At some point, I’m not sure when, Armando became as fierce a defender of Hillary Clinton as he used to be of Markos Moulitsas (before he was banned from Daily Kos). I can’t predict whether he will feel equally betrayed by the Clinton campaign someday, but I’d take that bet.
I honestly have no idea why Armando gives a crap about how I feel about the candidacy of Hillary Clinton and I have even less idea why he would want to have anything to do with them (other than direct financial renumeration).
I can’t understand how anyone could have spent the last 3-4 years blogging, and not have internalized the deep contempt that Team Clinton has for the Netroots. And when I say ‘Netroots’ I don’t just mean a narrow grouping of well known and somewhat influential bloggers and blogging communities. I mean Dean Democracy for America and all their spinoffs, like Philly for Change. I mean I mean Howard Dean as chairman of the DNC. I mean the candidacies of Ned Lamont, Paul Hackett, Chuck Pennacchio, Christine Cegelis, Jerry McNerney, Jon Tester, Donna Edwards, Mark Pera, and Marcy Winograd. Team Clinton has had a lock on the DCCC and DSCC, through the chairmen Rahm Emanuel and Chuck Schumer. Their idea of a great candidate is Harold Ford, Jr. or Tammy Duckworth. That’s the kind of DLC-driven politician Team Clinton wants in government. And when they are challenged, Team Clinton attacks the left, attacks the activists, attacks the blogosphere, and tries to create division.
It’s no secret that Team Clinton opposed Dean as chair of DNC. Remember this?
I was making my way into the new Pennsylvania Senator Bob Casey’s celebration at the Hyatt in downtown D.C. when I spotted Begala, the former Clinton aide. I was going to just politely greet him and shake his hand, but I had an attack of conscience. After all that Begala and Carville have done to undermine Gov. Dean’s efforts at the DNC, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. “I hope you will support the 50-state strategy,” I told him, expecting the shrug off or a “nice to meet you too,” but that isn’t what Begala had in mind…
…”Anyway,” Begala continued… “I don’t need some a**hole from Vermont telling me what to do.”
Begala (and Carville) weren’t just opposed to Dean on a personal level. They objected to everything he represents. Dean was a challenge to the status quo, which held that people like Carville and Begala got to control the levers of power within one of the two viable political parties in this country. And, on whose behalf did they wield that control?
Team Clinton’s attack of Dean began back in 2003.
“But the great myth of the current [Howard Dean] cycle,” DLC leaders Al From and Bruce Reed wrote in a May 15, 2003 memo, “is the misguided notion that the hopes and dreams of activists represent the heart and soul of the Democratic Party. “What activists like Dean call the Democratic wing of the Democratic Party is an aberration: the McGovern-Mondale wing, defined principally by weakness abroad and elitist, interest-group liberalism at home.”
Bruce Reed was the chief domestic policy adviser in Bill Clinton’s White House.
When Team Clinton wasn’t bashing volvo-driving elitists they were covering up for Dick Cheney and Scooter Libby. This Arianna Huffington post from December 2005 eerily foreshadowed James Carville’s later decision to write Libby’s judge urging leniency.
Huffington presciently added another critique of James Carville-Stanley Greenberg.
But, instead of rethinking, the party is returning to the bone dry Carville advice well. He’s one of the guiding forces behind the influential Democracy Corps, which recently released a report [PDF] calling for the Democrats to run on a 2006 agenda focused on “health care, education and energy, followed by top end tax cut repeal and homeland security.”
Thud (that’s the sound of Democratic chances dropping).
Yes…Team Clinton, telling Dems to run the midterms against anything but the war. Stanley Greenberg…the Clinton’s old pollster. Here’s her new pollster:
Mr. Penn’s vision for the Democratic Party has consistently been one of a determinedly centrist entity—former Democratic consultant Bob Shrum called Mr. Penn “ideologically non-ideological”—that is fiscally conservative and strong on national security. He says that he was a Democratic Leadership Council Democrat even before the group existed, or before he became their resident pollster. And he and Mr. Schoen have for decades railed against Democrats running on “fairness” as a surefire electoral loser.
Ironically, Armando chides me for not making my criticism of Hillary about issues, but about respect. He’s wrong, of course. It’s about both.
There is a simple reason why I am not criticizing Hillary Clinton on her education plan, her health care plan, or any other plan. I don’t believe a word she says. I don’t even pay attention to what she says. I pay attention to what her TEAM says.
If you wanted to know what Bush would do in office, you couldn’t listen to him prattle on about a humble foreign policy and the silliness of nation building. You had to read the stuff that Cheney and Rumsfeld and Libby and Feith and Perle and Wolfowitz were writing and signing. That is what told the real tale. The rest was just packaging.
I don’t hate Hillary Clinton. I admire her in many ways. What I hate is the kind of politics practiced by her TEAM. If they win, all of us, all the people that fought so hard for our country and our party over the last four years…we will be the losers.
Because all the same people will be back in charge. Their collective response to Bush-Cheney will be the same as Carville’s to Libby. They’ll recommend a get-out-jail-free card. And the Central Asian land grab will go on…with a kindler, gentler face…with permanent bases in Iraq…with little to show for it all except that Hillary Clinton, like Mike Mukasey, is not Alberto Gonzales.
The one great thing about all this is… the mask is coming off TEAM CLINTON. I just hope enough Democrats will get the message … The hijacking of the Democratic Party by these characters is an essential part of what’s gone wrong in this country, because they prevent the party from effectively opposing the fascists. It is amusing that they depict the Netroots as “McGovernite radicals,” Hey morons, 1972 was 35 years ago.
When the hell did Armando join team clinton??
Honestly, I had no idea, and it doesn’t jibe with some of his excellent writings.
I must be out of the loop. He doesn’t post on dailykos any more? He’s really backing hilldog?
Fuck. That’s a big dissapointment. The hilldog part at least. That guy is a good writer, but backing HRC makes NO SENSE TO ANYONE WHO IS ACTUALLY INFORMED.
Anyone got the backstory?
PS. booman is in my top 3 as far as blogs go, neck and neck with glenn greenwald – so… good job.
no idea, whole thing is a big surprise to me.
There’s an interesting piece in CounterPunch today about how the primary difference between supporters of Clinton and Obama is generational. Personally, I suspect that that’s just a gimmick on Obama’s part to distinguish himself from Clinton, but I do think that part of the reason for the disconnect between the Netroots and the Dem Party is that the two are mostly composed of different generations.
That would be true in the case of Obama supporters, but the netroots according to most polling data are mostly Edwards supporters, and the differences are not just generational. It has to do with economic philosophy, governing philosophy, foreign policy philosophy and other very major things.
When the game is fixed, you may all bases covered. The fascists know that they can’t another four years of Republican wretchedness, so they get the next best thing. After all, Bill gave them NAFTA.
You don’t wanna miss this profile of Hillary Rodham Clinton – a three part series by Alexander Cockburn and Jeffrey St. Clair
First part – the GOP years
The Making of Hillary Clinton- from Nixon girl to Watergate
“Hillary Clinton has always been an old-style Midwestern Republican in the Illinois style; one severely infected with Methodism, unlike the more populist variants from Indiana, Wisconsin and Iowa.”
go read. And you thought you knew!
I’ll admit I was hoping Gore would run. Yesterday, his office asked all the draft efforts to stop. I would love to vote for a woman. I won’t vote for Hillary Clinton.
Clinton is the corporatist candidate. Biden probably is too. Clinton has a huge lead in the polls. What are progressives going to do about that? If we fracture over the remaining candidates, Hill is a shoe in.
I’m really curious who the Anybody but Hillary progressives would support? Could we form a coalition? I’m not in love with anybody. My current top 3 are probably Dodd, Kucinich and Edwards. Who could any of you stomach?
I firmly believe that of those three, only Edwards has a chance and a very small one at that. Dodd is not telegenic and seems to be an ineffective campaigner. Kuchinich is WAY too far out for the mainstream blue collar voter. Edwards speaks well but doesn’t seem to catch fire. I wonder if his accent reminds people of Jimmy Carter?
Maybe his accent. Maybe his association with Kerry. Maybe the media has just decided they don’t want him to catch fire.
when and why was Armando banned from Daily Kos?
Sometime in the spring, I think.
The technical reason was his abusive behavior in the threads, but Armando accused a clique of other front-pagers of ganging up on him. After all, when was Armando not abusive in the threads?
I don’t care for Hillary as a candidate. I dread the thought.
But you claim Tammy Duckworth was a bad candidate, you are so wrong it is pathetic.
No need to read the rest you say.
BTW. Tammy Duckworth would have won if it weren’t the stupidity of the Cegalis brainwashed brigade.
There was a primary. Duckworth won.
So thanks to the Cegalis idiocy, a Republican now represents that seat.
Karl Rove thanks you.
well said and very true booman.
you have crystalized many of things i’ve thought and felt about her and her team over the years
may the gods save america and the world if she’s elected. it’ll be a kinder gentler massacre in afghanistan, iraq, iran and the whole caspian sea area…..
perspective. Thanks. I see so much of the DC insider and rightie radio inspired lunatic at fleshfeast, it’s nice to read the real reasons again.
Well, I see a problem. Armando misrepresents what you said in your previous diary:
But then you misrepresent what Armando said in that diary:
I do not know whether Armando has fiercely defended Hillary elsewhere; but he is not doing so in that diary. Although you appear to do a fairer job of addressing the issues he raises than he does for you, you two appear to be talking past each other.
Get ready for many more attacks on those of us that are still proud liberals. When Clinton wins the Democratic nomination the split in the Democratic party will become even more evident. She hasn’t even begun to tack to the right and hasn’t even begun her attack on principled liberals.
Us liberals should focus less on salvaging the Democratic party and more on how we will survive the new political landscape of a moderate conservative Democratic candidate, such as Hillary, firing at will at those of us to her left. Fox “News” and the right-wing machine will fire away as usual (they will not be able to contain their desire to heap scorn on the netroots and the “loony left” for “attacking” Hillary–and actually help Hillary in the process). Us liberals that sat quiet during 2000 and 2004 and accepted the rightward tilt of the Democratic party are no longer willing to be quiet. Hillary and her team cannot take us for granted so they will attack us. And believe me Hill, it’s not personal. You may be a great person . . . but all I know is you’re turning out to be my political enemy. I freely admit you are capable of doing a great deal of damage to my political goals . . . and for whatever reason you think it’s to your advantage to do this damage. But I will no longer accept your attack on me as a necessary evil.
Get ready BooMan. Far more than Armando are coming to get you. They will pretend that they are on your side . . . and then unleash a devastating broadside.
This is not about Hillary. It’s about the future of liberalism. Unfortunately, Hillary has bet on a future without a significant liberal precense. It’s that simple.