If this shit doesn’t stop, Bill Clinton is going to be the first formerly black President of the United States. The Clintons absolutely have to get control of their surrogates that have been suggesting that Barack Obama was a cocaine dealer, alluded to his non-existent Muslim faith, and now accuse him of shucking and jiving.

“It’s not a TV crazed race. Frankly you can’t buy your way into it,” [Andrew] Cuomo said, according to Albany Times Union reporter Rick Karlin. He then added, “You can’t shuck and jive at a press conference. All those moves you can make with the press don’t work when you’re in someone’s living room.”

The New York Times took Hillary to task yesterday for suggesting that Martin Luther King Jr. was ineffective without the assistance of a white man [LBJ]. Honestly, why on Earth would Hillary want to disparage Barack Obama by comparing his rhetoric to Martin Luther King?

I’m waiting for Terry McAuliffe to refer to the Obama campaign as a minstrel show. Maybe the Clintons want to hire Kelly Tilghman to suggest Barack be ‘lynched in a back alley.’

Do the Clintons really want to destroy their relationship and reputation with the black community? Because if this shit doesn’t stop, people are not going to forgive. Sister Souljah was one thing. This is getting into ‘George W. Bush against John McCain in South Carolina’ territory.