Rove steps down.

And the leftiness blogoshpere goes ballistic with joy.

Yet again.

I can hear it coming.

“WE WON!!! WE WON!!!”

Well…read on.

This is simply more business as usual, that’s all.

Business continues as it must while the company changes management.

“MEN AT WORK” signs go up.

But not a whole lot really gets done.


And read on.
This is just another installment in the old “New Reality” show.

Like W.C. Fields’ lime to a phone operator in The Bank Dick? ” I am at the New Old Lompoc House.. Yeah, the New Old. . .”


BUT…their touch has been deserting them since at least Katrina/New Orleans, these world-class advertising lames.

These hamsters of doom.

What they really did when they ran their tired old “new reaiity” acts was to shovel a layer of dirt the over the already rotting, failed “new realities” that they had previously created. Bury enough bodies and the stench leaches up out of the ground no matter HOW deeply you try to bury them.

It is all going to fall apart. As a matter of fact…it has done so already when you get right down to it. However, since they are entirely a one trick dog and pony show they will continue to flog their tired old act until (Finally!!!) an outraged audience rings down the curtain on them.

Brings down their house of shards.

While simultaneously ponying up for the construction of a new, improved version of the same bullshit structure.

They will not pay for their crimes, though. These Neo-Criminals. Not in this world they won’t. Not officially, under the force of law, although living in their guilt-ridden psyches must be the worst punishment of all.

Nearly unbearable.

Why no punishment under the law.? Because it would be bad for business.

It is very bad for business for any powerful entity to own up to having been stupider than shit.

Corporations, nations, religions…all the same.

Same same, up and down the line.

The rule is, never confess to your mistakes because other powerful entities…ones that live by the same rules and are also prone to big fuck-ups… will cease to invest in your product and you will collapse.

This is Advertising 101. Always claim that you are the best, even if all you can do really do is make highly flammable Ford Pintos.

I got yer Job One, right here!!!.

Never say that you are sorry.

A concatenation of fools.

Running the world.

Just as it has always been.

And just as it will be when their replacements take over.

Reid, Pelosi, Schumer and company?


Nothing more.

Bet on it.

The other side of the same counterfeit coin of the realm.


If there is some vision at the top, however, small gains will be made.

Also just as it has always been.

A quantum leap?

Not this time.

Almost never, to be precise.

Just the usual three steps back, four steps forward.

So it goes.

Just as it has always gone.

Gradual evolution.

Jonathan Winters had a little skit that he used to do.

An American Indian shaman is teaching his disciple how to run a rattlesnake ceremony. Much shaking of seeded gourds and chanting, etc. However, the young student messes up, gets bitten by the snake, and dies.

Winters’ punch line?

“We learn by doing.”

Delivered in a quasi-W. C. Fields hustler’s/ad exec’s/politician’s  voice.


Betcha Rove has a REAL nice house.


Later…gotta go take care of some real work.