I have a headcold and feel like crap, but I want to say that Mike Huckabee’s band sucks. Yesterday he had a rally somewhere in New Hampshire. He was operating on one hour’s sleep, so he had his band set up and knock out some tunes to warm up the room and give himself a jolt of adrenaline. The set was not brief.
They opened with In the Midnight Hour, a song, for obvious reasons, more appropriate as an encore. Huck was thumping out the bass line but his amp wasn’t loud enough. His keyboardist sang this one and he has the voice of a strangled alley cat (without the high range). Nonetheless, this would be the best song of the night. It was followed by a version Twist & Shout that could be certified for use at Guantanamo as a form of ‘enhanced interrogation technique’. And then came the one I absolutely must have on tape: the most eccentric and awful version of Mustang Sally ever performed. The lyrics were handled by a woman whose vocal stylings have to be heard and seen to be believed. Imagine a combination of Bonnie Raitt and Bette Midler but with all the talent stripped out. It was a legendary performance captured live on C-SPAN as she growled out the lyrics ‘You been running all over the town now…Oh! I guess I’ll have to put your flat feet on the ground’ taking care to mute her bump and grind for the conservative audience gathered to see this wunderkind Huckster that shocked the world just hours before. Oh, yes…
…No one suspects the Spanish Inquisition…and no one could have anticipated that Mike Huckabee would introduce himself to New Hampshire, fresh off his big Iowa upset, by knocking out a twenty minute set of second rate garage band brutality on a wholly innocent audience. And then, when Mustang Sally finally came to a merciful end, it was time for karate star Chuck Norris to serve as character witness. Talk about not taking this stuff seriously!!!
Huckabee gave a speech and took some questions, and then the band got back together for an encore. I had the name of the song they did when I started this review and it will come to me soon…probably as soon as my cold medication wears off. Needless to say, it sucked. His band really sucks.
Well, there’s the answer then.
Huckabee’s shadow friends who shout that rock ‘n roll is a form of devil worship were just talking about GOOD bands so Huck’s doesn’t count.
Please, PLEASE post video soon. I need to see this.
Please help me find it. I’m dying to post it.
double ouch. “Only in America”.
you can find it here at c-span. second link
ps, you have to go forward to the 1 hour mark or so. that shit is AWESOME.
they were better in your youtubes…that Born to Be Wild was ROCKING!!
Well, they have the poor speaker placement leading to feedback thing down to a T.
There aren’t enough evangelicals in New Hampshire so he needs to target another demographic. I’m not sure there are enough Voters With Really Bad Taste in Music to put him over the top. On the other hand, most people do listen to Clear Channel stations these days … so maybe he’s on to something.
There may, however, be enough Chuck Norris fans in NH. Trust me on this one. 🙂
Stop it, Booman. I took a viow to never again indulge in the ridicule of a Republican.
I’m struggling with the concept that not everybody agrees with me about what is truly ridiculous. Nor about the sanctity of ‘Mustang Sally.’
When I regain faith that my vote really counts, I’ll gladly laugh at politicians again.
His band is named ‘Mama Kicks’. Try not to laugh about that!!
actually that’s NOT his band. They say so in the video, and credit his “great bass playing” with holding everythign together.
here’s their website.
you can thank me later.
they completely suck.
you don’t have mam kicks fever.
John Popper does.
he loves them.
So does brad delp, the dead guy from Boston.
Mama Kicks Fever, Boo: catch it!!!
He knew when to stop. Play a few solos, look good, but for God’s sake, then get off the stage.
and the country might and I say might, see how desperate the republicans are. I mean it must be really difficult to find a replacement for the genius they had occupy the office the last eight years
I thought it was pretty lame this past summer when Huckabee was strumming that guitar all over this place. Does every person from Hope, AR who becomes governor play an instrument? Um, Huckabee it was cute in ’92, but 15 years have past…do something different.
speaking AS a bass player, the fact that huck totes that bass around with him just kills me. He reminds me of this dork kid I knew in high school, another bass player, who just didn’t get that the bass is a background instrument unless you have skills like Les Claypool, Geddy Lee, or Bootsy Collins.
i forget the kid’s name, but he brought his unamplified bass into the outdoor smoking area (it was 1988 or so, you could smoke if you were 16 or older then), and played the bass line to some metallica song for some chick he liked.
I forget the name we came up with for that guy, but it was pretty mean. And Huck is totally that kid, but all grown up.
Oh yeah, the encore was CCR’s Fortunate Son.
Hey Booman!
All of us in Mama Kicks now KNOW that YOU suck.
The level of my amusement by this can not be measured.
that’s awesome. I hadn’t seen that.
I think I may have actually regained my virginity.