I think an excellent way for John Edwards to cut through to democratic voters is to take a truly fighting stance against “election fraud.” There is some evidence that the kind of suspected primary election fraud that the election fraud “community” (Bob Fitrakis of Free Press, Black Box Voting, Mark Crispin Miller and others who are largely unrebutted by the GOP) has noticed may have occurred in New Hampshire.(One.)
To summarize, it looks like exit polling, which would be immune to unaccounted for pre polling surges and/or skulldoggery by republican independents (and is reliable within .1 percent in places like Germany), is wildly at odds with the final result. The election fraud community smells a rat as well they should. Now, there is a counter view posted at Dkos. (Two.) I don’t find it as compelling as the chart shown here:
http://ronrox.com/paulstats.php?party=DE MOCRATS
I think John Edwards should ask for a full recount, but go a bit further and demand a full inquiry into “chain of custody” issues. You might wonder what the overall benefit would be of a successful recount effort which would give the election to Obama. Well, the most important thing it would do is it would show, in a very realistic and powerful way, that Edwards is a different kind of democrat who fights for principle, namely one person one vote. Afterall, a lot of dems, myself included, think that both the 2000 and the 2004 election were stolen. If you want to show me a different kind of democrat you could start by fighting for our votes.
I’m also an African American. If you wanted to sell other African Americans on your campaign you might remind those African American voters (most targeted by vote suppression and these new ID laws) who fought for their vote and who will be more likely to fight for their vote when the Ohio/Florida of 2008 inevitably arises. The reason I support John Edwards is that I think he’ll do more for the black community than some triangulating appeaser. Here’s a chance for Edwards to prove me right.
You could also make your critiques of the voting system while supporting the New Holt Bill and wondering aloud why Sens. Obama and Clinton aren’t more vocal or aren’t offering amendments against voter ID Laws. I just think it creates a new dynamic for the race. A man who bills himself as a “fighting democrat” should, well, do some fighting…
Philip Shropshire
One: If you’re interested in the details then look here:
http://politics.slashdot.org/politics/08 /01/10/1635225.shtml
And Here:
http://ronrox.com/paulstats.php?party=DE MOCRATS
And Here:
http://www.dailykos.com/story/2008/1/10/ 02623/2264/85/434176
he should walk softly, and carry a BIG stick ; )
I agree with you to a degree, he already has the media giving him the least coverage out there, and corporate hounds surrounding his campaign.
it will be a tough race, and I would love to see him win, and make the change.
the powers that be are going to bury him, that’s the sad reality.
here’s keeping the faith that right will overcome the wrong.
Good idea. I’ve been wondering why a nation that has been dragged so low as we have would continue to allow itself to be distracted by the campaign circus when we have already seen how meaningless the results of our votes have become.
We’re definitely finished with “Of the people, by the people, for the people.”
The integrity of our elections should be our singular focus.