I’m headed to Drinking Liberally and then primary return parties. CNN will be reporting on exit polls within the hour. Please post about them in the comments. If you can get the Clintons to stop deconstructing on national teevee, please step up and do it.
About The Author

Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly. He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
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Strict instructions. Volunteer if you want to. Uh…
Watching Hardball right now. Chris Mathews recently saw an Obama rally/event and when he speaks about it now, he wells up. He’s in LOVE.
As much as I dislike Mathews, this is good news for Obama. Mathews is infatuated with power. He was a Kennedy democrat and even was a speech writer for Carter until Reagan came along and since then he’s had a hard-on for any Republican empty suit that’s walked across a stage. Now he sees that we have a new legend on our hands (Obama) and he is SOLD.
Financial Times, UK/US edition reports:
(Reg. required)
Clinton looks to `Tsunami Tuesday’ for fightback
What a fool. She is gonna hold on to this thing until someone pries it out of her cold dead hands. And she’s gonna even lose her own good reputation over it. I think even New York (her state) is on Feb 5. Whattayawanna bet that New York goes to Obama for more than 10 points vs Hillary?
Pathetic. But hey, she’ll be flingin’ shit at Obama until then and none of it will gain anything for her. So… I guess she just strengthens her own opposition.
Good. I’d like to see a landslide in November with the biggest mandate of the last 100 years.
kinda of strange tsunami Tuesday..when i think Tsunami I think of destruction of those innocent people in the Indian Ocean. She should just go out gracefully….she could always be Secretary of State.
She could always be “The Great Senior Senator From New York” once Schumer is gone and she could hold that great reputation until she’s like 130 years old. She could have substantial power in that chamber because the people of New York are so happy to have her representing them. But now with what she’s doing now, she runs the risk of getting herself thrown out on her next election (as Senator.) Remember, her constituents were a bit concerned about her running for president when she was up for re-election and she just played dumb, pretending that she hasn’t decided if she’d run for President. Puhhhhhh-lease!
she could hold that great reputation until she’s like 130 years old.
isn’t she already 130 years old?
perhaps Dems will finally see Clintons for who they really are:
and they governed that way.
see how quickly they cozyed up to the Bushies? If elected, she’ll give Bush a free pass.
I’m not placing any bets on the vote count, November 4.
by the way, what happened to socks, the 1st cat?
I wouldn’t bet against Hillary in New York. It’s not an open primary. Only registered Dems may vote for the Dem candidates. And the old machinery is well entrenched here.
I’ll be happy to be proven wrong.
It seems to me New York is where Bill Clinton finally stopped Jerry Brown in 1992.
in N.Y:
The Barack Obama fund-raisers in New York have to turn away contributors–and possibly their money!–because there are too many who want a high-priced ticket to the photo reception at his Grand Hyatt event tomorrow
hope his campaign is sustainable.
if he wins against the Clinton machine, the Hillary’s MLK, Jr remark will exclude them from any role.
while l’m certainly no fan of hillary, l can see the rationale behind staying in until feb 5, assuming she doesn’t resort to the strategies and negative campaigning that have been suggested. this is only the beginning of the end of a much too long campaign season.
l would hope that if the wave continues during the time remaining in sc, nevada, etc., she should bow out gracefully without suffering a humiliating defeat at that time.
l think with an obama or edwards…my preference in the spirit of full disclosure…presidency, she would be a valuable asset in the senate.
we shall see.
FYI, there’s cool interactive video coverage at Robert Greenwald’s Brave New Films site
They’re promising comment from folks like Greenwald, Andy Stern, Yglesiaas, Jim Dean, Jane Hamsher and more. It will be one of my main remote hangouts.
according to msnbc:
clinton: 38%
obama: 36%
edwards: 17%
mccain: 37% has already been declared the winner
romney: 28%
huckleberry: 12%
It shocks me that they would even report because it’s only like 15% in. So be careful what you repeat to anyone at this early point.
l’m not repeating anything, just passing on information.
deal with it as you choose.
That’s the consensus everywhere.
doing what they ALWAYS seem to do.
Kneejerking against whatever HAS been…good, bad or indifferent…and lining up with a great cheer behind the one candidate who absolutely CANNOT win in ’08.
Johnny-Boy Edwards.
Luckily, the voters are NOT lefties.
Of course…they’re not very bright either, by and large. But y’can’t have everything.
On the broadest of levels, they ARE more correct than the leftiness bloggers. Not burdened with rigid thinkiness problems, they see through the hustling Edwards like the cheap expensive (suit and a haircut, two-bits) lawyer he really is.
And have you noticed the ageist and anti-female biases rampant in the lefty complaints against Clinton?
ESPECIALLY from a number of women.
I have.
Let alone the tacit anti-black thing. The sin that dares not speak its name. But it DOES say “Edwards”, doesn’t it?
Strange, how the only white guy gets so much press from the bloggers, isn’t it?
Why…Maryscott O’Connor actually wrote a piece called Irony in ’08: John Edwards, White Man, Is the Best Candidate”.
The only REAL irony of which situation is about how many of the avowed leftiness people are wailing about Hillary Clinton’s “weakness” (“Why…she even started to CRY. What an act!!!” Or of course the ever-popular “Why…she even started to CRY. She is SO weak!!!” Just LIKE a woman.” Right? Riiiiiight. ), her “bitchiness”, about how Obama isn’t REALLY black, and on and on and on and on and on.
Meanwhile, the Clinton campaign rolls right along.
Latest numbers from CNN?
Quel surprise!!!
The Clinton team consists of a bunch of professionals.
1-NONE of the candidates are telling “the truth”. Not the real contenders. Why? They are parsing in order to win votes. Sorry. That’s the way this system had grown to work. Deal with it or show me a practical plan to change it. I certainly don’t have one.
2-Clinton is going to be in it right to the conventiatoon.
Bet on it.
See above.
They are PROS.
And y’know what?
If Obama doesn’t run away with it on Feb. 5th Super Tuesday…and I very much doubt that he will…then the closer we get to the convention, the less chance he has for anything other than the Vice-Presidency.
Because the pros run the convention.
Now…I am not saying that I like what I see of Clinton’s platform and many of her alliances and debts.
As a leftist myself.
But then Obama and Edwards are really no better.
It’s Kucinich or bust in that department.
So why isn’t the entire left blogosphere rallying around HIM?
Because he’s not electable?
Holy shit, people. He couldn’t even carry his home STATE in ’04.
Whadda buncha maroons!!!
Regular walking-around people see though him an a NY second.
He’s a LAWYER!!!
They HATE lawyers.
Even their OWN lawyers.
Lawyers talk through both sides of their mouth and get paid on both sides of the argument AND of the decision.
I personally think that the entire left blogsoporosphere oughta recuse itself from further interference in the whole nomination process on the grounds of self-embarassment. And then, after the dirty work is over, come on in and work for whoever wins.
It’s embarassing!!!
But then…what do I know?
i dont know about anyone else but i wouldnt vote for kucinich, not because he isnt electable, but because he is a doofus.
john edwards may not be electable…..or even get elected….but he isnt a doofus.
that however doesnt explain why people voted for bush, the doofus supreme.
i have to go back to the penis theory on this whole thing.
i did hear a bunch of white people in the pool in florida saying how barack obama wasnt REALLY black….not black like jackson and sharpton….more like black like powel….i have heard this more than once and not from liberals….from old white republicans.
what is a good leftie anyway?
nbc has called it for mccain.
I hate it when they “call” it this early. While the percentage is strong for McCain, they haven’t counted that many votes. I’ll still look at the numbers tomorrow.
According to the gender breakdown exit polling, Obama’s looking at a victory between 5 and 8 points
Scratch that. New exit polling figures show a much bigger edge for Hillary among women (previously 4 point edge, now nine point edge).
I think it’s over. Hillary’s lead has expanded from 3500 to 5000. Congrats, Hillary. May the NeoCon Force be with you.
Clinton , Hillary Dem 17,713 40%
Obama , Barack Dem 15,715 36%
Edwards , John Dem 7,418 17%
Richardson , Bill Dem 1,899 4%
Kucinich , Dennis Dem 787 2%
Total Write-ins Dem 419 1%
Biden , Joe Dem 79 0%
Gravel , Mike Dem 61 0%
McCain , John GOP 10,281 37%
Romney , Mitt GOP 7,886 28%
Huckabee , Mike GOP 3,356 12%
Giuliani , Rudy GOP 2,559 9%
Paul , Ron GOP 2,307 8%
Total Write-ins GOP 674 2%
Thompson , Fred GOP 419 2%
Hunter , Duncan GOP 162 1%
All I’m hearing is that the race is “wide open” and I have no idea if they’re talking the general or today’s race. LOL!
Why haven’t they called it for Clinton yet, when they’ve called it for McCain?
Are they not calling it for here because exit polls show Obama winning by 5pts?
NBC’s exit poll showed:
Obama: 46%
Clinton: 35%
Edwards: 14%
Richardson: 2%
Kucinich: 1%
(Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21225995/. Look for the question that starts regardless of who you voted for today, but look down the side and at the first column to get who voted for what as a percent of sample.)
This is in stark contrast to the electronically counted vote totals, so far (16% reporting) – currently being shown as:
Clinton 40%
Obama 36%
Edwards 17%
Richardson 4%
Kucinich 2%
(Source: http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2008/primaries/results/state/#NH)
My only worry is this:
Ack – sorry – read that wrong – trying to multitask here – ignore the exit poll numbers – that’s not what that question is asking.
Or maybe that IS what it means. Not clear!
Ah, but a quick look at the vote numbers shows a large majority voted dem. Good sign, no matter who wins.
Mitt Romney has to be the least funny man on earth.
HAHA. Some Ron Paul fanboy just called into C-Span whining about how poorly his candidate is doing.
High comedy.
Man, I can’t believe how they’re mocking John McCain’s speech on MSNBC. Olbermann, Tweety, Scarborough, Barnicle….just guffawing about how bad it was.
It was pretty bad.
Ron Paul is even worse. Good lord.
Is anyone else watching Ron Paul’s speech? For some reason, C-Span has shown the whole thing…over 20 minutes.
It is chilling.
I swear that after this man loses his bid for the Republican nod, his followers are going to riot. And he is going to look on approvingly, if not incite it in the first place.
No other word will do.
In a BAD sort of way.
Hey, Mike Gravel has 182 votes (last screen I saw), so he’s still in it. Party like it’s 1973.
Fuck, the AP calls it for Clinton.
I am supremely pissed.
Wow, the polls were way off.
w/ 69% counted nbc is calling it for clinton: 39%; obama: 36%; edwards: 17%
brokered convention anyone?
Recap: Obama has 50 delegates, Clinton has maybe 34. At this point best guess is that 2100+ will be the “over the top” number.
LONG way to go yet.
the race is beginning to take on a lot of the dynamics of the ’68 and ’72 d conventions…buckle up, it’s gonna be quite a ride.
maybe l should apply for that media pass…
Yup. I’ve thought about it myself. I don’t really WANT to do it, I feel like I ought to (big story and all that), and that usually results in generally sucky coverage I’ll regret putting my `nym on someday.
So I’m hoping for it to all work out before I have to decide which way I want to go… or maybe I’ll get an assignment to somewhere on the far edge of beyond and be able to forget the whole Godsforgotten thing. I don’t think it’s going to make that much difference who wins anyway. If it’s the D, in two years we’ll all be bitching about the sellout in whatever common space we have and the R’s will be screaming about the goddam dirty fucking hippy commie preverts bringing down the wrath of God any day now; if it’s the R, we’ll be too busy fighting for whatever land space is still on the “beach” side of the “beachfront property” and the R’s will be screaming about the goddam dirty fucking hippy commie preverts bringing down the wrath of God any day now (because some things just never change.)
Well … that was unexpected. On to SC.
I was out watching returns with a group of people and we were remarking that there is a whole generation of voters who probably don’t remember a race where there was actual competition for the Democratic nomination.
I do wonder what happened in New Hampshire – everything unfolded according to Rasmussen’s 8 Jan 08 poll (within the ±2% margin of error) except for Hillary’s numbers. Notice what happened (as of 11:19 PM, 81% reporting, Rasmussen poll numbers in parentheses):
How could Rasmussen be that wrong? And they were the most conservative poll – most everyone else had Obama winning by double-digits – so what happened in New Hampshire? Inquiring minds want to know – and really want to avoid tin-foil hat country, even though that may well be our eventual destination…
Turnout assumptions could have been wrong.
Ms. Clinton drew a huge number of female voters.
Boomer female voters, if I know New Hampshire like I know the rest of New England.
And I do, too.
They didn’t get involved in “polls”.
Too busy.
Too down to earth.
But they trundled out and voted.
Bet on it.