Watch. To the end. You need the lesson, those of you who consider yourselves Democrats. Why have YOU been silent on these questions since Small K took his 2004 dive?
And as usual…Small K does nothing.
Just as he did in 2004.
Just as the Dems are doing in Congress today.
DemRats in good standing, each and every one that is not pushing for Bush’s impeachment.
Read on.
You think the overall results in 2008 are going to be any different?
It’s not looking that way, DemRat OR Ratpub.
This kid has more courage than do all of the copout motherfuckers in Washington, DC.
As the K. drones on.
Spread this video.
It should go viral!!!
With the power of instant peer to peer communication (Check this out if you have not already done so.), this video could be…should be…our Kent State.
As communication gets broader, more personal and less effectively censorable it takes less physical damage to create actionable outrage over the actions of police state forces. The networked image blows up the action large enough so that it serves its purpose without millions being killed first.
That’s the theory, anyway.
What do you think would have happened had images of what was going on inside the Nazi concentration camps been spread throughout the world AS THEY HAPPENED?
Why do you think that the atrocities in Vietnam…relatively minor in comparison with say the pogroms in 19th century Russia or Ghengis Khan’s act…aroused the kind of anger in America that they did?
Bet on it.
So the regressive forces that are and always will be with us in one form or another…no dummies they, on one level at least…proceeded to take decisive control of the media. In which effort they were…on the evidence…very successful.
BUT, Martin Luther King’s dictum held true.
The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.
Justice THIS time taking the form of the internet.
Over which these forces did NOT establish control because besides being smart hustlers they are also greedy, lazy, stupid motherfuckers and by the time that they realized its real power the net had become too much a part of their financial hustle to allow them to mess with it.
So the truth leaks out in ever greater doses.
Peer to peer.
Send this video to YOUR peers.
Especially to the ones who need some waking the fuck up.
I am.
But no matter WHAT you do…
Spread this vid.
Viral vids.
HOORAY for UsTube!!!
As of 11:35 AM EDT:
Betcha that closet case right wing motherfucker Drudge thinks that he is hurting the left wing’s cause.
AHHHHHH ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha …!!!
And kerry just kept speechifying, while so others many just sat there and looked on.
Fucked up.
Yes it is.
The onlookers?
Most of them were frightened to death.
Tasers can KILL ya.
And who knows what’s going to happen to this passionate, brave kid afterwards? Is his life to be fucked up forever? To what form of Abu Ghraib will HE be sent?
Small K?
A coward, a fake, a career gigolo and quite likely a witting double agent.
If not a double agent…then a triple fool.
Either way?
A mainstream DemRat.
I understand the onlookers were shocked and frightened, but Kerry just kept droning on, and did I hear him apologizing for the disruption and then joking about having someone come swear him in as president on the spot? What an asshole.
Even worse. Some of the other kids were laughing while watching the Cops taser this kid…
It’s that thing that happens when a bunch of people witness something violent and/or confusing like that situation. You might think what’s happening is wrong, but you look around you and no one else is reacting with horror, so you just sit there. I hate to think the kids knew what was happening and laughed, but it sure looks like they did. Maybe the majority of young people have no concept of what free speech means and implications that something like this has.
at the inappropriate comments and confusion about the event of many of the comments here. People here have probably never been in a WEIRD situation, so they don’t know what they would do.
It takes a LOT of training to get people to react quickly to new, unforseen situations. This situation was definitely that.
You may think that some of the comments are inappropriate but that doesn’t make them so and perhaps the confusion is in YOUR interpretation of the event as you saw it on video.
It is not a crime to be rude. It is not a crime to ask questions. It IS a crime, IMO NOT to question why the cops rushed in to silence this young journalism student.
Kerry, the incurious, just stood there.
Incredible you got over 6 cops tasering a student and Kerry just stood there. What about standing up for the guy’s right to ask questions?
What has become of America? It’s a police state.
Kerry should have pulled out his .38 special, and shot them pigs dead on the spot. Then he could lead the rampaging students to Washington and run a coup.
Yeah, that’s the ticket.
yeah, that’s exactly what the commenter was saying. If you’re going to have a discussion, at least be sincere.
Hey datagut, you have been very passionate about this, and have been going at it all day long. Does that mean that you should be tased? If not, what is the difference with the guy in Fl?
Sorry, that should have been dataguy
If indeed he ever HAD it.
It’s not there now, for sure.
To allow a 21-year-old kid to be tasered in his presence?
He’s a U.S. senator. Why couldn’t he just say, let him alone and let him speak?
Kerry only confirms once again what I thought about him.
Wimp. Weasel. Rich white boy. No balls. No decency. No convictions. Riding on the coattails of what occurred over 30 years ago, and even then, he really refused to get in too deep and even confront the more radical elements of the VVAW. Refusing to take up the cause of black voters because it might reflect back on him, even though it would mean he would have won the election.
I blame both Gore and Kerry for being total chickenshits, and standing on the side of morality and black people, and their own ascendancy. Why? Because these cravens still want to win back white (male) voters to the Democratic Party and eventually jettison blacks to the Stone Age, just like the Repubs.
I s’pose he didn’t.
I just don’t know.
War will fuck with some people…
Yup, this Seig Heil society justs keeps marching on.
Anyone know his name?
Is there a defense fund?
I am tempted to go the fuck down there myself. He is going to need some HELP!!!
Please…post any followups that y’all might find.
This could grow rapidly.
This is a disgrace.
Off topic, but I’m glad that Kerry has read Armed Madhouse. I wish he had been allowed to answer the question.
He has had FOUR YEARS of “allowances”!!!
I have not yet heard substantive answer ONE from him.
Jesus, Booman.wants to answer. (Provided of course he is not afraid for his life or his freedom.)
And one rich motherfucker as well. (If that is not just repeating myself re the “Senator” part.)
Get real.
He ain’t answering SHIT.
He’s takin’ the Fifth.
And getting away with it, too.
Wake the fuck up.
But Kerry did answer the question. By droning on and on and doing nothing to step the police’s suppression of the student, he showed that the reason he conceded to BushCo’s theft of the 2004 election so quickly was that he is a wimp. He is unable or unwilling to stand up to power.
Kerry responds:
What bullshit.
Time the sequence yourself, B.
The cops show up close behind the kid about one minute into the video. Forty five seconds later the first cop grabs him. And then there are over two minutes of cop violence.
Just sit and watch your clock for two minutes, Booman. Go ahead. That’s a long stretch of time in the middle of a mugging. Could our great Dem war hero have not stepped off of his bully’s pulpit and literally stopped the cops in their tracks? Do you think that they might have tasered HIM!!
But he didn’t.
JUST like his act in the Senate and just like his act as so-called Presidential candidate…all he did was talk. And then shut up when push came to taser.
All talk, no walk whatsoever.
And a PERFECT picture of what is going down in Congress regarding our criminal President.
As above, so below.
And absolutely unforgivable.
Stop making excuses for them, Booman, and step away from the party with your brains in the air.
You are better than that.
I hope.
Eyewitness Account of the Student Tazering
The basic line is that the police were right to take down the student because he cut into line, and right to tazer him because he was making a fuss.
People seem to take it for granted now that our society is militarized, that a bunch of cops need to be present just because a US senator is giving a speech in a lecture hall.
If someone wanted to assassinate a senator, they could. So the cops are there not to protect the speaker, but to keep the public in line.
I am not seeking anything here except effective propagation of a VERY important story. And I do not particularly care if it hurts “The Dems” or not.
SOMEBODY post SOMETHING about it on the front page if not this thread itself.
It is about time that the real deal became more publicly evident than it is now.
This is Rodney King stuff.
It is exploding on the media as we speak.
On a Tuesday afternoon.
Get ON it, folks.
Can a whole Congress be impeached?
If sufficient media heat is drawn upon it? Yes.
This is roughly akin to the “ANOTHER PRETTY WHITE GIRL IS MISSING!!!” thing.
The media can resist.
Reverend Yearwood in hospital after arrest in the hall outside of the Petraeus hearings.
After all…that’s just another black minister and military vet being arrested and injured for being black while asking for his rights.
Lucky for him he wasn’t MLK Jr., right?
This is a WHITE KID!!!
That they CANNOT resist.
His Mommy and Daddy are important consumers!!!
UH OH!!!
Let us pray.
From “Kerry stupider than Bush? It’s a toss up.” at
More Pinter than Python
What struck me most about this incident is that about half the posters at dKos think the police behaved entirely appropriately.
is that about half the posters at dKos think the police behaved entirely appropriately.”
Why on earth would THAT surprise you?
I personally am only surprised that the percentages are not even MORE skewed towards the right.
As the right wing that elected Reagan, Nixon and the Bushes puffs off into the sunset, the dKos people will be filling the vacuum that the disappearance of the old right leaves behind.
Bet on it.
Nature abhors a vacuum.
Even when it is picking up the stale leaving of the past off of the rug of the present.
about persons who are psychiatrically disturbed. The police there clearly did, because this person was not in a normal state. He was highly agitated, and acting very oddly.
Sometimes persons acting like this are armed, you know.
are armed, you know.”
And most often they are cops or other uniformed arms of the state.
Bet on it.
every public political gathering features at least one soap box person that will not shut the fuck up. Kerry’s dealt with it almost every single time he has taken questions from the public. He knows how to handle it, and he attempted to handle it.
The cops flipped out on this kid and fucked him up for no good reason.
It certainly was not Kerry’s fault.
However, the kid was weirder than any one I have seen at a public forum.
We also do not know if this kid had a history with the cops.
I have seen very many people in the past 6 years who are as agitated and as determined to be heard as this young man was. Stop trying to paint him as a mental case. I would hate to live in a world where everyone behaved up to your standards of behavior. Good little sheep.
He stated:
Sorry. If you are in public, and you say, “The cops are trying to kill me.” You are either in a psychiatric state of some form of schizophrenic episode, or you are on drugs.
This is WAY outside of normal, so I’m sticking with my little diagnosis. I am not a psychiatrist, but I work with them everyday. I know what this little episode would be rated on the SAPS, and it would be way high on 5 or 6 items.
Or, of course…if you are black or belong to some other easily identifiable minority.
After saying what he said,…he JOINED a taserable minority.
And got the the horns of the bull with which he fucked.
So…you work with psychiatrists, eh?
Too bad.
A truly nasty bunch, mostly.
Damgerous, too.
“SAPS test?”
They have no sense of humor at all, do they?
Ya sap.
Whatever, dude.
SAPS: Schedule for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms; Andreasson, et al 1991 or so.
Positive symptoms are the symptoms which mark “typical” schizophrenics – seeing things, hearing things, acting agitated, believing that you are powerful or invulnerable, believing that radio waves control your brain, etc.
OBVIOUSLY where this kid was coming from.
Essentially asking Small K how he dared to show his face in public after taking that same-day-as-the-election dive in ’04.
GET the fuck outta here!!!
look, he basically asked two good questions.
I get comments on this blog about those two issues constantly. I don’t taser people for asking them. I ask them myself.
Then he brought up Skull and Bones and the hammer came down. Skull and Bones is a glorified eating club for pervy elitists. I grew up in Princeton, I know a bit about these things. The Bonesmen are well connected. You know what? So are the members of Princeton’s Ivy Club. No one talks about that though.
He probably leans toward the conspiracy minded but they kicked his ass before he could make his point, so I don’t know where he was going with that.
But that’s not crazy. It’s common. And if that dude is the craziest guy you’ve seen at a political forum then you just aren’t getting out. Half the people at Yearly Kos were more demented than that dude.
Just considering ATTENDING that flog-fest is a sign of chemical imbalance as far as I am concerned.
In a public forum, you have to obey the rules. No cutting in line, no screaming at the speaker, no profanity, no crazy behavior.
This guy violated rules 2 and 4.
But I do believe, and have contended, that the WAY he was asking them was totally out of line. His comment, “He had 2 hours. I can take 2 minutes.” indicate that his is someone who was just on a different planet, and was totally inappropriate in his manner.
He also said “The cops are trying to kill me.” He was out of control.
It is unreasonable to say ‘the cops are trying to kill me’ when they are jacking 18 amperes of electricity into your balls?
Boo, you’re mistaken. TASERS operate in the high voltage/LOW amperage arena. “Once the electrodes hit their target, the Taser sends a pulse with about 50,000 volts and a few milliamps.” (
“It takes less than 1/4 amp to put a person’s heart into irregular heartbeat.” ( )
I am not an electrician, but I think that an 18 amp burst at 50,000 volts would probably drop you permanently.
it causes lasting mental and physical damage.
This is not “soft” torture–it is the real thing.
And a taser applied to the back can shatter vertabrae. You don’t recover from that.
Google search: taser + death
Ivy Club alumni:
This kind of anti-intellectualism is far more typical of our friends on the right.
{Psychiatrists by and large are NOT “intellectuals”. They are fakers, easily used by ANY controlling mechanism to exert that mechanism’s priorities.
Hitler used ’em, and so did Stalin.
So did the Reagan “small government” people when they emptied the mental institutions.
They prescribe shock treatments, lobotomies, talk therapy, drug therapy…whatever is easiest to use at any given time as a tool for themsleves to get over. To get rich.
They go along to GET along.
Why shore, pdna.
Certain races jest ain’t GOT it. YOU know. The mental capacities.
Mebbe we oughta…oughta just…eliminate the poor fellas.
Look up the word “eugenics”, bro’.
They were there.
Stupid motherfucklers do not even really recognize the differences and connections between mental, physical and emotional illnesses.
And I will BET yoiu that some police shrink is right this moment writing upo a derogatory psychological profile of that dangerous Andrew Meyer boy.
Who among other things on his website describes himself thusly.
This kid is DANGEROUS!!!
Probably INSANE!!!
Give me a break.
All you scientology wacks are the same.
Anti-intellectualism is a devious problem. Creeps up on you. Turns you into a mental turnip.
Mental illnesses are real. They cause lifelong problems. They are terribly difficult to deal with. If you don’t agree, fine, but, as someone with a sister who has been schizophrenic and not accepting of that fact since 1980, you should be more careful in your castigation of a profession.
Racists see racism everywhere in my opinion. The most pervasive racists in society today are the 15-year-old black kids. THey cry racism over everything. You should hear my kids talk about bus rides.
That’s it.
I am through with you.
Talk about blaming the VICTIM!!!
man, you’ve really wallowed in it in this thread, but that remark about 15 year old blacks takes the prize.
if l understand your rationalizations correctly, the people that were shot down in cold blood at Kent State, the marchers who were assaulted in Selma…ad infinitum…deserved it.
you sir/madame are the one who is misinformed and delusional.
step away from the keyboard and take a break. you need it.
Kent State was about Vietnam.
Selma was about racism. It was also 40 years ago. Times are different. Things have changed. No lynchings today. Much less racism, but MUCH MORE racists whining about racism. That’s the liberal position BTW: We judge them not by their skin color, but by the contents of their character.
you’re hopeless. l have no time for fools, nor do l suffer them gladly
There are folks who are conflating castigating this kid with defending John Kerry — they are all over the blogosphere like a plague of locusts.
My guess is that some of them are paid spin doctors — present company excluded of course I know nothing whatsoever about dataguy — and some of them are just die-hard Kerry lovers who want to clean off some of the mud that splattered on Kerry since this incident made him look ineffectual.
It really makes me sick that people have to try to rationalize police brutality… and it was even more seriously brutal if this kid was actually mentally ill, which I don’t think he was, but does that somehow make it okay?
If it wasn’t John Kerry up there and some people didn’t find their loyalty at stake for whatever reason, they would not be all over the internet defending police brutality today.
the views you have expressed are those of one sick puppy.
You can only say he is deranged if you have never ever seen a passionate argument–or never been in a bar in your whole life.
But if he had been deranged, would that have justified applying the electric prod? –That would certainly be the Nazi approach to mental health! The view that torture is compatible with therapy is just sick.
He was outnumbered at least three to one, and was clearly willing to leave after raising his questions, so “restoring order”–if that had been the goal–could have been done in the peaceable manner of our long gone democratic past.
“Sorry. If you are in public, and you say, “The cops are trying to kill me.” You are either in a psychiatric state of some form of schizophrenic episode, or you are on drugs.”
Dataguy, it would seem you have little experience with social activism. As an old women who cut my teeth on the Civil Rights Movement, the Antiwar Movement and the Women’s Movement, I frequently had no doubt that THE POLICE WANTED TO KILL ME. What made me think that, you ask? They told me so. They screamed it at me. Ask the activists here about police threatening marchers with beatings, arrests, gang rape, and yes, death. And they weren’t just threats.
Most people don’t understand the hard lessons on winning real victories against the wealthy elite in this country. would they would read the history of the labor movement in this country, and others.
Not too sure what Kerry was supposed to do, wade into the fray and punch out the cops? That kid looked pretty wound up, I don’t really know what he expected when he ran towards the stage yelling and then stuggled with the cops when they grabbed him. They certainly didn’t need to taser him though.
He didn’t run towards the stage yelling, he simply tried to step away from the grab of the cops afyer asking his Skull and Bones question.
Was he high? He was clearly in some agitated state. The method of asking questions was very odd, and he was not in a fit state to be asking questions.
I do not support the tasering.
I do think, AG, that you are being VERY UNFAIR to Mr. Kerry, who is the unfortunate subject of the crazed and demented student. Public persons must often listed to wackos, but that does not mean that they are at fault. kerry did not do the tasering.
That was my impression watching the video as well, that kid looked extremely agitated.
that the cops probably decided he was a public menace.
I have NEVER in my life seen A SINGLE person at a hearing acting as abnormally as this kid.
Sometimes the cops must make a decision based on your behavior. You don’t want to be grabbed by cops and hustled out? Don’t act like an asshole.
And, no, he does not have the right to act like a total asshole in a public forum.
Sounds like you have led a very sheltered life then and maybe have only seem public forums in your church basement.
Question is: was he a danger to Kerry? The answer is no. The cops were wrong, and denying someone their freedom of speech. (Even tweety is apalled)
WE have been the “unfortunate subjects” of Mr. Small K and his gang of DemRat and Ratpub cohorts.
This is and has been a fixed game, tech head. And unlike the video gamnes on whicj i am guessing you probably learned all YOU know about call and resonse, when THIS fix is in people die.
You can’t just turn it off when you are losing and go get another Pepsi Lite.
I did look at the video, fer crissake. And I don’t agree with your interpretation of what happened. It’s not like he was calmly and rationally asking a question, he was screaming, made a move down the aisle towards the stage and struggled with the cops when they grabbed him. What did he expect?
and SHOULD have, spoken loudly into the microphone for them to unhand the kid and let him have his say. He would have scored points for defending free speech as well as deescalating the situation.
By the sounds of it, Kerry already did that. From other accounts on the net, the cops tried to boot him before he had even asked a question and Kerry asked that he be allowed to ask his question.
He didn’t try hard enough. He made some lame half-hearted attempts and then he tried to distract the crowd.
what the questions were going to be…
Betcha he would have taken another direction.
But he did NOTHING.
Which is on the evidence of 2004 perfectly in character.
So it goes.
Again, what was Kerry supposed to do? He already intervened once to allow this young man to ask a question. He has no authority over the police and they don’t have to listen to him if they don’t want to. When that young man went off track with his questions, the police stepped in to escort him out. Did they use too much force? Yeah, and they definately shouldn’t have tasered him. But your criticisms of Kerry’s inaction don’t hold up as far as I’m concerned. But you obviously have an axe to grind with Kerry, so debate on this issue is futile.
Kerry did all he could. As a speaker, he could do little. He encouraged the student, and gave him MUCH more of an opportunity to talk than was warranted.
He certainly could NOT under ANY CIRCUMSTANCES call off the cops. Can you imagine the headlines? “Kerry interferes with police during riot” or something? There is no way that he could have called off the cops.
The kid was way out of control, and many who criticize the cops have never seen anyone agitated like this, in public, asking really stupid questions in a rude and inappropriate manner.
He was high or in psychological distress. He was acting very oddly. His questions were highly inappropriate, and rude and his behavior was wrong.
Public persons like Mr. Kerry answer questions. That does NOT mean that the questions can be any moronic drivel from nutbar cases like this kid.
I don’t agree with the tasering. However, when the cop puts his hand on you and you resist, WHOOPS!! You just went from NORMAL CITIZEN to PROBLEM CHILD, and you will be corrected.
When the cops put their hands on you for asking what some perceive to be a rude question you should have the right to ask them to leave you alone. Do we want to live in a society where we are labeled a “problem child” for asking questions…and then grabbed and tasered?
seen anyone acting like this kid? In a public forum? I never have. This kid was acting so oddly that I am sure the cops considered him to be a danger to others.
Don’t get high and go to hearings and ask stupid questions.
A danger to others? Are you kidding? He had a book in his hand and questions that he wanted answered. A fucking danger?!
You haven’t seen many dissenters, have you? Come spend some time in New Orleans. This kid was acting normal, whatever that means, compared to the desperate people here. The crazy on drugs motif is what they use to discredit us. Let’s not use it on each other.
AIN’T no “each other” with THIS fool.
He’s one of THEM.
Bet on it.
Your comments are incorrect, and inappropriate too.
We disagree.
Ahhh…never mind.
You guys are everywhere anyway. May as well be here.
Good thing for us you never walked into a bar where my friends and I were having a little poltical discussion while you were holding a taser.
Talk about “demonstrative”!!!
Why…we raise our VOICES, even.
Go away.
I can note your rude, inappropriate, and highly inflamatory comments, and still respond in a civil manner.
At last.
A CIVIL fascist!!!
Yes!!! the South Koeran National Assembly, Japan’s Congress and Peru’s Congress. All psychos…
Work for a newspaper.
I see them like this every week. Every single week.
I’ve seen people accuse the chief of police and the mayor of being complicit in serial rape and serial murder.
I’ve seen people accuse the President of the US of planning and carrying out genocide, and very specifically of the deliberate killings of family members – by name.
In fifteen years I have never yet seen a situation which required even one uniformed officer to handle it, let alone six using weapons.
The man’s seen his country stolen, he has the evidence in hand, and he has the opportunity to confront the man who let it happen. He’s a bit upset… but there was absolutely nothing in his demeanor or his conduct to suggest that he was a danger to anyone except the party’s sense of decorum and ability to avoid discussions they didn’t want to have on the record.
And before you ask, yes, every single member of my family including myself has been through some variety of psychiatric or psychological therapy. (I’m one of the saner ones… which is kind of scary.) I grew up knowing what violent schizophrenia is starting from about three years old. This wasn’t it, or anything close to it. I’ll let stand your argument that you’ve seen it, but I personally do not believe you.
I got yer “problem child”…
Right here!!!
Whadda buncha maroons!!!
Dude, shut up. The kid was nervous, but was presenting a few honest questions, based on a reputable book he’d just read. It’s called learning.
I’m not sure if you went went to school or where, but where I went that sort of behavior was encouraged as it eventually lessens the likelyhood of fiding yourself repeatedly arguing on behalf of fascism and subjugation of the citizen to the state.
You must have been spanked a lot or had a run in with the scout master.
Paraphrasing “show me a polite activist and I’ll show you an issue that isn’t going anywhere”
His web site is Note the “the” – really inflated sense of self and exaggerated ego fer shure. His email is WHOA
Here’s a review of a charity event that he wrote. It is nasty and brutish, but not short:
This guy is a little powder keg and he went off.
hmm. well I’m convinced. I gonna head to Fla and taze his nuts until he learns that he’s crazy.
You’re joking, right?
Hmmm…do you think maybe AndrewMeyerdotcom was already taken so he added “the”? Clearly he is a sick, sick puppy.
I hope everyone will take your advice and not let their kids grow up to be passionate, questioning young adults who are sometimes overly idealistic and have a wacky sense of humor.
Or better yet, let’s have all the kids implanted with little micro chips that we can program so they will all behave according to your standards. Maybe it will also serve as a receptor so we can taze them remotely from our lazyboys.
What’s so crazy about what he wrote?
I don’t see anything crazy about it. Sounds perfectly rational to me. It’s abuse to coerce people into dancing for 30 hours straight for a charitable cause. I’m a fundraiser by profession and find that kind of an fundraising event appalling. To me the outrage expressed is totally appropropriate.
He’s right.
But he’s also, apparently, anti-fraternity/sorority, and we all know those GDI types are all just time bombs waiting to go off and start thinking for themselves.
Which, of course, is a criminal offense.
whatever you were trying to achieve here, unless it was to waste a lot of other people’s time, you failed.
If your objective was merely that — and it may have been — you succeeded. If so, congratulations.
Over and out.
p.s. For somebody who decries anti-intellectualism, you display an appalling tendency to repeat the same claims over and over, disregarding — emphatically, disregarding, not responding to — any and every challenge.
For example, no matter how many people write that they have seen people behave just as agitatedly as Mr. Meyer in political forums, you keep on asserting that his behavior is unprecedented, pathological.
You just keep on asserting it.
Never acknowledging that those people writing might have seen this sort of thing, although you didn’t … never acknowledging their observations at all. Just, over and over, “This is way out of the bounds.”
Perhaps you gained your well-displayed listening skills from the psychiatrists you “work with”.
If you did, their credibility is undermined.
If you didn’t, yours is.
Actually, either way, your credibility is undermined.
Think it through. It won’t be hard if you’re an intellectual.
Associated Press:
“Can’t we all just get along?” V.2
Virally lovely.
Can’t wait.
about this incident unless there are some real new developments in the story.
I spent a whole day dealing with people who saw nothing much wrong with what happened, and to tell you the truth there were moments when I wondered why I cared so much. After all, this young man is apparently none the worse for wear one day after the incident, and lucky that this is the case. People are dying by the thousands in the Third World as a direct result of Imperial America’s defense of its own interests, and here I am writing about some gawky middle class kid who fronted a bunch of low level college rent-a-cops and got his ass mildly tasered?
However, after a night’s sleep and a little digging, an article titled “Why Did Senator John Kerry Stand Idly By?” that was written by Paul Craig Roberts on Counterpunch thoroughly focused my anger once again. (By the way, Mr. Roberts was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury in the Reagan administration, Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal editorial page and a Contributing Editor of National Review. He is NOT exactly your average bomb-throwing anarchist, to say the least.)
Here is an excerpt from that article.
And there it is.
If you say nothing when they come for your neighbor, how long will it be before they come for you?
What has happened to us?
And how can we make it stop?
because he arranged the whole thing as a little skit.
A put-up job.
A theatrical performance.
Rubes, take a bow.
I am going to write a little more on this subject.
Actually…cut and paste a little more.
So I go back to Counterpunch after reading the above article and there is the Paul Krassner’s byline. Now Mr. Krassner is one of my favorite writers and has been so for about 40 years, so I figured I’d read his piece too.
Imagine my surprise when it TOO had to do with the subject of the end of personal freedoms.
I am now going to post the whole thing here, because when Paul Krassner writes, it is hard to edit his stuff down without losing some of the flava. I fully understand that posting a whole piece is in violation of some code or another, and expect to open my door later today in response to a knock and get MY ass tasered as well.
So it goes today in the United States of Spamerica.
So it goes.
The power of laughter.
I have stated again and again on the left blogophone that we can laugh these motherfuckers out of office.
Let us pray that I am correct.
Paul and me both.
Mr. Gilroy,
Apparently you`re also wrong. It` seems that the young man must have been “Whacked”.
The new rules didn`t require that they send you a memo. The rule is, from what I gather, that if you are “decidered” to be taserable, you have to be mentally shortchanged. That`s what happened to a young autistic man here in LA.
He was walking & pushing a shopping cart when supposedly someone called the cops. (Suspicious person with cart)
When they approached the autistic boy, who had left the home he had been brought to earlier in the day, he ran off across the street through traffic. They “decidered” to save him by electrifying him with 50,000 volts.
Talk about shock therapy. So I have proven you are wrong.
From now on tasering anybody who doesn`t immediately submit to a pOlice man`s command is the rule. Do you get it, now.
The article is in today`s LA Times.
Very good diary by the way.
From Salon:
So, it appears that this little attention hog, this rude little twit, was egging the cops on and seeking attention, as well as sympathy from credulous, uncritical and entirely non-skeptical observers.
He WANTED to be tasered. Because he is a little attention hog, who wanted to be on YouTube.
Now that is really really weird and distinctly strange. To ASK to be tasered so that you can get on YouTube.
That would include 90 % of the audience here at boomantrib. Not me. I thought this was bogus from the very start.
You heard it here first: This guy was odd. I was probably wrong calling him sick. However, when you fake it like this guy did, your behavior is not normal, and I called that.
For those of you sucked in to this little act, try being a little skeptical.
I’m sticking with my “sick puppy” conclusion.
that Meyer ARRANGED FOR THE TAPING. He ensured that some one in the audience taped it.
He expected to be tasered. He set up the situation.
was meant to be “taken in by his little act”
Not “sick”
Meyer is sick.
90 % of the audience here is just credulous.
Are you a bot?
If you are…please ask your maker to reprogram you.
You seem to be caught in some sort of nasty loop.