Did you see the glass of water sitting with the announcers that froze in about 15 minutes? Maybe less?
I can’t understand how people can watch in the stands. And Brett Favre looked like all he wanted to do was going home. Did you see his dumbfounded look when he threw that interception at the end?
Nope didn’t see that. I kept flipping back and forth all the time. However, if I saw a glass of water freeze by me, then it would have been time to go. 🙂
I have one off and one refusing to go to school. Apparently he thinks it’s smarter to be grounded with no phone privileges for 3 weeks than to go to school today when his friends are off school.
The mysteries of his teenaged male mind are numerous…
An act of civil disobedience? Perhaps he could go off to the neighbors and do volunteer work for the elderly you live around you? Vacuuming, moving heavy items in the basement. That could be the get out of punishment card – put in 4 hours of volunteer time today!
Oh, did I forget to mention that today is a day of service for everyone who hasn’t already gotten at least 12 hours of service projects in, and the rest of them (CBtE is in this category) will be watching movies in all their classes instead?
Life is very, very, very cruel when you are a teenager and suffering under all the cruelty makes it very hard to be rational about your very, very, very cruel choices.
Wait, I think I see a glimmer of reality…he has emerged from the cocoon to get breakfast, and is claiming he hasn’t made the decision to stay home yet…
Will self-preservation (or at least the preservation of his teenaged social life) win out?
Ha! Yes and then there are the grandparents getting their revenge for things their kid did! My mom would sometimes get this secretive Mona Lisa smile when my kids were misbehaving. She never said, “I told you so”, though. Now that I’m a grandpa, the game is mine!
You mean other than climbing buildings in the middle of the night? Being brought home by the cops after curfew? Cutting school and going to Cedar Point to ride coasters all day? Nope, never did.
It’s cold but bright and sunny. I think the funniest part of our whole “snow event” – 1/2 inch of frost really – was that Barry Manilow canceled his concert on Sunday night due to the weather. Hahahahaha
That is pretty funny. My girlfriend went to see Barry Manilow when she was in Vegas (she married – not in Vegas – a totally dorky guy with the absolute worst taste in music, let me tell you), and I’ve never been able to look at ther the same way since.
It’s always been my role in the family to take on ‘the troubled/some’ ones in their teenage years.
One nephew when 17 got 2 girls pregnant at one time and busted in the halls of school for possesion of cocaine.
Parents call up mss, ‘can he come live with you’???
Kid arrives, school is out of the question, so I make my stand that those that live with me need to enter the job market…
Friend who owns a ready-mix plant offers to take nephew on. Of course, nephew who BELIEVES he is smarter than the STUPID generation finds my bottle of JD, slogs it all down. Next day, mss drags said nephew out of nest, drives to work at the ready mix plant.
Friend says, oh poor hungover nephew, I have just the job for you, follow me. Grateful, nephew follows member of the STUPID generation thinking he has found a new sucker. Friend tells nephew to climb up into the drum of the ready mix truck…then hands him down a jackhammer and tells him to clean the sides of the drum…
I’d like to say the lesson worked, but alas some teenagers are smarter than others.
Said nephew, who had (BD/before drugs) an IQ of 145, got his GED, moved back with parents, got into college, dropped out, married a lawyer and the last time I saw him he was driving off angrily with a large puff of smoke floating out his window that had the distinct odor of pot.
Sorry, no happy ending here.
Yep – love those holidays. Also our county workers got a decent raise this year, not having had one since 2004. It was a little cheerier around the offices at our building last Fri.
Good morning, all!
Good entertainment this morning…
Having once been there myself, and now with a 13 yo boy; there is a certain level of stubbornness that young men must test. With some luck, (some of) it will grow off.
Well, since he pushed the limits of stubbornness and common sense won out (a tough battle, I must admit), I guess there’s hope that someday this will end.
How are you and curly today? You don’t have much longer till the big warm-weather adventure, do you?
She was the best!
I had such fond memories of Brighty that years ago I bought my sisters’ kids (the good sister, with good kids) a miniature donkey as a present. Murphy was just a tiny mite when I went to get him, he loaded up just fine in my back seat with the enticement of some oreo cookies (life lesson here, never go anywhere w/o at least a couple of oreo cookies aboard). He was about the size of a golden retriever.
Everyone should have a Murphy or a Brighty cross their path in life.
Well no burros or donkeys have crossed my path but I have a lot of lovely memories of horses I rode at stables and camp (and now will give a sigh as I think back 45 years to a summer spent with a lovely thoroughbred/quarter horse crossbreed called Lady).
I highly recommend it. Jim and I are seriously addicted. Except for a couple of skips, we’ve been back every year since 1992. If you decide to go, I’d be happy to “consult” — I love talking about the southwest.
If you want to get a feel for the area, try book “Journey to the High Southwest” by Robert L. Casey. It doesn’t cover everything but it gives a great sense of the area and it’s very well written.
I might be taking you up on that. Although I’m not sure travel is going to be in the cards this year. I have to finish my clinical stuff by the end of this year, because they are closing the program down.
And of course I’m debating the wisdom of spending another $25K finishing in an economy that’s falling apart. I’m going to need an extra part-time job just to pay for it.
As someone who gave up on a PhD in the 70s because it would have actually made me less employable, I’m clearly the wrong person to even think about offering up any comments on going on.
Thanks. I’m already at the upper end of the pay scale for what I do, so it’s not like I’m looking forward to a raise as a reward at the end. Of course, if I want to try doing something else, it would probably provide me with an opportunity, but I kind of like what I do. I could maybe use it working in a hospital part-time to pay for the kids to go to college.
But the truth is, I don’t feel like being strapped financially for a year or so to do it. The first rotation is already paid for, so I think I’m going to work on that one while I finish making up my mind. (Probably that’s how I’ll get through it: “Just one more clinical before I make up mind for sure” until it’s over.
Sadly, its not Friday yet here, but Monday. At least its a short week, but I have to spend Wed. and Thurs. in downtown Indy for training. Not my favorite thing to do.
In other news, we seem to have a little of the white stuff on the ground this morning. Have a good day everyone!
I’m sorry you have to spend a few days in the city. I think that actualy makes a short week worse, as your trying to get everything done in the office on Tuesday and Friday.
We’re having our first extended cold period of the winter so the 1/4 inch of snow on the north side of the house is sticking around, much to Hopeful’s dismay. Apparently she is a wimpy southern dog as well, who obviously doesn’t like to put her paws in cold or wet things. Lately she’s been hanging her back end out of the door just long enough to relieve herself, then right back inside.
In other news, I am single this week, though this is only a temporary condition. Yay! Cheerios for dinner!
Heh – I loved that. With all of the pornography on Craigslist I can’t believe everyone was up in arms over a vagina couch. I thought it looked snuggly, though not really something I’d put in my family room.
21 degress not for the faint of heart!
Satchmo, my newfie woke me up this morning with a cold nose at 4 to say that the weatherman was a bald faced dreamer…it’s -2!! not the 22 he had forecast.
Bright sun, 4 feet of snow, all powder and thank God for a heating system that works. Have a great day!
We’re at a sweltering 40F and it’s raining. As I keep saying, I’ll take all snow and cold weather anyone wants to spare. I know how horrible summer is going to be down here, so I’ll take all the cold I can get.
Nope I’m really not fond of the heat of summer also. However, I’m like most people to where I can take the heat or cold just as long as I have A/C or heating. Plus the heat outside during the summer is always a good enough reason for me not to do the lawn. 🙂
lawn? what lawn? I swore when I moved off the west west coast that I would leave my lawn mower behind. Now when it’s hot I can trapse down to the river with the dogs and a clear conscience.
Unfortunately I’ve got good sized front and back yards. My neighbors all keep immaculate lawns, and sometimes I feel guilty for not keeping mine up as well, but it’s only sometimes I feel that way. 🙂
I used to swear I could hear the grass growing at night and my neighbors shaking their heads in disappointment at my lawn mowing skills. Here, I bought grass seed that is guaranteed to attract deer but survive their munching ways. Since it’s a high desert, grass only comes in clumps and the deer are much quieter than my old lawnmower.
Of course a couple of beers used to make me feel a whole lot better about going round and round that damn lawn too.
The only thing that ever makes me feel good about the lawn is either a hard freeze or the occasional freak snow storm. I would feel much much better if I could pave it in.
We don’t have any deer coming up into our lawn, but there is a possum every now and then that steals our outside cat’s food.
along the lines of ‘putty is our buddy’ I do remember a neighbor coming home to a completely brown deader than a door nail lawn one night, got out of the car, shook head, his wife stepped out with a puzzled look on her face and he threw up his hands saying, ‘I guess I mixed up the RoundUp bottle with the fertilizer honey’ & then ‘what’s for dinner’.
Here’s a new cafe. 🙂
Happy Monday.
Morning CG.
Happy Monday! 🙂
It’s a little cold down here for us. It’s 15F right now.
How has your cold been doing?
Wow pretty cold, especially for you guys. So does that cold mean that snow is still around?
Nope just a few little patches in shaded places. The day it snowed it was mostly gone by that night.
It’s really cold here, but it doesn’t seem too bad.
My cold is lingering on and on. My cough seems better this morning, though, so maybe I’m on the mend finally.
I hope you’re on the mend. You’ve had this cold for a long time.
So, are you tired of your cold weather and snow yet?
And how ’bout them Giants last night?
Nope I never get tired of cold or snow. Down here summer is the alternative, and I don’t like the heat.
Yep how ’bout them Giants? I couldn’t have played much less sat and watched that in that weather.
Did you see the glass of water sitting with the announcers that froze in about 15 minutes? Maybe less?
I can’t understand how people can watch in the stands. And Brett Favre looked like all he wanted to do was going home. Did you see his dumbfounded look when he threw that interception at the end?
Nope didn’t see that. I kept flipping back and forth all the time. However, if I saw a glass of water freeze by me, then it would have been time to go. 🙂
They actually had to take a commercial bbreak while one guy got his hat/scarf re-situated because he wasn’t dressed warmly enough.
Too cold for me.
This is the upside down version of the image. The right one is here.
But it is amazing how perfect that reflection is. 🙂
Heh. It really is a Monday, isn’t it?
They’re both great.
I agree with CG. They’re both great!
Jim’s off and just got up — so it isn’t quite really Monday here.
I have one off and one refusing to go to school. Apparently he thinks it’s smarter to be grounded with no phone privileges for 3 weeks than to go to school today when his friends are off school.
The mysteries of his teenaged male mind are numerous…
An act of civil disobedience? Perhaps he could go off to the neighbors and do volunteer work for the elderly you live around you? Vacuuming, moving heavy items in the basement. That could be the get out of punishment card – put in 4 hours of volunteer time today!
Oh, did I forget to mention that today is a day of service for everyone who hasn’t already gotten at least 12 hours of service projects in, and the rest of them (CBtE is in this category) will be watching movies in all their classes instead?
Maybe he could just vacuum here. 🙂
Life is very, very, very cruel when you are a teenager and suffering under all the cruelty makes it very hard to be rational about your very, very, very cruel choices.
Wait, I think I see a glimmer of reality…he has emerged from the cocoon to get breakfast, and is claiming he hasn’t made the decision to stay home yet…
Will self-preservation (or at least the preservation of his teenaged social life) win out?
Stay tuned…
ooh, this is so exciting. I love soap operas. 😉
The cafe has definitely made this whole episode a little easier to take. Thanks everyone!
We’ll be leaving now…
Lets see, he’s probably thinking, if only mom would understand. 🙂
Don’t look now, but we both win! He’s getting his school clothes on and avoiding an unnecesary punishment, and I didn’t have to yell. Woo-hoo!
Maybe there has been some frontal lobe growth there…honestly, how do boys ever survive to adulthood?
This is what I have to look forward to in a few years. Right now, it’s which star wars lego to get.
Some day you will look back at the days of agonizing over Legos fondly…
I contend that they survive because they can be charming and kind often enough to ward off death at the hands of an angry parent.
Younger ones survive because they are cute. The older ones, being much smellier, must be wilier.
Ha! Yes and then there are the grandparents getting their revenge for things their kid did! My mom would sometimes get this secretive Mona Lisa smile when my kids were misbehaving. She never said, “I told you so”, though. Now that I’m a grandpa, the game is mine!
Boys? I don’t know nuthin about no boys.
Those Nature Boys never misbehaved, did they?
You mean other than climbing buildings in the middle of the night? Being brought home by the cops after curfew? Cutting school and going to Cedar Point to ride coasters all day? Nope, never did.
Aw, but Cedar Point sounds like fun, mom…and playing Spiderman was kind of funny, even if the fall out from it was decidedly unfunny.
I’m trying to remember how obnoxious I was and keep this all in perspective.
So are you freezing this morning, or do you have some nice NC winter weather today?
It’s cold but bright and sunny. I think the funniest part of our whole “snow event” – 1/2 inch of frost really – was that Barry Manilow canceled his concert on Sunday night due to the weather. Hahahahaha
That is pretty funny. My girlfriend went to see Barry Manilow when she was in Vegas (she married – not in Vegas – a totally dorky guy with the absolute worst taste in music, let me tell you), and I’ve never been able to look at ther the same way since.
It’s always been my role in the family to take on ‘the troubled/some’ ones in their teenage years.
One nephew when 17 got 2 girls pregnant at one time and busted in the halls of school for possesion of cocaine.
Parents call up mss, ‘can he come live with you’???
Kid arrives, school is out of the question, so I make my stand that those that live with me need to enter the job market…
Friend who owns a ready-mix plant offers to take nephew on. Of course, nephew who BELIEVES he is smarter than the STUPID generation finds my bottle of JD, slogs it all down. Next day, mss drags said nephew out of nest, drives to work at the ready mix plant.
Friend says, oh poor hungover nephew, I have just the job for you, follow me. Grateful, nephew follows member of the STUPID generation thinking he has found a new sucker. Friend tells nephew to climb up into the drum of the ready mix truck…then hands him down a jackhammer and tells him to clean the sides of the drum…
I’d like to say the lesson worked, but alas some teenagers are smarter than others.
Yep, the law of natural consequences is the best way with teenagers, I think. So, whatever happened to the two pregnant girls? I guess I’m just nosy….
Inquiring minds want to know and all that…
And did said nephew eventually straighten up, or is it too soon to tell?
Said nephew, who had (BD/before drugs) an IQ of 145, got his GED, moved back with parents, got into college, dropped out, married a lawyer and the last time I saw him he was driving off angrily with a large puff of smoke floating out his window that had the distinct odor of pot.
Sorry, no happy ending here.
I’m sorry to hear that, mss.
life gives offsets, see my last post about Murphy at bottom of page..
2 girls…one as it turned out fabricated the pregnancy. The other one had an abortion. Any way you look at it, a sadly stupid experience.
We have no school here today and I’m off. Stay at home Daddy. I could get used to this.
It’s even better when they have school and you’re off. Trust me on this. 🙂
There’s one more obscure holiday like that, I forget which. As a civil servant, there are many holidays.
When I worked for city gov, I got elections off but the schools were open.
I do get that one off, but I believe it was another one.
As I recall my time as a public servant, we got all the legal holidays off. The schools here don’t close for President’s Day or Columbus Day.
Yep – love those holidays. Also our county workers got a decent raise this year, not having had one since 2004. It was a little cheerier around the offices at our building last Fri.
Good morning all!
Good morning, all!
Good entertainment this morning…
Having once been there myself, and now with a 13 yo boy; there is a certain level of stubbornness that young men must test. With some luck, (some of) it will grow off.
Good morning ask! I find being grandpa is much easier and lots more fun!
Well, since he pushed the limits of stubbornness and common sense won out (a tough battle, I must admit), I guess there’s hope that someday this will end.
How are you and curly today? You don’t have much longer till the big warm-weather adventure, do you?
I’m at my place with swimmer (still sleeping, or pretending to).
curly also has a cold/cough that won’t go away; hopefully it has by Sunday departure.
I hope she feels better soon. My cold thing has lasted for the better part of 2 weeks.
Everyone have a good day today. I’m off to get ready for an appointment.
Have a good day, FM!
Drive carefully. Watch out for ice.
I’m guessing you, like Jim, are off today. If so, enjoy your day. And time for me to go be a worker bee.
See ya.
I do indeed have the day off. I’ve got to post grades and that’s it.
Have a good day!
from the Bright Angel trail at the Grand Canyon.
Remember the story of “Brighty of Grand Canyon”?
Yep. In fact, in my adolescence I devoured all of Marguerite Henry’s books (and just about every other kids’ horse book every written).
She was the best!
I had such fond memories of Brighty that years ago I bought my sisters’ kids (the good sister, with good kids) a miniature donkey as a present. Murphy was just a tiny mite when I went to get him, he loaded up just fine in my back seat with the enticement of some oreo cookies (life lesson here, never go anywhere w/o at least a couple of oreo cookies aboard). He was about the size of a golden retriever.
Everyone should have a Murphy or a Brighty cross their path in life.
Well no burros or donkeys have crossed my path but I have a lot of lovely memories of horses I rode at stables and camp (and now will give a sigh as I think back 45 years to a summer spent with a lovely thoroughbred/quarter horse crossbreed called Lady).
Jim (the small orange dot) at the entrance to the Wirepass Canyon narrows.
Good morning, Andi!
These desert photos of late make me want to visit. And curly and I have discussed a trip to the SW – hopefully within the year.
I highly recommend it. Jim and I are seriously addicted. Except for a couple of skips, we’ve been back every year since 1992. If you decide to go, I’d be happy to “consult” — I love talking about the southwest.
I’ve noticed that you keep going back – I believe boran does as well.
Maybe sometime this fall, and your offer is much appreciated!
If you want to get a feel for the area, try book “Journey to the High Southwest” by Robert L. Casey. It doesn’t cover everything but it gives a great sense of the area and it’s very well written.
The Southwest is on my list too. Especially after CBtE came back talking about how much he liked the desert and canyons.
Glad to read below that you’re having a quiet morning.
My offer to consult on trip planning is open to you as well. 🙂
I might be taking you up on that. Although I’m not sure travel is going to be in the cards this year. I have to finish my clinical stuff by the end of this year, because they are closing the program down.
And of course I’m debating the wisdom of spending another $25K finishing in an economy that’s falling apart. I’m going to need an extra part-time job just to pay for it.
As someone who gave up on a PhD in the 70s because it would have actually made me less employable, I’m clearly the wrong person to even think about offering up any comments on going on.
Thanks. I’m already at the upper end of the pay scale for what I do, so it’s not like I’m looking forward to a raise as a reward at the end. Of course, if I want to try doing something else, it would probably provide me with an opportunity, but I kind of like what I do. I could maybe use it working in a hospital part-time to pay for the kids to go to college.
But the truth is, I don’t feel like being strapped financially for a year or so to do it. The first rotation is already paid for, so I think I’m going to work on that one while I finish making up my mind. (Probably that’s how I’ll get through it: “Just one more clinical before I make up mind for sure” until it’s over.
It’s looking like it might be a drama-free morning. woo-hoo!
And still cold, although I’m not minding it so much this week.
Good morning Andi, Ask and CG.
Waiting for coffee at the moment. Is it Friday yet?
You’re retired — it’s any day you want it to be.
Yep but I figured I would throw that in for ya’ll. 🙂
I need a 10 second coffee maker. I’m still waiting on coffee.
You could always get those single you can make in the microwave so you can have a quick cup while you’re waiting for the coffeemaker to finish.
Nah it wouldn’t be the same. Have to hear Mr. Coffee percolating to know I’ll have a good cup of coffee.
Sadly, its not Friday yet here, but Monday. At least its a short week, but I have to spend Wed. and Thurs. in downtown Indy for training. Not my favorite thing to do.
In other news, we seem to have a little of the white stuff on the ground this morning. Have a good day everyone!
I’m sorry you have to spend a few days in the city. I think that actualy makes a short week worse, as your trying to get everything done in the office on Tuesday and Friday.
Morning ID.
I used to hate short weeks. They always seemed to drag out to me. Our little bit of snow is almost completely gone now.
There’s something like 1/4″ out there — I couldn’t believe the schools are 2 hour delay. I guess it must slick.
Morning, FM!
Guess you got some sleep this morning. I’m on mt third cup. Time to make a new pot.
Morning Ask.
Yep the last couple of days I’ve been sleeping late for me. Just got my first cup.
God morning, FM!
Morning CG.
I take it there won’t be any battle about going to school today. 🙂
We’re having our first extended cold period of the winter so the 1/4 inch of snow on the north side of the house is sticking around, much to Hopeful’s dismay. Apparently she is a wimpy southern dog as well, who obviously doesn’t like to put her paws in cold or wet things. Lately she’s been hanging her back end out of the door just long enough to relieve herself, then right back inside.
In other news, I am single this week, though this is only a temporary condition. Yay! Cheerios for dinner!
Morning SN.
Poor Hopeful. At least she gets part of herself out the door though. 🙂
Her lady bits don’t like the cold either, but necessity rules.
What’s on the slate for today, FM?
Today I think I’ll get the trash out to be picked up and then go back to sleep. Don’t want to overtax myself. 🙂
Speaking of, I just saw the time. Gotta get the trash together and get it outside.
I think I’m about to do the same – minus the trash. Good night. 🙂
… that life is meant to be spent lazing under the porch in 90 degree heat.
You really can find everything on Craig’s list.
I can’t believe they removed that – it was such a lovely shade of lavender.
Heh – I loved that. With all of the pornography on Craigslist I can’t believe everyone was up in arms over a vagina couch. I thought it looked snuggly, though not really something I’d put in my family room.
Good morning all. A balmy 21 degrees here, warmer than it’s been. I’ll break out the shorts.
21 degress not for the faint of heart!
Satchmo, my newfie woke me up this morning with a cold nose at 4 to say that the weatherman was a bald faced dreamer…it’s -2!! not the 22 he had forecast.
Bright sun, 4 feet of snow, all powder and thank God for a heating system that works. Have a great day!
Good morning Boran and Mainsailset.
We’re at a sweltering 40F and it’s raining. As I keep saying, I’ll take all snow and cold weather anyone wants to spare. I know how horrible summer is going to be down here, so I’ll take all the cold I can get.
I hear ya. Me no good with summer scorchers and drought.
Nope I’m really not fond of the heat of summer also. However, I’m like most people to where I can take the heat or cold just as long as I have A/C or heating. Plus the heat outside during the summer is always a good enough reason for me not to do the lawn. 🙂
lawn? what lawn? I swore when I moved off the west west coast that I would leave my lawn mower behind. Now when it’s hot I can trapse down to the river with the dogs and a clear conscience.
Unfortunately I’ve got good sized front and back yards. My neighbors all keep immaculate lawns, and sometimes I feel guilty for not keeping mine up as well, but it’s only sometimes I feel that way. 🙂
I used to swear I could hear the grass growing at night and my neighbors shaking their heads in disappointment at my lawn mowing skills. Here, I bought grass seed that is guaranteed to attract deer but survive their munching ways. Since it’s a high desert, grass only comes in clumps and the deer are much quieter than my old lawnmower.
Of course a couple of beers used to make me feel a whole lot better about going round and round that damn lawn too.
The only thing that ever makes me feel good about the lawn is either a hard freeze or the occasional freak snow storm. I would feel much much better if I could pave it in.
We don’t have any deer coming up into our lawn, but there is a possum every now and then that steals our outside cat’s food.
along the lines of ‘putty is our buddy’ I do remember a neighbor coming home to a completely brown deader than a door nail lawn one night, got out of the car, shook head, his wife stepped out with a puzzled look on her face and he threw up his hands saying, ‘I guess I mixed up the RoundUp bottle with the fertilizer honey’ & then ‘what’s for dinner’.
I don’t about the week but this cafe is definitely over the hump.
Good morning!
The frost is (barely) gone again.
Fantastic full moon in the west.