A good friend of the campaign here in IL-03 — Don Reed — asked me to write up a short piece on stem cell research to circulate among proponents of stem cell research.

He posted it here at DailyKos and asked me to cross post it. I think it does a good job of drawing yet another distinction between myself and Dan Lipinski.

The election is just 32 days away. Please take a minute to read this and keep following our exciting campaign for Congress here and at www.PERA08.com.

Thank you — Mark

Dear friend of stem cell research,

My name is Mark Pera and I’m a Democratic candidate for Congress in Illinois’ 3rd district. I’m writing you today to ask you an important question. Have you, like me, wondered why a Democratically-controlled Congress cannot override President Bush’s endless mistakes, including his opposition to stem cell research?

Part of the blame belongs to a handful of Democrats, including Congressman Dan Lipinski, who have consistently voted with Bush on many issues important to Democrats, including the critical issue of stem-cell research.
We have an opportunity on Feb. 5 to defeat Dan Lipinski in the Democrat primary. In a strong Democratic district like ours, if I win the primary, we are very confident we can win general election.

When it comes to the issue of stem cell research, the differences between Lipinski and myself are clear.

Lipinski has consistently voted against embryonic stem cell research. Even his support of HR 2807, the “Patients First Act” is misleading. His bill was crafted with the help of the anti-stem cell research Family Research Council and was supported by the Bush White House. It stacks the deck against embryonic stem cell research.

Today, an estimated 100 million Americans suffer from incurable disease and disability, which might be alleviated or even cured by stem cell therapies. Health care costs are going through the roof, but stem cell research may vastly lower the medical costs that have affected so many families.

Stem cell research offers new and well-paying jobs in the biomedical industry as well.

Democrats in Illinois, like the majority of Americans, support the research because it can ease suffering, save lives, and provide well-paying jobs.

Ideologues like President Bush and Lipinski have had their way too long.  It is time for government to be on our side.

We can fix this problem, but we have to fix Washington first. I need your help now so that I can be a spokesperson for change in Congress. Your contribution to our campaign will help us maintain our momentum and insure that we keep getting our message out to the voters in this district.

To read about my views on this issue and others, please visit www.PERA08.com.


Mark Pera