Cross-posted at Brendan calling

CQ: Surveillance Bill Will Go to Senate Floor Next Month

Tim Starks of Congressional Quarterly reports that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) plans to bring the Senate’s surveillance bill up for floor debate in mid-November. That’s despite the hold that Sen. Chris Dodd (D-CT) plans to place on the measure — something first reported by Election Central’s Greg Sargent.

The Senate intelligence committee is still marking up the bill behind closed doors, according to staffers. A joint statement from committee leaders Jay Rockefeller (D-WV) and Kit Bond (R-MO) will follow when the mark-up concludes, but that may not occur today.

“Hello, Senator Harry Reid’s office,” said the young woman on the other end. [more…]
It was strange she was working there so late: it was at least 6:15 PM. I identified myself and told the young woman in no uncertain terms that Harry Reid needs to back off.

“I am one of thousands of Americans who called Senator Dodd to urge him to do this,” I said. “This bill is an egregious violation of Americans’ civil and Fourth Amendment rights, and Harry Reid is on the wrong side of history right now.

“Why is he trying to undermine a fellow Democrat anyway? I mean, it’s no secret that the bill’s author Jay Rockefeller is a huge beneficiary of AT&T’s largesse, but why should Americans have their rights taken from them because the Senator’s friends are in hot water?”

“I’ll pass your message along sir.” -CLICK-

And look how friendly Senator Reid is with AT&T. $22,000? They may rank donor number 17, but their contribution to the Majority Leader is far greater than what they give to their lackey Mr. Rockefeller! Are things beginning to come together now?

Is it beginning to make sense why the Senate can’t seem to stop this President’s insanity? Why we can’t seem to get past this problem of warrantless surveilance?

The Majority Leader, it seems, loves his contributors more than he loves the Constitution.