From Ohio:
Diebold Crash Footage, Bad Tapes, Jammed Printers
Really great footage and coverage of Diebold hardware problems. I’m hoping soon the citizens will start to ask for their money back from defective product they were sold.
Four o’clock election day is too late to worry about this stuff. We need to take action now.
Update –
Video links –
that’s pathetic.
What is more pathetic is that we have known about this for years.
It is a deliberate attempt by Diebold to discredit paper trials and the sad thing is that it might work. Instead of concluding that we need to junk Diebold people will just decide against paper trails.
I really don’t know what to do.
Can’t see the video. Has it been scrubed already?
there were two video links on the Ohio blog, are they both gone?
If there was ever anything there, it was scrubbed well since it does not show up in the internet archives of the wayback machine.
The title and link shows on a google search but dead ends…
So it was there. But it is scrubbed.
And remember they are not Diebold anymore. They are now “Premiere Election Systems.” But a turd by any other name will still stink.