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- Day 28: Democracy Dies In Darkness
- Day 26: People Discover That American Fascists Like German Fascists
- Day 25: The Fascist Regime Comes for the Federal Prosecutors
- Day 23: The Fascist Regime and House Budget Committee Are Coming for Medicaid
- Day 22: The Fascist Regime Destabilizes the Jordanian Monarchy
Old cafe here!
Here’s hoping the server doesn’t crash again this morning…
Good morning, CG – and Andi in the old thread!
Early start today?
Did you have a good weekend?
Winter is back here but too bad — highs in the low 30s, lows in the low 20s.
Well, they threatened us with a possible 3-5 inches overnight – but nothing. Still too warm (35) and all rain.
Apparently that’s happening all along coast, I just got a company email (company is located north of Boston) saying that the snow has was being slow in showing up but still looked like there would be a lot so people should feel free to work from home (which I do).
Just finally getting back into the swing of things and getting up early. The first week after vacation is always deadly for me.
We didn’t get any snow either. Which is fine with me, because I want CBtE to get his midterms over with this week.
Hey, I was expecting a desert picture for the new cafe. Now you’ll just have to post one to make up for it. 🙂
I need to power up the laptop for that…but it’ll have to wait until folks are off to school. Besides the one up there is so pretty!
How are you this morning?
Okay, okay I’ll wait. Besides, I’m a sucker for a compliment. 🙂
I’m sleepy (kept waking up last night) and monday-grumpy. How’s your cold?
I slept well (someone else’s cold is better, so there’s no more snoring), but I’m at the point where it will either clear up completely, or leave my sinuses and head south to my lungs. Hopefully it’s the former. 🙂
I used to get bronchitis every winter like it was a required part of the season but it’s been a few years since that’s happened and I’m very grateful.
I’m the same way, and it’s been better over the past few years (probably because the pulmonologist is proactive), with the exception of last year’s whooping cough.
I suspect Advair has something to do with it — I’ve almost no trouble with asthma since I started using. Also, getting the polyps removed from sinuses has completely eliminated by sinus infections which I figure helped make me more susceptible.
Advair is the wonder drug, isn’t it? I describe it to people as being the drug that ended my wondering what it would be like NOT to have asthma.
I also find that it’s critical for me to get enough sleep or I get really sick.
Ooh ooh – can I join the Advair fan club too? Now if I could just remember to take it each morning and night…
my doctor says that even being consistent and using it only once a day works…not that the drug company would want you to know that, but there it is.
I do only use it once a day. I figured I would up it to twice a day if I had a flair up but that has yet to happen. All I’ve had is some occasional wheezes that the alupent has taken care of immediately
Good morning all. We had snow last night, one of those snowfalls that leaves the trees entirely white. Photos to follow.
Cool. Enough for a snow man?
It was earlier but melted fairly quickly.
… the shot in the diary was part of a series of shots I took that morning. It was fun to follow the progress of the sunrise.
7:41 a.m EST
7:45 a.m EST
7:50 a.m EST
Beautiful. And from what I remember about northern winters, by the time the sun was fully up it started to go down again. You can get both sunrise and sunset shots before you finish a pot of coffee.
I was in Sweden once in February and it was only light from about 10 to 3. It gave me a whole new appreciation for winter here.
Evening to anyone who happens to be lurking about. I’m about to starts writing a paper for the class I’m taking. I hope everyone is well.
A rather strange weather day yesterday — it snowed off and on all day but since it was the laziest, most parse snow I’ve ever seen, we only ended up with an inch or so.
Morning/evening Andi. It’s bedtime here. I’m just waiting for Imogen to get home from spending the evening with a friend.
We had a lovely warm day today with just enough of a breeze to keep Luna and I cool on our walk along the Derwent estuary. Pretty much my idea of perfect summer day.
Sounds like a lovely day.
How’s Betty the skink doing?
Betty is good. We’re still waiting for the deep cut on the underside of her tail to heal over completely before we turn her loose.
We’ve also got another over-night patient – a baby possum that Imogen found on the road last night on her drive home. It’s barely furred, and has a few nasty cuts on it. We’ll be taking it to our vets as soon as they open this morning.
The vet checked him out (another little boy) and thought he was in fairly good shape. Animal Rescue was going to send a carer by to pick him up this afternoon.
Personal note: young possums are strong and have huge claws, at least that was my impression trying to prise him from my hand this morning.
Good morning Andi and good evening keres!
I have now lost my voice. I hate winter colds.
Add to that that I slipped on the stairs and scraped up the leg that wasn’t all mashed up from falling over a marble coffee table plus a sliced up toe (right through the toenail) from some broken picture glass, and now I’m afraid to leave my bed. Who knows what I’ll do to myself next.
But other than that, it’s looking like a great day. 🙂
the Klutz of the Week Award, you poor thing.
But hey, any excuse for a lazy day has some good to it.
Yeah, too bad I have so much work to catch up on from being sick and lazy last week. 🙂
I will really be glad when this week is over. CBtE is being a mouthy grump this week and still expecting me to be a happy cab driver for him, and I have zero patience for it.
In other news, CBtY baked us a beautiful banana cake last night, and I’m almost finished his new socks.
CBtY has excellent taste. Because of my lack of a sweet touch, my mom always made me banana cakes (no icing) for my birthday.
(Special message to this week from CG: run away, run away)
And to top things off, CBtE told his bus driver not to pick him up this morning, because his exam isn’t until one. So I’m driving him to school now becuase he needs to be there studying.
Of course, I find this out at 7:35 when he’s ready for the bus to come and it isn’t coming, not yesterday afternoon when we cold have called and straightened this out. Argh.
See y’all in a bit.
Heh. I went out, started the car, and now I can’t get my car door to stay shut because the latch is so cold it’s stuck in the open position…
All I can do now is laugh.
I was right — ya shoulda stood in bed.
CBtE and I bungied the door shut and giggled about being the Clampetts on the way to school, so it wasn’t all bad.
And then the door warmed up enough to work again, thank goodness. Maybe my hexing is over for today?
standing in the bed is going to break the hex? Who knew?
I’d probably just bump my head on the ceiling.
Good morning, Andi and CG!
CG, this day is obviously hexed – back to bed as soon as CBtE is dropped off.
Slept till 7.35 – wonderful.
I’m just on my way “out the door”. Hope you have a good one (I think we’re guaranteed to have a better than CG).
I’m back and working already. Maybe a nap later?
Good morning all. I hope that things start going better for you, CG.
Thanks, boran.
That’s exactly what I’m doing right now…hoping nothing else happens today.
I prescribe slacking. Lots of slacking. And manzanilla
Excellent plan. Sniff approves.
Hi! Is it 5:00 yet?
Did all that cold weather in Noo Yawk make you really happy to get back to Tucson?
And speaking of the trip, howse come you never posted a bunch of pictures of the trip over at your place?
Hi Andi. The weather was quite nice while I was out there, in fact I think it was colder here at night. Was thankful that nature was so kind.
As for the pix, I got a few threatening emails during the same time period from some vigilantes that didn’t like my site very much, so decided not to post anything that could be used for nefarious purposes. I get very few trolls over at my place that have the courage to post comments, they’d rather clog my inbox with their hate. Sad.
Those asshats. Now it’s getting personal when they prevent me from seeing your cute mug.
What, the private collection has worn out its luster? 😉
I lost it when I purged all of the porn from my hard drive. 😉
hehehe. always a pleasure to flirt with you, SN. how’ve you been?
The pleasure is all mine….really! 😉
I’ve been terrific, Manny. Life is good.
When you going to take a trip to my neck of the woods?
Glad to hear it. I’ll probably be heading back to that side of the rock later this year, unless I win the lottery in the meantime. If that happens, I’ll be sure to leave GPS coordinates for the secluded island that I purchase.
It just so happens that I actually have that island already…..not to mention the children your age….
semantics 😉
how’s Esperanza? Bud is doing good, lazy as always.
oops work called but it looks like SN and you had plenty of fun without me. 😉
(And I’m really sorry about the creeps — I’ve seen how nasty some of them are in the comments.)
She’s being a big pain in the neck but it’s mostly my fault because I’ve moved into the attic and I hardly spend any time with her these days. She’s still a cutie pie though.
So CG, what’s up for Disaster Week today?