MSNBC has just called the Nevada caucuses for Mitt Romney even though CNN has yet to post any results. The Democratic side hasn’t started yet. The votes begins at 2:30 eastern time and we should have the the first results by 3:30. The final results should be in by 5:30. Check here.
The Republicans are also voting in South Carolina, where the polls will be open until 7:00. You can get the results here.
If you have any news, anecdotal or otherwise, post it here.
Update [2008-1-19 13:52:37 by BooMan]: Well, we can safely say that the polls mean absolutely nothing. The last poll out of Nevada had Ron Paul finishing 5th with 7%. But the Entrance Poll shows Ron Paul coming in a strong second with 22%.
Romney winning is no shock. McCain isn’t well liked here. What should be interesting is to see how Ron Paul did. He’s probably done the most campaigning and advertising of the republicans.
I’ll be going to my caucus site soon. I think I’ll go in undecided and see if either Obama or Edwards needs my vote the most. This should be a very interesting experience. I’m interested to see what types of people show up. I live in a central Reno neighborhood with alot of diversity. I hope it’s not just a bunch of old white ladies voting for Clinton.
If you could write up a diary about your experience that would be great. Do you have a camera?
Sure. I’ll see what I can do.
kewl beans.
Does anyone know why South Carolina splits their primaries into two separate day? It seems like it would be much more expensive for the board of elections (thus, the taxpayers) to do primary elections on separate days.
The parties run the primaries. State is not involved.
That’s the rule in South Carolina?
Here the primary elections are run by the local board of elections. Same election judges etc.
Who moves the voting machines? Who sets them up? Who takes them down? Or do the parties have their own voting machines? Or maybe the party reimburse the community completely for all costs?
And the Secretary of State’s office isn’t involved at all?
MSNBC just said Ron Paul Second in Nevada.
I had expected Ron Paul to win Nevada even with no campaigning. So many libertarians out there, even the Democrats in some pockets are more Lib than Dem.
I think there are a lot of Mormons in the state too though.
yep, and 94% of them voted for Romney.
Yeah, I kinda forgot about that when I posted.
But Paul still beats McCain. If the SC evangelicals pass god’s test and brave the snow, maybe he’ll lose SC too. Lol!
The Entrance Poll shows that a full 33% of the Republican caucus-goers make over $100,000/year.
That is NUTS… I wonder what percentage of the population in general makes > 100K/year. I would guess less than 5%.
I thought it was NUTS, too.
Actually, about 19%
Per wikipedia so I don’t vouch for it but it’s supposed to be based on census data.
This is household income, not individual income, (but I bet a lot of people put combined income down when asked on exit polls).
I didn’t find Nevada data on actual household income. Just median income.
May explain earnings bracket above $100K
571 respondents:
Age 60 and older: 44%
Vote by race: 87% white
Another statistic:
Last 3 days deciders: 29% vote for McCain
"But I will not let myself be reduced to silence."
Turnout is low in South Carolina but that might be because on Saturday there is no morning rush to vote.
Also, it appears that God does not like Huckabee as He has sent snowstorms into Huckabee’s part of the state.
god likes to test the righteous. because he has nothing better to do.
Both Todd Beeton and Matt Stoller today are saying that these are Nevada’s very first caucuses. But that appears not to be true.
Bloggers. No better than the MSM on getting their facts straight? 🙂
Booman I think Obama is now claiming he won 13 delegates to Hillary’s 12