile, the refugees from Katrina sit in armed trailer camps on top of toxic dumps…………….
‘Nuf said.
Here’s the link.