Top this:
“Whoop-dee damn-doo,” [Clarence] Thomas relates telling his wife when she interrupted his bath to report that he had been confirmed. “Mere confirmation, even to the Supreme Court, seemed pitifully small compensation for what had been done to me.”
Cry me a river. Gotta anything good?
I’ll see your Clarence Thomas and raise you an Ann Coulter
That wasn’t satire…
Did she bring him a can of Coke while having his bath? I haven’t been able to drink one since 1991.
Poor Clarence. Still in denial after all these years.
Poor Clarence. He found his tongue during 90 mins with Rush Limbaugh on Monday. Yet, in his 15 years on the bench, not a word.
Tell me again, how can a Justice of the Supreme Court sit thru 15 years, case upon case and remain dumb?
Because he is dumb and also apparently a whiny, bitter sad sack of a man.
Why doesn’t Clarence take a lie detector test and “prove” us all wrong.
Top that? No problem. One need only wade ankle deep into freeper land to top that.
In response to an article in which a US Official says we can’t afford war with Iran:
Yes. So we need to be afraid of Iran attacking us, not the other way around.
And to pay for a war in Iran, sacrifice is required. But only from those who are least able to afford it.
What an upside down world these people live in.
Christ almighty, don’t get me started on that sniveling, self-loathing, right-wing water carrier.
He WON. He wrecked the EEOC and he won. He slimed his own sister on his way to being the right-wing’s boy and he won. The bastard got away with sexually harassing Anita Hill and HE WON. So what the hell is there to complain about? He has everything he ever wanted.
What, he wants respect, too? Tough. Some things you still have to earn.
Not my fault that he bought into the right-wing bunk about his Yale law degree being “tainted.” And the only way to “remove” the “taint” is to do the right-wing bidding? Weak. He’s a joke…too stupid to realize even 16 years later that he is the useful idiot.
His self-hate is pathological. He’s angry that he’s become exactly what he feared, and it’s his own damned fault.
I’ve got something good. Gonna hear Al Gore speak in Rio Rancho tonight.
“Land of Enchantment”- New Mexico– Pete Domenici- wants to go home. He has his name tag pinned on his chest. Just show hime where he lives. By Pete. See ya.
what an watb…even scalia thinks he’s a few books short of a law library:
…I went to a speech that Justice Scalia gave at a synagogue here in New York a couple of years ago, and someone asked him, `What’s the difference between your judicial philosophy and Justice Thomas?‘ …and he said, `Look, I’m a conservative. I’m a texturalist. I’m an originalist. But I’m not a nut.
Open Thread? Hows this.Erik Prince- wanna look at his background! Quite a read. This fucker was locked in and boy does it smell. Family locked in to the neos and the bush cabal. Absolutely amazing.
rocks come into chris’ yard and take the first of two…
heh….told ya to look out. they’re hot right now.