I’m getting tired of the Democratic excuse-machine complaining about not having the votes to overcome the war criminal Bush’s veto of any bill regarding getting our troops out of the Bush created quagmire in Iraq. And they are afraid that the mean old Republicans will say that they don’t support the troops if they vote to quit paying for the war criminal Bush’s murderous lunacy.
So here Democrats; some schmoe writing in a frog pond will give you the strategy to defeat the war criminal Bush and his enablers the Republican Party.
- Pass a bill to continue funding to support the troops in ways the current Administration has never done, namely adequate equipment, ending stop loss, ending multiple deployments and ridiculously short periods of time at home, and fixing the overwhelmed health care system.
- Tie funding of the war criminal Bush’s war to reversing all Bush tax cuts for his uber-wealthy supporters.
The Democratic message should be…We will not abandon the troops who are asked to make the sacrifices the ruling class will not itself make (W.C. Bush, Cheney never serving for example). But we will also not fund the war in Iraq into an idefinite future further expanding W.C. Bush’s deficit. Therefore, we will tax the wealthiest Americans who have been enriched by the W.C. Bush’s unfair tax policies. We will fund the war with a fair tax policy.
Why doesn’t this make sense?
Oh yeah, I almost forgot:
3. We will impeach the war criminal Bush for his treason and high crimes of torture, concentration camps, destroying the judicial branch, theft of civil liberties, signing statements refusing to faithfully execute the laws of the country, …..add your own to this list.
Good ideas. I saw another one a couple of years ago. The Victory Against Terror Tax, or something similar to that. Since the top income class is making so much extra money on the war on terror, they should do their part in the effort. Slap an extra tax on the top 1% bracket (on unearned income). The tax ends when the war ends.
Now, how do we get the corporationists to do this?
Surprising information from of all people Fox. This TV miniseries shows how even the president is easily and skillfully manipulated by a shadowy figure who bears a resemblance to Darth Vader’s boss. Their minions, led by Mr. Kim rack up impressive body counts for the sole purpose of protecting the secrets of “the company”, the company apparently is in charge of the world.
Yes, there must be a shadow government who is really in charge and calling the shots in the background. It makes far more logical sense than the pre-pubescent “debate” over the issues presented by both political “parties”.
Oh, and fund the war with fair tax policy? WTF? Hey, we can’t even get safe dog food, toothpaste or lead free children’s toys.
Party is over, we just don’t know it yet.