Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
All I know is that one of her diaries was forwarded to me and I couldn’t believe that she wrote it. It’s been an amazing downward spiral these past few weeks.
Here new one is up, apparently based on factless comments from the previous diary. AND there are new factless comments in that diary. It’s gotten to be a scary, scary place over there.
I’ve been wondering if, when this is all over, I’ll be able to read some bloggers with the same level of belief and respect that I had before all this started. I’m not specifically talking about Susan because I don’t read her very often anyway.
It’s one thing to be partisan, but to make up all kinds of stuff another candidate didn’t do is lame and pretty pathetic. It took me awhile to get that susanhu was a Clinton supporter because I have never seen a pro-Clinton diary from her. Just these very strange, attacks on Obama.
When this election is over, no matter who wins, susanhu will have zero credibility. In 3 diaries, she managed to wipe out her credibility of the previous years. Then the diaries kept coming. Nov. 5th, all susanhu will be known as is a Hillbot. She’s displayed her willingness to contort and distort a candidates words to fit whatever frame is being touted on the campaign. She’s bent over backwards to blow off the dog whistle politics of the Clinton campaign as “all in the minds of the black voters” and blamed it on the focus of those campaigns.
Think of Nov. 5th, Nov., 6th, and so on…any time you see a diary from susanhu, will you remember all the work she’s done before? Nope. You’re going to remember her for these shrill, unsubstantiated, out-of-context, screeds that have almost no basis in reality. If on May 7th, 2009 susanhu wrote a diary about water being wet and sand being grainy, guaranteed people across the blogosphere will get a second or third opinion.
You know, susanhu’s diaries were used at our Dem. meeting last night on how to blog politically. They were used as the “what not to do”. Everyone thought they were fakes, they are so over the top and unrealistic. People were laughing. One old lady said, “She’s a Hillary supporter? Get her off my team. She sounds like she writes for Rush Limbaugh.”
I have to say that I will be looking at a lot of my liberal/progressive “allies” a lot differently after the dust has cleared.
Conservatives, regardless of color, have openly “warned” of what would happen if Obama was a serious threat to Billary–that basically the “true colors” (so to speak) of some liberals/progressives would come shining through. I hate that they’ve proved to be right in some cases.
Some words and actions are so bad that you just can’t kiss and make up and pretend it didn’t happen. There is no going back.
They are sending bigdog to S.C ahead of Miss Hillary. He will do all the dirty work, she will swoop in and be a southern belle.
My prediction; Bill will be over the top and get some boos at his speeches.
Well maybe that is my wish….Ah sheesh
financial Armageddon is unfolding not just sub prime mortgages that have taken down housing, Muni bond insurers and banks are broke. The credit crisis rolls into 2010.
A weakening economy enhances voter nostalgia for Billary, “Oh remember the 90s…the Clinton years” Clinton will seize the issue. The Clinton years went bust.
Michael Bloomberg will run with Chuck Hagel as an Independent. Hagel on the ticket will drive the Israel Factor nuts.
Bloomberg will win the presidency running as the best alternative to Clintons and McCain for managing the unfolding great recession.
Really. Like he’s the violent alcoholic husband and they’re the battered wives. So sad. Worse, they’ll “compromise” with him and give his rich friends their permanent tax cuts, against the advice of all reputable economists, making things even worse. And accept the blame again.
Huckelbee will be the VP candidate on the Republican ticket….McCain or Romney will be at the top of the ticket.
The Democratic ticket? I don’t have a freakin clue.
Toyota will surpass GM within one year to become the world’s largest car company. (And they used to refer to Japanese cars with the derogatory term rice burners.)
Right now, Mrs. Clinton is ahead in the Super Tuesday states, but it’s not insurmountable and she’s weak nationally, only a few points ahead of Giuliani (a nutcase whose clock would be cleaned by any other Democrat, but everyone knows that Mrs. Clinton won’t make big changes and will leave the existing power structure — the real problem — pretty much intact).
After losing big in South Carolina and Nevada, Edwards reads the tea leaves and quits, putting principles before ego and fantasy. Most of his support goes to Obama.
Obama figures out that alienating people isn’t working in his favor, cleans up his act, and wins big on Super Tuesday and becomes the nominee.
The Patriots will beat the Chargers. The Giants will beat the Packers. The Patriots will then blow out the Giants. Eli Manning throws four INTs, and gets traded to San Diego for Philip Rivers.
In the year 2000…
Hillary Clinton will win tomorrow and the nomination. Obama will begin saying how much he absolutely despises Ronald Reagan.
In the year 2000…
Mitt Romney will win Nevada. He will then lose in every other primary state. He will commit suicide, and leave a note revealing that he did not pull off the side of the road and cry when Blacks were accepted in the Mormon Church.
In the year 2000…
Mike Huckabee will also spiral into depression. He will go into a binging spree and blow up to 500 pounds. The tragic spiral leads him to leave the Church and become a Buddhist. He eventually gets lipo and gastric bypass and appears on Oprah in 2016.
In the year 2000…
The Writer’s Strike will finally end. They will reveal that they didn’t do it for better pay, but rather to show people how much The Daily Show would fall off without them.
In the year 2000…
Bin Laden will put out another video. Except this time, it’s met with one synchronized, collective sigh and the vibration creates a minor earthquake across the united states.
In the year 2000…
George Bush and Dick Cheney will leave office then write exposes on themselves. They will explain how crazy President Hillary is to follow in their footsteps.
in 2008, i will
– see no mainstream comedies that make me laugh out loud and for most of the movie
-probably watch a football game with my dad, who lost his sight last year and would enjoy it if i described the good plays to him
-not quite deny, but set aside my current rage against hillbama, and blog most of the time on how they are better than the republican alternative
-become an uberfeminist militant who accepts 0 sexism at any blogging community i visit, none and from no one. ditto ‘soft racism.’
-continue to describe our country’s slow, steady decline into irrelevance on the international, financial, educational, industrial and moral stages.
-be surprised that some progressives will continue to fall for the Phonebook theory
-take notes of those who most strongly subscribe to it, for use in 2009 when hillbama proves to be even more centrist-right than the first clinton admins.
I guess I don’t know what your problem is with the “Phonebook Theory” or which one you mean.
If you’re talking about MySpace/Friendster, et al, and while I’ve never been to those sites, being a network engineer and web developer from ‘way back, the Phonebook Theory seems to me to have at least some legitimacy.
Or are you referring to the theory proposed by lambert? We’ve seen politicians from both sides of the aisle do that before, so it’s not really a theory, but is instead a matter of will.
Will he or won’t he? Your guess is as good as mine, but I’ll be putting a checkmark next to any Democrat’s name anyway, so it doesn’t really matter in the long run.
And it’s the long run that really matters but that many keep forgetting, including each and every one of the candidates, in their rush to put personalities before principles. But I guess you’ve got to entertain the Idiots someway if you want to get their votes.
Or are you referring to JennToodles’ Phone Book Theory? (Sorry. I just had to throw that one in there, too. Sometimes a 14-year-old can be entertaining, if only to make me glad than I’m not one.)
Going out on a limb here: A Clinton surrogate will make a “subtle” race-baiting remark about Barack Obama at some point in the near future.
that was easy to predict.
Before or after the South Carolina Primary?
susanhu will write, yet another, unhinged factless diary slamming Obama for something Angelina Jolie did.
What exactly is her problem lately?
All I know is that one of her diaries was forwarded to me and I couldn’t believe that she wrote it. It’s been an amazing downward spiral these past few weeks.
Here new one is up, apparently based on factless comments from the previous diary. AND there are new factless comments in that diary. It’s gotten to be a scary, scary place over there.
Yikes! That was disturbing.
I’ve been wondering if, when this is all over, I’ll be able to read some bloggers with the same level of belief and respect that I had before all this started. I’m not specifically talking about Susan because I don’t read her very often anyway.
I know exactly what you mean.
the Nevada caucuses are tomorrow?
John Edwards is going to be in St. Louis tomorrow morning at 9:15 a.m. and Bill and Hillary are going to be here tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m.
If Obama would come in we’d have a hat trick tomorrow.
Wow, 2 out of 3 ain’t bad. (Good song title.) Bill/Hill actually live about 10 miles or so from me, you can keep ’em for a while. 😉
That the caucuses in NV start at 2pm PST.
It’s one thing to be partisan, but to make up all kinds of stuff another candidate didn’t do is lame and pretty pathetic. It took me awhile to get that susanhu was a Clinton supporter because I have never seen a pro-Clinton diary from her. Just these very strange, attacks on Obama.
My troll-rated comment (her sheeple get mad when you don’t kiss her ass) over there:
She’s not the only one.
Really? My goodness, that is so unfortunate.
I have to say that I will be looking at a lot of my liberal/progressive “allies” a lot differently after the dust has cleared.
Conservatives, regardless of color, have openly “warned” of what would happen if Obama was a serious threat to Billary–that basically the “true colors” (so to speak) of some liberals/progressives would come shining through. I hate that they’ve proved to be right in some cases.
Some words and actions are so bad that you just can’t kiss and make up and pretend it didn’t happen. There is no going back.
Recession deepens quickly.
Dems win in a landslide without kumbayah.
They are sending bigdog to S.C ahead of Miss Hillary. He will do all the dirty work, she will swoop in and be a southern belle.
My prediction; Bill will be over the top and get some boos at his speeches.
Well maybe that is my wish….Ah sheesh
Bill is polishing up for the role of First Gentleman
Seriously, the unthinkable. What’ll be his true role?
John Edwards takes Nevada with 40%.
Now what would the payout be on that?
Apparently 14-1…
I’ll have what he’s having.
I predict:
We will be forced to deal with the 2007 Patriots popping corks until Lithuania puts a man on the moon
Nevada Caucus
South Carolina Primary
Florida Primary
Maine Caucus
Super Duper Tuesday
Presidential Tickets
McCain/Huckabee vs. Obama/Powell
I predict that 95% of these predictions will be wrong.
financial Armageddon is unfolding not just sub prime mortgages that have taken down housing, Muni bond insurers and banks are broke. The credit crisis rolls into 2010.
A weakening economy enhances voter nostalgia for Billary, “Oh remember the 90s…the Clinton years” Clinton will seize the issue. The Clinton years went bust.
Michael Bloomberg will run with Chuck Hagel as an Independent. Hagel on the ticket will drive the Israel Factor nuts.
Bloomberg will win the presidency running as the best alternative to Clintons and McCain for managing the unfolding great recession.
Country goes into depression.
Bush blames Democrat congress.
Democrats accept blame.
Really. Like he’s the violent alcoholic husband and they’re the battered wives. So sad. Worse, they’ll “compromise” with him and give his rich friends their permanent tax cuts, against the advice of all reputable economists, making things even worse. And accept the blame again.
Ouch. Could happen.
Huckelbee will be the VP candidate on the Republican ticket….McCain or Romney will be at the top of the ticket.
The Democratic ticket? I don’t have a freakin clue.
the feces is soon going to hit the rotating blades…economically, politically, societally…and it’s going to be ugly.
bring on the revolution and buckle up, it’s going to be a hard landing.
Toyota will surpass GM within one year to become the world’s largest car company. (And they used to refer to Japanese cars with the derogatory term rice burners.)
Just thought you would like to know, Hillary has LIEberman’s back. What a friggin LOSER!
And here’s the list of all the Democratic Senators that have asked for Joe to lose his Committee Assignments:
None? Oh what a suprise!
Right now, Mrs. Clinton is ahead in the Super Tuesday states, but it’s not insurmountable and she’s weak nationally, only a few points ahead of Giuliani (a nutcase whose clock would be cleaned by any other Democrat, but everyone knows that Mrs. Clinton won’t make big changes and will leave the existing power structure — the real problem — pretty much intact).
After losing big in South Carolina and Nevada, Edwards reads the tea leaves and quits, putting principles before ego and fantasy. Most of his support goes to Obama.
Obama figures out that alienating people isn’t working in his favor, cleans up his act, and wins big on Super Tuesday and becomes the nominee.
I lose my temper sometime in the next few weeks.
In the year 2000…
The Patriots will beat the Chargers. The Giants will beat the Packers. The Patriots will then blow out the Giants. Eli Manning throws four INTs, and gets traded to San Diego for Philip Rivers.
In the year 2000…
Hillary Clinton will win tomorrow and the nomination. Obama will begin saying how much he absolutely despises Ronald Reagan.
In the year 2000…
Mitt Romney will win Nevada. He will then lose in every other primary state. He will commit suicide, and leave a note revealing that he did not pull off the side of the road and cry when Blacks were accepted in the Mormon Church.
In the year 2000…
Mike Huckabee will also spiral into depression. He will go into a binging spree and blow up to 500 pounds. The tragic spiral leads him to leave the Church and become a Buddhist. He eventually gets lipo and gastric bypass and appears on Oprah in 2016.
In the year 2000…
The Writer’s Strike will finally end. They will reveal that they didn’t do it for better pay, but rather to show people how much The Daily Show would fall off without them.
In the year 2000…
Bin Laden will put out another video. Except this time, it’s met with one synchronized, collective sigh and the vibration creates a minor earthquake across the united states.
In the year 2000…
George Bush and Dick Cheney will leave office then write exposes on themselves. They will explain how crazy President Hillary is to follow in their footsteps.
Bill Clinton will say something about Obama that permanently sinks Hillary presidential nomination.
in 2008, i will
– see no mainstream comedies that make me laugh out loud and for most of the movie
-probably watch a football game with my dad, who lost his sight last year and would enjoy it if i described the good plays to him
-not quite deny, but set aside my current rage against hillbama, and blog most of the time on how they are better than the republican alternative
-become an uberfeminist militant who accepts 0 sexism at any blogging community i visit, none and from no one. ditto ‘soft racism.’
-continue to describe our country’s slow, steady decline into irrelevance on the international, financial, educational, industrial and moral stages.
-be surprised that some progressives will continue to fall for the Phonebook theory
-take notes of those who most strongly subscribe to it, for use in 2009 when hillbama proves to be even more centrist-right than the first clinton admins.
I guess I don’t know what your problem is with the “Phonebook Theory” or which one you mean.
If you’re talking about MySpace/Friendster, et al, and while I’ve never been to those sites, being a network engineer and web developer from ‘way back, the Phonebook Theory seems to me to have at least some legitimacy.
Or are you referring to the theory proposed by lambert? We’ve seen politicians from both sides of the aisle do that before, so it’s not really a theory, but is instead a matter of will.
Will he or won’t he? Your guess is as good as mine, but I’ll be putting a checkmark next to any Democrat’s name anyway, so it doesn’t really matter in the long run.
And it’s the long run that really matters but that many keep forgetting, including each and every one of the candidates, in their rush to put personalities before principles. But I guess you’ve got to entertain the Idiots someway if you want to get their votes.
Or are you referring to JennToodles’ Phone Book Theory? (Sorry. I just had to throw that one in there, too. Sometimes a 14-year-old can be entertaining, if only to make me glad than I’m not one.)