Why did Ron Paul, a libertarian Republican with a past history of associating with white supremacist groups, have to be the one to propose the obvious: HR 3835.
This Act may be cited as the `American Freedom Agenda Act of 2007′.
(a) Findings- Congress makes the following findings:
(1) Unchecked power by any branch leads to oppressive transgressions on individual freedoms and ill-considered government policies.
(2) The Founding Fathers enshrined checks and balances in the Constitution to protect against government abuses to derail ill-conceived domestic or foreign endeavors.
(3) Checks and balances make the Nation safer by preventing abuses that would be exploited by Al Qaeda to boost terrorist recruitment, would deter foreign governments from cooperating in defeating international terrorism, and would make the American people reluctant to support aggressive counter-terrorism measures.
(4) Checks and balances have withered since 9/11 and an alarming concentration of power has been accumulated in the presidency based on hyper-inflated fears of international terrorism and a desire permanently to alter the equilibrium of power between the three branches of government.
(5) The unprecedented constitutional powers claimed by the President since 9/11 subtracted national security and have been asserted for non-national security purposes.
(6) Experience demonstrates that global terrorism can be thwarted, deterred, and punished through muscular application of law enforcement measures and prosecutions in Federal civilian courts in lieu of military commissions or military law.
(7) Congressional oversight of the executive branch is necessary to prevent secret government, which undermines self-government and invites lawlessness and maladministration.
(8) The post-9/11 challenges to checks and balances are unique in the Nation’s history because the war on global terrorism has no discernable end.
(b) Purpose- The American Freedom Agenda Act of 2007 is intended to restore the Constitution’s checks and balances and protections against government abuses as envisioned by the Founding Fathers.
(a) The Military Commissions Act of 2006 is hereby repealed.
(b) The President is authorized to establish military commissions for the trial of war crimes only in places of active hostilities against the United States where an immediate trial is necessary to preserve fresh evidence or to prevent local anarchy.
(c) The President is prohibited from detaining any individual indefinitely as an unlawful enemy combatant absent proof by substantial evidence that the individual has directly engaged in active hostilities against the United States, provided that no United States citizen shall be detained as an unlawful enemy combatant.
(d) Any individual detained as an enemy combatant by the United States shall be entitled to petition for a writ of habeas corpus under section 2241 of title 28, United States Code.
No civilian or military tribunal of the United States shall admit as evidence statements extracted from the defendant by torture or coercion.
No Federal agency shall gather foreign intelligence in contravention of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (50 U.S.C. 1801 et seq.). The President’s constitutional power to gather foreign intelligence is subordinated to this provision.
The House of Representatives and Senate collectively shall enjoy standing to file a declaratory judgment action in an appropriate Federal district court to challenge the constitutionality of a presidential signing statement that declares the President’s intent to disregard provisions of a bill he has signed into law because he believes they are unconstitutional.
No officer or agent of the United States shall kidnap, imprison, or torture any person abroad based solely on the President’s belief that the subject of the kidnapping, imprisonment, or torture is a criminal or enemy combatant; provided that kidnapping shall be permitted if undertaken with the intent of bringing the kidnapped person for prosecution or interrogation to gather intelligence before a tribunal that meets international standards of fairness and due process. A knowing violation of this section shall be punished as a felony punishable by a fine or imprisonment of up to 2 years.
Nothing in the Espionage Act of 1917 shall prohibit a journalist from publishing information received from the executive branch or Congress unless the publication would cause direct, immediate, and irreparable harm to the national security of the United States.
Notwithstanding any other law, secret evidence shall not be used by the President or any other member of the executive branch to designate an individual or organization with a United States presence as a foreign terrorist or foreign terrorist organization for purposes of the criminal law or otherwise imposing criminal or civil sanctions.
Why wasn’t this the first piece of legislation proposed by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid when they assumed control over the House and Senate, respectively? Eliminate the Military Commissions Act. No more torture. No more secret CIA prisons overseas. No more signing statements that can’t be challenged in Court. No more show trials at Guantanamo. Restoration of Habeas Corpus.
Makes you wonder, doesn’t it? Maybe they were afraid David Broder wouldn’t respect them in the morning.
Because Ron Paul has balls, that’s why. Harry Reid is a gutless, castrated, corrupt shill for the telecom industry. Nancy Pelosi on the other hand thinks it would be fine to arrest the protestors except for that damn 1st amendment stopping her from doing so.
I don’t support the guy either (that storm front shit is insane), but he does have remarkable things to say.
Too bad the guy’s associated with racists, and too bad he’s a republican. I don’t support Paul, but I very much support this bill. he has a long reputation as a constitutionalist.
I support the bill too. Watch it killed in committee.
I agree absolutely brendan…it galls me to no end to think I could ever think anything some batshit racist had to say was worth supporting. Kind of a sick/sorry indicment on the dem leadership isn’t it. A few bright lights here and there in the dem party in the House(Feingold in the Senate) but not many else to get behind.
That’s a beautifully laid out bill…concise and to the point, hits everything that it needs to.
I guess when everyone in Washington is bought and paid for it takes a crazy person to tell the truth.
The more important question is, what will the Dems do with it now? Will Pelosi let it come to a vote? Will Reid? I think if this bill get any traction it will pose a serious problem for the Dems. I, for one, would do everything I can to help defeat any Dem who voted against it.
Makes me think too, Obama’s so hot to “reach out”. Well here’s something from a Repub that’s actually worth campaigning for and co-sponsoring. Will he grab this rare opportunity? Or will it be Dodd who comes through again?
That was my very first thought also DaveW, about Obama and his wanting to reach out across the aisle. This bill couldn’t be a more perfect opportunity-good politically and more importantly good because it would be the right thing to do.
Good question. Civil liberties and freedom actually aren’t partisan ideals. Conservatives used to stand for these principles too.
Another question is why this wasn’t the first order of business in January?
Oh, and thanks for the link. That article gets lots of traffic. Follow the links to the Orcinus articles, especially the one with the pictures of Paul with southern white supremacist leaders.
Because Ron Paul is a warrior for the Constitution! He’s a strict constitutionalist who cares about personal liberties & freedoms! He’s a statesman: incorruptible & fearless He’s the only Republican presidential candidate to vote against the Patriot Act, against the war, he keeps introducing legislation to really benefit the people he serves. Like HR 2755 to abolish the board of governors of the Federal Reserve(the private run for profit banking cartel that controls the American economy by their power to mint money out of nothing for more info, watch this video, and this recent bill. If you brainwashed double-thinking liberals could just see through that bogus left/right paradigm, and cut through to the real issues (freedom vs. tyranny), the world would be a much better place. Wake up! The Ron Paul Revolution is here!!! www.ronpaul2008.com
Well, your argument would go over better if you didn’t stoop to petty insults (i.e., brainwashed, double thinking liberals). That said, I’ll give Ron Paul this: he has more guts than the Democratic or Republican leaders in the House or the Senate. Maybe he should run as one of the Unity 2008 candidates with Dennis Kucinich. That would put the two most consistent voices against the war and for the Constitution on the same ticket. After all, Kucinich is the only person to file an impeachment bill against either Bush or Cheney. Maybe Mr. Paul could join as a co-sponsor of that bill and Mr. Kucinish could join Mr. Paul as a co-sponsor of HR 3835.
Short Answer: Because they don’t believe in the Constitution of the United States.
I just sent this letter to Nancy Pelosi. Feel free to join me at http://www.speaker.gov:
— Quote—
I am totally disgusted by your “leadership” of the Democratic Party in Congress. Now you have the stupidity to attack Rep. Stark for telling the truth about the Bush Administration, while you are “leading” the rest of the Democrats in a mass violation of their oath of office.
If you are unwilling to lead your fellow Democrats to protect and defend the Constitution against the greatest domestic enemy in its history, then you should resign – not only resign the speakership, but resign from the House.
This is not a left/right issue – this is the bedrock of our American form of government, the Constitution of the United States. To allow this administration to ignore it’s Constitutional limits and ignore the Bill of Rights with no consequences is the most un-American act imaginable.
Instead of attacking those few members of the House who take their oath of office seriously, you should lead them to impeach and remove Bush and Cheney and see to it that they are prosecuted for their crimes. To be in a position of leadership in the legislative branch and do less is to be a willing accomplice in the destruction of America.
—- End of Quote —–
Columnist Naomi Wolf has additional details:
She provides important links.