Frank Luntz discovers something interesting.
* More people under 40 have sex at least once a week than vote for president once every four years.
* 25% of all Republicans and 35% of all Democrats have had more than 10 sexual partners in their lifetime — a higher percentage than vote in congressional and local elections.
What do you make of these numbers?
They sound like my kind of people!
25% of all Republicans and 35% of all Democrats have had more than 10 sexual partners in their lifetime…
We finally have found bipartisan consensus – in lying (or are they counting their 10 fingers as “partners”?)
More evidence that the Republican party is becoming irrelevant.
What do I make of this? Um, its the only way in hell that Luntz could get close to the mansion and grotto?
What do you make of these numbers?
Uh, that people like sex more than they like politics?
That was my thought: “Sex is more popular than voting? Who knew?”
I think we should start a KITTENS FOR MITTTENS campaign (just cuz it rhymes).
Political Wire mentioned this recently and they had more findings listed:
* More people under 40 have sex at least once a week than vote for president once every four years.
* 25% of all Republicans and 35% of all Democrats have had more than 10 sexual partners in their lifetime — a higher percentage than vote in congressional and local elections.
* 55% of Republicans have sex at least once a week, compared with just 43% of Democrats.
* 14% of Thompson supporters and 12% of Obama supporters claim to have sex “almost every day.” Just 5% of Clinton and Giuliani supporters have sex that frequently.
* On average, Republicans say they were 18.4 years old when they first had sex. Independents were 17.6 and Democrats were 17.5.
* 58% of respondents think Bill Clinton was the sexiest president of the past 40 years; Ronald Reagan is second, with 22%.
* 38% say Richard Nixon was the least sexy; Bill Clinton is second, with 18%.
* 23% of all Republicans and 24 percent of all Democrats would “definitely” or “probably” say yes to a one-night stand in the Oval Office with a president they found physically and sexually attractive.
* 51% of all Republicans and 67% of all Democrats have watched porn with their sexual partners.
* 55% of people who attend church every week consider themselves to be “sexually adventurous.”
* Americans of both parties say they are more turned on by intelligence than by physical appearance.
I was kinda surprised by the numbers of Republicans vs Democrats watching porn with their partners. I thought it would be about the same.
* 51% of all Republicans and 67% of all Democrats have watched porn with their sexual partners.
makes sense to me…people who feel shame over sex watch it alone.
im just glad the sex industry is recession proof
How about they’d rather screw than get screwed?
“More people under 40 have sex at least once a week than vote for president once every four years.”
This tells me we need to make orgasms part of the voting process.
The thought of Republicans having sex is a truly repulsive one; the fact that so many of them claim to have sex at least once a week boggles the mind. I don’t believe them. They are, after all, the same people who deny global warming and evolution. Liars. Liars all.
What I’d like to know is how often they PAY for sex. I’d be willing to bet it’s much more prevalent among the R’s.
I’d bet that 69% of them would support a single-payer system…
Obviously not enough people in this country are having sex.
Certainly not enough people in this country vote.
I think we should change both.
More sex and more voting, now is the time!
Now there’s a cause I could get behind. Er, in front of….oh nevermind.
i just spewed my tea, thank you very bunch! 🙂
Wow! A quarter of the D’s and R’s want to have sex in the oval office. Who knew?
I qualify having more than ten sexual partners even before I count my hands.
By the way, the first first results of the recounts aren’t all that encouraging if you are rooting for Diebold.
So far in Manchester Clinton’s vote total is different in nine of the twelve precincts. Edward’s is different in four of the twelve. Obama’s is different in nine of the twelve.
550 votes weren’t counted in Stratham because they used the wrong pens.