UPDATE In this diary I asked that each of you to focus your rebuttals on why you think charisma, good speeches, writings, trump character, experience, solid policy, and honesty. Dig deep prior to responding. It’s understood the links in this diary will be read, prior to responding.

The majority of you did, and the insight and responses were just fantastic. I found the pony’s and will insert them as the promised reward (I hope I can). Others of you responded with ratification of idolatry, personality or emotion. This truly saddened and horrified me!

Reason and logic are indicative of ADULTS. The kindest thing I can say about unconditional adulation is that it is, at best, juvenile.

In reading these unconditional idolizing comments, I learned that those so afflicted either CAN NOT, or WILL NOT, take time, as responsible voters, to verify facts, and fit the information into a whole, so as to come to a rational conclusion. Just to give you some brief examples:

Late yesterday Hillary’s campaign brought out that there was a serious question about Obama’s position on PRO-CHOICE while a Senator of IL. Obama razzle dazzled the press with ambiguous statements Checking his votes on CHOICE, as a U.S. Senator, he consistently uses the same ploy of missing votes or voting present as he did in IL. If you change the category to “Defense”, you will notice that Obama voted more often WITH, rather than AGAINST, George Bush on the Iraq War.

Yet, Obama repeatedly refuses to put his positions in writing, on priority topics , as did the other candidates when asked.

On Obama’s webb site, under the sub heading “Bringing our Troops Home” are the words Obama will make it clear that we will not build any permanent bases in Iraq. This is another distortion. There are currently 55 American Bases in Iraq. 6 of those are PERMANENT bases as is the green zone bringing the total to 7 permanent bases. The only difference is semantics, with the Pentagon and Administration referring to them as ENDURING Bases as opposed to using the word PERMANENT.

Both the above examples cannot be termed as other than outright LYING to “We the People”

From all of this unconditional unquestioning of Obama, it strongly appears as if his adherents are as rigidly ideological as the neo-cons. They seem as unable to objectively analyze facts as the members of AEI.

Obama followers are adamant they have an unquestionable right to feel good, even if it may cause egregious harm to the country and its citizens They DEMAND the rest of us feel the same way about superficial stirring rhetoric, and soaring oratorical written books. Well, many have told me (I never used drugs) “getting High” made them feel good, for a time. From personal experience I know that getting drunk also feels good, for awhile. Inevitably the crash comes from getting high, and a raging hangover is the consequence of getting drunk.

Americans have been held captive by a cult of personality since the beginning of this century. Remember the guy who “everyone wanted to have a beer with”?

Then there are the First words on Obama’s Web Site – I’m asking you to believe An eloquent way of Saying Trust Me. We have been carelessly accelerating down that path for the last 7 years, and look where it brought us.

That ephemeral “Bi-Partisanship? Just code for letting others know that the endemic corruption, war crimes, frauds, torture etc will not be fully investigated, and that most of these heinous crimes against the American People, and our Constitution, will be covered up.

Is this what the Obama loyalists want?

Will there be any real change? Very, very unlikely. Obama is a fully owned by large banking institutions, Insurance companies and Telecom companies Common sense, under these circumstances, tells us that people unable to pay their mortgages, and credit cards are going to be the losers, and financial institutions the winners. And this is with predictions that this recession will be worse than the one in 1929.

NEVER, in my lifetime have I feared so much for the future of my country and my grandchildren as I have in the last week. I am appalled and horrified to find us once again on the brink of yet another personality and “trust me” situation,

To those who feel insulted, I cannot apologize. The shame is yours for insisting on the shallow substitution of “feeling good” with dreams and illusion, over hard reality. a core value of the Progressive Blogosphere. Illusory HOPE and powerful oratory will prove abysmal armor for the difficult challenges that lay ahead.

To our European Cousins, who have mentored and stood by us so steadfastly during the preceding dark years, I offer my most heartfelt regrets. As recently seen, America’s public education system has completely failed large numbers of people in teaching critical thinking and inductive and deductive reasoning. Vital skills to survive a global economy and world. I thank you for your wisdom and support, and will fully understand if you abandon America, if she once again falls prey to the sham of personality over substance, strength, solid ideas and courage.

To those wise enough to see through the smoke and mirrors, I thank you for your edifying and wise words. Please contact all you can and advise them of the perils in choosing “feel good” fantasy and personality, over proven courage, bold ideas, and wisdom of experience and trials of life.