Originally posted to my blog @ We Can Change The World

Have you read Brad Blog’s exclusive blockbuster news yet? The story that says that Sibel Edmonds, “the most gagged person in US history” is now ready to risk prison in order to tell the American public what she knows? You know, the one which made her name a hot trends item in a few places (however mild) before practically never being heard of again. Yeah, that one.

Now, I’m writing this for all you people who are aware that 70% of the 9/11 victims families (you know, the ones who pushed the 9/11 Commission into actually happening at all) questions remained unaddressed.

I’m writing to all of those of you who are aware and and seem at least somewhat concerned about the gaping holes left by that report. Yes, 9/11 Commission cochairs Kean and Hamilton, that includes you, unless you entitled the first chapter of your bookThe Commission was set up to fail” simply in order to titillate and sell a few more copies, in which case, shame, shame on you. All of you brave Patriots who have come out by name and on the record as having serious questions about what is still considered by many to be the definitive version of the events surrounding 9/11, this article is for you as well. I’m writing to those 5 million+  (or so; hard to be precise with so many copies around and not knowing how many actual watches are among those numbers) Zeitgeist the movie watchers who have put the G*ogle version of that video in and out of the top ten most popular videos. It currently resides at number 7, a 2 hour long movie behind mostly only a bunch of 4 minute or so long clips. Loose Change fans, you are my audience as well.
Anyway, now that at least some of you are reading this, here’s what I have to say to you:

How do you expect to ever hear what Sibel Edmonds (and other National Security Whistleblowers, current and future as well) has to say if you don’t start making this news story into news? If you don’t say with your actions “we’ve got your back” (at least as much as we can), if you don’t say”we’re mad as hell, and we’re not going to take it any more” (Howard Beale, Network, 1976) until you can start to hear others saying the same thing and you know it is catching on; if you don’t do that when something big like the Sibel Edmonds story comes along…

What message do you think that sends to other whistleblowers and potential whistleblowers? Yeah, we’ll digg your story and then pretty much let it drop in order to move on to the next story we want to digg. Yep. Good job. That’ll show ’em who is mad as hell.

So, I’ve blogged and written about this about as much as I’m going to, hoping to become part of a movement, since I never had much hope in the first place that this story would be picked up by any “major news source” unless possibly in New Zealand or somewhere. New York Times, Washington Post, Vanity Fair, 60 Minutes are you reading this too? Good.

Because, you know who Sibel Edmonds is. Why don’t you verify (or refute, as the case may be) and then publish in either case the story of the story that Brad Friedman has brought us? My specific audience right now would be-


John Files, David Stout, Eric Lichtblau





Washington Post

barrs   @  washpost.com

and also R. Jeffrey Smith WaPo

 Shaun Waterman UPI



Village Voice- James Ridgeway, author of several VV  Sibel Edmonds articles:

Congressional Quarterly
jstein @ cq.com
also Justin Rood @ CQ (email unknown)

cstrohm @ govexec.com

Al Franken
http://www.alfranken.com/page/s/contact (interviewed her on Air America)

thisishell @ wnur.org


Diane Rehm
drshow @ wamu.org

Jackie L. Franzil – Wash Times

Deborah Norvill

editor @ american-reporter.com

I’d guess that

editor  @ scoop.co.nz
http://www.scoop.co.nz/about/contact.html for
other contact emails

might be pretty interested in this story, since an article which mentioned the story in passing made the Top Scoops headlines there recently.

Okay, so now back to the rest of you who are reading this:

Just a suggestion: why don’t you politely, in your own words make contact with a few of the above mentioned and ask them why this isn’t newsworthy. And maybe blog about it. And maybe pass it on to others. I dunno. Or give up and tune out. Whatever. Sure, Sibel doesn’t have a smoking gun MIHOP 9/11 revelation to reveal. So what? Does that mean she isn’t worth a bit of time and effort to support? Even if as a message to other National Security Whistleblowers (present and future).

Help the whistleblowers out a bit, if you care and have the time. How in the world else do you ever expect to hear anything more than the full of holes official narrative and “conspiracy theorist nutjobs” ridicule? It’s up to y’all. I’ve given it pretty much all I can for now, at least. Now, I’m packing it in and calling it a day. So, how about it?


Tags: 9-11, activism, censorship, Loose Change, media, news, Patriots Question 9-11, Sibel, Sibel Edmonds, whistleblowers, Zeitgeist