The confirmation hearing for Michael Mukasey is about to start up again. You can watch it here. The morning session was discouraging. The guy is a real reactionary. He may have some positive traits, and he’ll be an improvement…but Caligula might be an improvement over the rat’s nest we just cleared out of the DOJ.
What’s on your mind? Besides cheesesteaks, I mean.
Clinching the ALCS is on my mind. Cleveland sure needs a championship to cheer up the city with it’s horrible weather and grinding poverty.
Go Tribe!!!
Kenny is MAGIC, I tell you, pure magic.
(stupid cubs)
Mukasey is swiss cheese on the DOJ steaker. Better than no cheese at all maybe (better than Keisler too); but not quite what I had in mind. As an aside, I will still give a 25% chance that the Administration has a backdoor agreement with a couple of powerful winger Senators like Kyl, Coburn etc. to torpedo the nomination so that Keisler stays on as Acting AG and had his time frame reset. Keisler is exactly the type they would want to fight all the wiretap and other inquiries.
again with the cheesesteaks?
Is Koch’s Deli still around?
OK- Mukasey looks like a shoo in. Senate dems fold like a cheap suit. Ya gotta luv it. Here is a piece of shit that answered, when asked about the arrest and confinement of US CITIZENS and then REFUSED council- when asked if that was legal! That motherfucker couldn’t answer. And the Dems are gonna make him the next AG of the United States of America!
Well guess what. This old man has just emailed my resignation from the Party! Fuck em. The don’t stand for my beliefs any longer.
it’s been a done deal for days…why? because leaky “likes him”
any mention of turning over the requested papers on attorneygate and wire tapping?…………<crickets>………thought not.
it’s like a bad snl skit.
“I am relevant.”
and l am sick to death of this smirking asshole and his relevance.
ITMF’sA already!
revenant link
On my mind is the missing wednesday welcome wagon. Shall I post something?
I can’t believe you brought up cheesesteak, and me about 1000 miles away from Pat’s. For punishment, I hereby declare that you should FedEx me three of them overnight. Putz.
cry baby.
in electing Democrats last fall. They just didn’t elect quite enough of them. If you want to really change things — stop the bogus war, restore the Constitution, end the right wing “Christian” nut job theocracy, and so much more — it will take a near super-majority of Democrats.
That’s the lesson of the current Congress, and I pray that enough people figure that out to make 2008 the beginning of the end of corrupt, mean, Republican power.
We should probably have a few Republican around in a few offices, to help point out Democratic excesses from time to time. But I pray that Americans conclude that we can never again trust them with any real authority to run any part of the government. They hate government and taxes, but greedily use the programs and the money to make themselves and their friends rich. They say they’re ‘pro-life’ but have voted for policies that have cause so much death and destruction.
They have truly redefined, reached an unimaginable level of, incompetence, corruption, and hypocrisy. They’re just not worthy to have and hold power in the U.S. Onward to 2008!