Sen. Larry Craig announced he would resign his seat in the Senate after pleading guilty in what he now calls a police sting when he was arrested for soliciting sex in a public bathroom at an airport.  He is resigning under pressure to keep from embarrassing his party, other elected officials or candidates as we head into the elections cycle.  I have to ask why Shannon Bailey president of the Texas Stonewall Democratic Caucus has not done the same.
Shannon was arrested after being seen by two vice cops for giving a blow job in a public park.  He is in no position(excuse the pun) to be a spokesperson for the GLBT Democratic Community and has basically abdicated his position as he hides out and awaits his day in court.  I agree with many others that the laws covering public lewdness are not enforced equally for the GLBT and Straight world but if you think with the head in your pants instead of the head on your shoulders, I do not have a lot of sympathy.  A person in a position of public authority has to live by a higher standard and must think of the image they project and how it affects not only themselves but the Community at large.

The board of the Texas Stonewall Caucus has asked for Shannon’s resignation but as of today no answer has been received.  This is typical of how he has handled this deplorable situation from the beginning.  Shannon has refused to communicate with the board as a whole except to try and pull a Tom Craddick maneuver to stop a legally called meeting to discuss the situation.

It seems pathetic that a Republican realizes 90% of politics is perception and Shannon still thinks it is all about him.


    Senator to Quit Over Sex Sting, Officials Say

    WASHINGTON, Aug. 31 – Senator Larry E. Craig, Republican of Idaho, under intense pressure from party leaders to step down  in the aftermath of an undercover sex sting, plans to resign his seat on Saturday,  Republican Party officials said Friday.

    Through intermediaries and unusually harsh public statements and actions, party officials made it clear they wanted Mr. Craig to quit before Congress returned from its summer recess next week, hoping quickly to conclude an embarrassing episode that threatened to complicate an already  difficult election cycle for Senate Republicans.

    Republican Party officials said Friday evening that they had been notified of Mr. Craig’s intention to give up his seat as of Sept. 30 and that Gov. C. L. Otter, a Republican, would name a replacement.