TPM covers the White House presser, but the questions still linger: why, especially if the surge is working and/or so much other ‘progress’ is being made, are US Goverment Agencies – such as the State Department – utilizing private security like Blackwater instead of our own military and security forces?
Even more curious, the NYT article detailing the Iraqi version of the incident in Nisour Square seems to indicate that a Blackwater convoy was responding to the carbombing, not just sidetracked by it. Why on earth would Blackwater be detailed to respond to such an event, rather than or even in addition to American or Iraqi military, security and law enforcement?
Why send mercenaries who operate outside of any internal or external accountability? And if no one sent them, is Blackwater responding to events on its own orders?
Follow the money.
They bosses are making money on it.
Follow the power.
They mercs can do things that our military cannot/will not do.
Follow the power and the money. Fuck up the system there TOTALLY and when the dust settles the multinational oil cartels will control everything
That’s the plan, folks.
That’s the plan.
Take a short term loss for a long-term gain.
Business as usual.
This whole Iraq/Middle Eastern thing?
It’s just an investment strategy.
The business of Omertica is business.
Bet on it.
Business as usual.
And blood for oil.
Just as it has always been.
“WhatCHOO gonna do about it?” says the man.
“WhatCHOO gonna do about it, chump change?”
It’s simple, it is making Haliburton and it’s subsidiaries very rich. End of story. Also the ability to act like “warriors” in a video game or movie without any consequences really appeals to a lot of these morally stunted guys.
War on the cheap turned out not so cheap. Sold to us as OUTSOURCING otherwise to keep this long war going they’d need to resort to the draft… but what better profitable way ….to pocket $$$$ for boots on the ground.
And this tale that Blackwater was responding to a car bombing…there’s this video that shows Blackwater fired first. MSNBC
“BAGHDAD – Iraqi investigators have a videotape that shows Blackwater USA guards opened fire against civilians without provocation in an incident last week in which 11 people died, a senior Iraqi official said Saturday. He said the case had been referred to the Iraqi judiciary.”
Can’t believe my eyes. What judiciary? In someone’s dreams.
Yup, makes the case for the ‘who you gonna believe, me or your lying eyes’ defense doesn’t it.
Perhaps they thought the data was too outdated.
Hence the war games combined with newer technologies.
One can never be too careful about the details authoritarian psychotic personality types will go to in persuing world domination.