Supposedly, while they are on their summer recess, politicians are not just vacationing, but are mixing it up with their constituents. This is when we get the chance to confront them face-to-face (if we frequent the same vacation areas) and let them know what we think of their performance since the 2006 election.

Now, if they are not out trying to become President, perhaps they might actually pay attention to how we feel about their effectiveness, say, in ending the Iraq war. Or improving the economy for those of us clinging with our worn nails to what’s left of the middle class. Or in monitoring the wastefulness of an Administration that pays millions for a couple of screws.

I look forward to the Greenbelt Labor Day Parade. There, at one session, I have a 99% likelihood of encountering Steny Hoyer, who is my Representative, and Barbara Mikulski and Ben Cardin, who are my Senators, as they shake hands in the crowd and present their backs to be patted. I’m not sure that back pats are in order this time.

As they focus on hustling us, we have to focus on hustling them more. Many of my fellow citizens are planning on joining the September 11th work stoppage as a means of making a statement to our Government representatives. I somehow think confronting them directly has more appeal. At least you can see their facial expressions (well-trained as they may be) when you express your displeasure.

Under the LobsterScope