What’s with all the frivolity? Criminy 😉 But do you remember those childhood grossout jokes where you were presented with a choice between an option that was truly disgusting, and another that was merely deadly, and asked which one you’d rather do? Well, here’s that joke for adults:
Would you rather see a pre-emptive strike on Iran,
… or the not too distant disappearance of the incredible, shrinking arctic ice cap.
Definitely the ice caps.
the sooner humanity is wiped out the better. Including me.
ice caps, definitely…imagine the delight of having an ocean view in the mountains.
Hey, that’s just what I was thinking! Always wanted a cabin by the water…
“Boulder by the sea”….could happen
Hey, I’m on an island. Water to the left of me, water to the right . . . .
Good thing we live well-inland and almost a hundred feet above sea-level.
Anyway, much of Tasmania is flooding right now from a combination of torrential rains and king-tides.
Oops. That should read nine-hundred feet above sea-level. We love our view.
I feel real bad for the many island nations. Glad to hear you are high ground. I’m on a Bay and San Francisco is right on the water, but I figure since I live on a hill, my chances for beach front property are going up daily.
The thought of going to war with Iran is just too fucking sickening to contemplate. I just keep praying that we can hold it off until we kick the neocons and their war mongering ways out of here. Of course, seeing as Hillary is poised to take the helm…it may be a hell of a long wait.
Yeah, when you’re an Island, continually moving inland eventually has everyone living all together on some very crowded peaks.
Tasmania is a very popular place for beach-front living. A lot of mainland Australians retire here for the milder weather, and (until recently anyway) the cheaper land prices (when compared to the big metropolitan areas). This has led to a housing boom in low-lying beach front areas. The Counsels are now having to consider their liability for approving dwellings on land that may be flooded by storm surges in a decade or so from now. Plenty of people who bought their “dream lot” are now finding out that they can’t build on it. Developers, of course, continue to try and ride the demand by pushing for more water-side development. And, since Tasmania is basically run like a Banana Republic by a few large industries (the building industry being one of them), the State government hardly ever says no (even when the land planning people issue warnings or when we all protest in the streets – and we do, often).
If (or because) you voted for Bushco, the joke is really on you because you get what’s behind door #1 AND door #2! You have the rest of the western world hating you forever because you started a war with the greater portion of the Muslim world that you cannot stop or win, AND your head in the sand energy non policy does nothing to slow the loss of the polar caps. Betcha you don’t want to know what’s behind door number 3.
Betcha you don’t want to know what’s behind door number 3.
Please lets not buy into the notion that any time we or Israel attack another country, it is automatically a “pre-emptive” attack. Its not. There’s nothing pre-emptive about attacking an NPT-compliant, IAEA monitored, safeguarded, not-yet constructed nuclear energy program.