I’m glad that Andrew Glass likes David Broder. It’s great that Mr. Glass is so diplomatic that his wife calls him Mr.Switzerland. But he should get his terms right. It’s called Higher Broderism…not High Brodership. Please. Here is the definition:
What is Higher Broderism and why does it hate left-wing bloggers? Higher Broderism is a school of thought, best exemplified by Washington Post reporter David Broder, that Washington DC elites should provide the common wisdom to the ragged masses beyond the beltway. Moreover, Higher Broderism believes that the only acceptable politics is centrist. It’s not so much where the center is at any given time, it’s the centrism itself. Therefore, politicians that occassionally buck their own party, like Joe Lieberman and John McCain, reside on the Mt. Olympus of Higher Broderism. In this view, it is more virtuous of Lieberman to buck the winds of his party and support the President on Iraq than it is odious for him to be wrong on the issue.
No, Mr. Glass, David Broder does not break his own mold by endorsing an Unity ’08 dream ticket of Michael Bloomberg and Chuck Hagel. They are exactly the kind of back-talking disloyal, party switching losers that all decent Americans hate…but Broderists love.
And then there is Atrios’s definition…he drops the ‘er’ in Higher.
Basically the same definition.
the two of them are a joke. God knows that I don’t attack age, given my own.However, some age better than others. These two belong on a bench, watching a shuffleboard game knowing that their addresses were pinned on their lapels!
Wapo continues to slip dow the slippery slope towards total mediocracy!!
I particularly like the part where Glass states that he, Boder and the DC Gridiron Club are the “Skull and Bones” of news. Nothing like admitting that you are a bunch of dipshit, inbred, drunk, poser hacks.
I the title Glass give his commentary.
Isn’t that what pretty much what was done during the first six years of the Bush administration?
So how did that work out for them?
If anyone can find something in this statement which even barely resembles reality, please do us a favor and point it out.