Freddie T climbs up on his soapbox to tell us that dissent is a bad thing in a democracy. It may be your constitutional right, but its really, really superbad for the country:

Fred Thompson repeatedly warned against the perils of a “weak and divided” nation, raised the specter of unspecified terrorists with suitcase bombs, and expressed a willingness to employ nuclear weapons against Iran.

“If you’re politically committed against this war and to do something to further harm the president, the way the Democrats seem to be in Congress, then anything [in the Petraeus Report] that’s a mixed message is going to be seized upon in a negative way,” Thompson told Fox News on Thursday.

“If we look weak and divided in this country, we’re going to pay a heavy price for it in the future,” he went on. “We’re living in the era of the suitcase bomb. And they’re not going to go away. They’re here now, they’re armed and dangerous, and they’re trying to get weapons of mass destruction.”

When asked about Iran, Thompson replied, “They’re killing our people as we speak. … We cannot allow this to go on forever. … Within the next few years, most experts think, well on their way to making a nuclear weapon. … I don’t know how much stark the situation could be. They perceive us as being weak, they perceive us as being divided, and they think they could get away with anything.”

The era of the suitcase bomb? Exercising your First Amendment rights makes America weak? Iran is the greatest threat to America since … fluoridated water?

Why does Freddie T hate the Constitution?