This is the ultimate spin. It is starting pretty quickly, geared to make it look not so bad after all.
Regardless of what one thinks about the National Intelligence Estimate’s conclusion that Iran stopped its nuclear weapons program in 2003 — and there is much to question in the report — its practical effects are indisputable. Bush administration cannot take military action against Iran during its remaining time in office, or credibly threaten to do so, unless it is in response to an extremely provocative Iranian action. A military strike against suspected Iranian nuclear facilities was always fraught with risk. For the Bush administration, that option is gone.
That sort of translates into “I don’t really believe that report, but I have to pretend I do.”
With its policy tools broken, the Bush administration can sit around isolated for the next year. Or it can seize the initiative, and do the next administration a favor, by opening direct talks with Tehran.
Very sensible, Mr. Kagan. Why didn’t we think of that sooner?
This is as good a time as any. The United States is not in a position of weakness. The embarrassment of the NIE will be fleeting. Strategic realities are more durable. America remains powerful in the world and in the Middle East. The success of the surge policy in Iraq means that the United States may be establishing a sustainable position in the region — a far cry from a year ago, when it seemed about to be driven out. If Iraq is on the road to recovery, this shifts the balance against Iran, which was already isolated.
It’s like seeing who gets out there first with the best way to save face with this devastating document.
They never cease to amaze me.
The most honest answer belongs to Mike Huckabee. Just think, he is actually leading in Iowa last I heard. And remember he doesn’t believe in evolution either.
From Think Progress:
Huckabee Clueless On Iran NIE: Never Heard Of It
Reporter: I don’t know to what extent you have been briefed or been able to take a look at the NIE report that came out yesterday …
Huckabee: I’m sorry?
Reporter: The NIE report, the National Intelligence Estimate on Iran. Have you been briefed or been able to take a look at it –
Huckabee: No.
Reporter: Have you heard of the finding?
Huckabee: No.
And now that he has heard of it he doesn’t really believe it.
“I don’t know where the intelligence is coming from that says that they suspended the program and how credible that is versus the news that they actually are expanding it,” [Huckabee] said. “And then I’ve heard the last two weeks supposed reports that say that they are accelerating and could be having a reactor in a much shorter period of time than originally they thought.”
Fox News is having hissyfits according to Newshounds.
It was actually quite entertaining watching the FOX true believers spinning like tops trying to put a happy face on the dismal news that the President and Vice President of the United States of America engaged in a callous, deliberate campaign to attack Iran, knowing full well that the reasons they enunciated for military action were utterly false. With video.
…”Watch the faces of these men. I believe what you are seeing is the beginning of the end of the Bush regime. While many may not agree with me, what I think I see on those faces is anger and the realization that Bush and Cheney played them for suckers.
I am not a Chris Matthews fan, but I shared his joy in the interview with Andrea Koppel. He was just plain happy we were not going to have WW III. Me, too.
I knew that.
Check out the moustache.
The neocons are just acting like facts don’t matter after all. I hope the media doesn’t let them get away with it. I guess that was a silly comment.
At least Matthews, Olbermann, and even Wolf was on their case today.