Ready or not, here it comes: (And a pre-emptive apology: Forgive me, please… For purposes of this being an Announcement and all, I may slip into referring to myself in third person… at least it ain’t the Royal We, ‘kay?)

Next Monday, October 22, at 1pm Pacific, 4pm Eastern, Maryscott O’Connor / MSOC (EmSock to friends and enemies alike) intends to make her maiden foray into that area between “alternative media” and “traditional media” — that being the Internet-based “Blog Talk Radio.”

The designated sobriquet for said radio talk show is, of course, the only possible identification one could choose:

My Left Wing Talk Radio.

This is the description of the show as it appears on My Left Wing Talk Radio’s BlogTalkRadio Page:

Maryscott O’Connor hosts a show to discuss the godawful mess of a world in which we’re living — and what, if anything, we can do about it. And she’ll probably end up talking about blogging — a lot. Call-in listeners and live bloggers at are essential. This show is designed to be INTERACTIVE; MSOC will respond to livebloggers and callers alike; so JOIN THE PARTY, people.

I’ve got a pretty solid plan for the format, a full slate of topics and an outline — not a text or script, per se, but something like what some comedians use when they’re working with new material — you know?

Anyway… I am actually pretty damned hyped up about this. For some unknowable (to me, anyway) reason, I have this sort of vibrating, persistent buzz that’s not really physical or mental… hard to describe this… anyway… I ust have this feeling that I am going to be kind of good at this.

Or not. Who knows? May fall flat on my  face. I’ve scheduled it for half an hour. They give you the option of 15, 30, 45 or 60 minutes. I thought 15 was just silly for a talk radio show– 15 minutes is better suited to monologuists, I think. But 45 and 60? For a novice like me, the notion of three quarters of an hour, let alone a full hour, seemed just a bit too much to fill on a first go around.

So a half hour it shall be; and I hope that at least the MLW crew of regulars will take the time to stop and listen, call in, liveblog and help make this inaugural outing at least a fun experiment, if nothing else. I have higher hopes than that — am considering doing a PR push of sorts, actually…

But come October 22, 1pm my time, let’s make this a group effort, shall we? No matter what the “EmSock Is A Drama Queen / Attention Whore” crowd say, fact is, I’m just as insecure and shy as the next person, and it’d be so nice to have my friends with me on this new adventure.

UPDATE: Silly me, I ought to have included the call-in number, eh?

Call-in Number: (347) 215-7634