So I started wondering about David Axelrod, since it seems he may well be in line to have a huge voice in national politics in the years to come. This is the first thing I found, and thought it interesting enough to share  right away.

Key graf, as they say…

In 2001, Mr. Axelrod played a major role in devising Mr. Ferrer’s [New York mayoral, against Bloomberg] campaign message that there were ”two New Yorks” separated by an economic divide — a message that, although it was labeled divisive by Mr. Ferrer’s opponents, helped him into a runoff against Mark Green, which he then lost. Mr. Axelrod also played roles in the presidential campaign of Senator John Edwards and the victorious senatorial run of Barack Obama of Illinois.

So that looks like it makes more likely an Obama/Edwards ticket, if nothing else.

What else can people find about Axelrod?