People aren’t all that keen on impeaching Cheney. Only 51% of Democrats want that right now.
Wanna laugh? Ask Hillary Clinton if she is a liberal. Here’s what you’ll get:
“I prefer the word ‘progressive,’” she said. It has a “real American meaning.”
Then she expanded the term to “modern progressive,” and, finally, clarified that she was a “modern American progressive.”
Isn’t that cute?
I just did my own poll, and 100% of the people currently typing on my keyboard strongly favor impeaching both Bush and Cheney.
That’s the way it is here too, 100%, both of them.
Yes, very coy, little girl talk. But not very honest, except for the ‘American’ bit.
HRC has all the answers – and the questions too– London Times, UK
and now we have
‘Clinton Lies Watch’ (H/T: Andrew Sullivan)
no wonder the VRWC wants Hillary to be the candidate.
Ignorance is strength.
I prefer the term corporate tool.
Hi boran2..I prefer your answer but I always prefer the truth.
It’s interesting how she was uncomfortable with leaving “progressive” unmodified. In the current climate, “modern” is a code word for neoliberal. Neoliberals are progressives too, as far as Hillary is concerned.
I’m truly sick to death of democrats running scared from the word liberal-they’ve been doing this for how long. And that gets to the big problem right there-letting the opposition define you with their words and labels or turn a good word into a ‘bad’ word. If you’re to scared to say the freaken word ‘liberal’ how do you expect us to think you’ll act like a liberal?
Hillary was probably afraid if she even said the word liberal she might be tainted or choke to death…then again she ain’t no liberal so all her word games are just Maybe someone should have followed up(ha ha) and asked her what ‘progressive’ meant to her.
Did she throw American in there cause she’s not she we know that or she’s not sure she’s American…modern? huh? as opposed to what a non-modern progressive..what a load of crap. Can we start an office pool here to see who can guess when Hillary first answers a question with a simple answer?