Martin Longman a contributing editor at the Washington Monthly.
He is also the founder of Booman Tribune and Progress Pond. He has a degree in philosophy from Western Michigan University.
That I missed. Obama won that one hands down. Clinton bringing up Rezko means shit to most Americans. The papers were clear that Rezko’s problems now have nothing to do with Obama. That line, “I can’t tell which one I’m running against.”
I know it’s part of the process now, but they should really just agree to a cease fire on the negative shit. They are all so much more eloquent and convincing when they’re talking about what they believe in instead of trying to assess blame for this and that and pull up votes on amendments on old bills that nobody has ever heard of.
Speaking of which – wish me luck. I got an invitation to the lottery from which California audience members are chosen. I’d love to see them go at each other live at the Kodak Theater here!
I’m chatting with 8 other people spread around the world. Everyone thinks that Clinton just looked bad, she was too negative and it made her look desperate. It’s split between them for Edwards or Obama.
Check my demos (I’m not including myselfe):
7 Females
1 Male **
2 Lesbians
6 Heteros
4 Americans (including the guy)– Two Black, One Brazilian, One White
One French lady
One Greece lady
One Canadian (Black/Chinese)
One Japanese (she’s actually Chilean). **
Ages run 27 – 58. **
Two Jews,
Two Christians (the Lesbian couple)
and the rest are “non-religious”.
ok I took a quick peek at one – Edwards won but only by a smidgeon because Hillary was so wonderful !!!! and Obama was terrible, how can people even consider him.
I think people who have made up their minds in this contest are going to see what they want to see.
crankykites or whatever his name person over at MyDD. I think it’s hilarious that he says the most racist, bigoted stuff and since it’s against Obama it’s totally fine. If this was last year, he would have been banned in an instant. If any one needs proof that the liberal blogosphere is full of racist nutjobs like FreeRepublic or LGF they only have to go to MyDD or DK. That’s really, really sad.
Obama could do open heart surgery, blind-folded, limited to one hand in under 30 minutes, single handedly rebuild the entire Gulf Coast in 2 days, and shit gold bricks and those people will still find something to complain about.
On the other hand, I know I keep hoping that Obama will magically get better at debates. Ain’t gonna happen. He is what he is.
He was better in the second half. But I really don’t think he looked strong enough when Hillary was attacking him. It took him a while to start to fight back. Fortunately the media picked up the good parts so maybe it won’t matter since so few people watch theses debates. Although by picking those clips they make it look like it was he that started the attack. She began it iirc.
I think I agree – because I haven’t been too impressed with McCain’s debating abilities so far. Although the Republican debates are such a joke it’s hard to tell.
He couldn’t even handle a “Victory Speech” recently. Looked like he dropped all the index cards on the floor, picked them up and read them all out of order. Pathetic.
The repub debate is a clueless bunch consisting of Troy McClure, Rev. Gov. Goober, Mayor “noun, verb and 9-11,” the Kiss-up Maverick, Rep. Moonbat and Lurch.
Nah, I don’t think so. That Wal-Mart line was huge. I thought she looked desperate.
But I’m an Obama supporter, so YMMV. But I was actually cleaning up–listening to a the TV from another room–and his comment just stopped me in my tracks. In a good way. I thought it was quite deserved.
Everyone is talking about that line. It seems that that line made Obama looked tough, while her Rezko line made her look petty. I’m sitting here explaining who Rezko is to people and one they realize, it makes her look even lamer for bringing it up.
She just looked so nasty. I’m sure she’ll have a good cry tomorrow.
A bit surprised to see the sharp elbows here, but boy did Billary every deserve it. I’m so tired of them. So very, very tired. I just can’t stand the sight of them anymore. Please, goodness, let us turn the page on these horrid people.
BTW, did you see the clip of Rep. Tubbs Jones on Tucker Carlson? (I saw it on jack and jill politics–the blog–but the site is doing something weird right now) I frankly can’t stand the smarmy, arrogant stereotypically frat-boy (sorry, ejmw!!) banter from him but my God, looking at her performance was just painful. It was in Bob Johnson territory.
Wow…I was just embarrassed for her. She looked unhinged and out of her depth. Thank goodness he doesn’t have higher ratings.
I still can’t quite believe it. These “leaders” aren’t leaders at all, and I am stunned at their lack of savvy. And I shouldn’t be, but they just seemed to have regressed.
I think there’s a whole lotta hate, and they refuse to check themselves. I think Hillary is incensed that Barack has the temerity to run against her.
So is Bill, but I think there’s more with him. He’s JEALOUS! Remember how JFK was his hero; how the media would show that shot of a young Bill angling to shake JFK’s hand? Bill was supposed to be the heir to JFK…and he ain’t. Bill saw how people responded to Barack’s Iowa win, and he couldn’t take it. Folks were INSPIRED in a way we haven’t seen in a long time. He can’t stand that.
Further, Bill was not a transformational president, but a transitional one, and Barack had the audacity to call him on that, which further pissed him off. If Ted Kennedy stopped being “neutral” and endorsed Barack, I really believe Bill would spontaneously combust.
The Young/Lewis/Johnson/Tubbs Jones/Rangel crowd are jealous of him, too. They are just completely green-eyed because he’s more brilliant than they will ever DREAM about being. I’m sorry, but they are completely out of their depth in comparison, and they know it. Barack didn’t have to kiss their asses, either. More to the point, there is no guaranteed “high position” and/or gravy train with Barack as it is with Billary. And they know that, too.
Is Barack the revolution? Hell to the no. But he is a mighty big step in the right direction, and if he can rid of us of these no-count dinosaurs, all the better.
The Young/Lewis/Johnson/Tubbs Jones/Rangel crowd are jealous of him, too. They are just completely green-eyed because he’s more brilliant than they will ever DREAM about being. I’m sorry, but they are completely out of their depth in comparison, and they know it. Barack didn’t have to kiss their asses, either. More to the point, there is no guaranteed “high position” and/or gravy train with Barack as it is with Billary. And they know that, too.
I wrote about that on my blog. It’s so sad. They’re just showing that they like power for power’s sake.
Damn, are we EVER on the same wavelength! It’s kinda scary, actually. 🙂 I am just disgusted with “our leadership” and they should be retired tomorrow. One really good project would be to groom and fundraise primary challengers to go against these cretins. Their thinking is just degraded, and they degrade themselves.
I want someone who will take charge, not just accept Hillary handouts.
BTW, your blog is really good. I’m going to have stop by and visit more often. And I love your self-description…I almost fell out of my chair laughing!
The black leadership thing has bugged me since I was a kid. I went to a mainly Latino/Asian school and in my Honors classes, I was usually the only or the other black kid in class. I would constantly have to answer for the people on TV, protesting that they don’t speak for all black people. Grrrr…even with my recent dealings with the CBC and local Los Angeles black politicians it’s a chore. Because I’m asking them to change, I get told not to rock the boat. To wait. I ask them, “What the hell are we waiting for?” These people are 60+ years old and they’re hold us (I’m 35) hostage for their ideals they sold out or gave up on when we were children. It’s like they figure that it got better, so what’s the worry.
Oh, I’m about to do some ranting, so I’ll stop right here.
OK, we’re going to have e-mail each other. We just have too much in common! We’re even the same age–and I well remember the “I can’t speak for everybody” line in class.
I think of the CBC’s highpoint in ’92, and I just weep. They could be doing SO much more, and they are just a joke. They just suck up to Billary. I just don’t understand, and I’m ready to throw the bums OUT.
I remember hoping that the CBC would be a force to be reckoned with. I thought that Clinton was ushering in something new. By ’96, I knew that the CBC were just his black face photo op group. Yeah, they got access in return for what? No help in their stated goals. Nice job.
I agree. I thought it was fabulous the first time but was just even more impressed on the replay.
Watching the replay I give Obama the advantage over Hillary – because the media is showing his best moments.
On the other hand they aren’t showing her worst moments so maybe I’m wrong. It’s really hard to tell what the average person who isn’t following things like we are will think.
I guess I was assuming that what makes the today show will come out of these clips. That the media thinks he won because of the clips they’ve picked. But maybe I’m wrong.
I never watch morning TV, so I’ll probably forget to watch tomorrow.
This was the best debate by Edwards. He had “home field” advantage and used it effectively. Obama had the crowd behind him from the very beginning. This could be an indicator of what will happen on Saturday. I was not overly impressed by the performance of Hillary…althought she did have some good responses.
I thought her first answer to the first question was too long, too unfocused. I found myself saying “stop talking”, which I don’t usually do at anyone in a debate. It just annoyed me.
I’m in Nevada and I got so tired of all the ads. Now today, I saw them all day and thought what’s up? It’s over in Nevada now. But Obama started National ads today on all the cable nets.
The ad you’ve seen today on the cable nets is new TODAY. The one-minute ad with interviews of people praising Obama for his organizing work, etc. and the Nova/Frontline announcer guy’s narration. It’s alot like the one I liked best for Nevada. Many say one of his best (for women) is the one where he talks about his mother dying of cancer and worrying about the medical bills. It is playing in other states now. I, for some reason, didn’t love that one. But it gets the tears flowing for some people. It makes him seem like your good friend/neighbor.
I’ve always been an ad critic. Sorry for sharing too much.
yeah, edwards won this debate. not that it matters.
on January 21, 2008 at 11:24 pm
Gee, I’m an Edwards supporter and though I think he did well, maybe he won it, Obama was pretty close. I thought Clinton was way too negative early on and from there on if she tried to make a differentiation between her stand on an issue and someone else’s it sounded like more low punching by her. I liked how when Edwards spoke about differences he also talked about similarities. It sounded as if he were being, gee, honest about issues.
But then sounding honest is just another political ploy.
I haven’t lived with a TV since Bush I. Experiencing the political equivalent to adds from Big Pharma (another very weird development) is a very funky experience.
She’s attacking Obama’s time in the IL State Legislature AND his time in the Senate. She only has her Senate time. So, what’s he going to attack, her time as First Lady?
IMO, all of the commentators there kinda suck. And what’s up w/ that radio guy? He has a face for radio, but not the voice. Ew. Creepy w/ a capital “C.”
Apparently, some anonymous Democratic voters were ‘wired for this event’.
Can’t help remembering images of rhesus monkeys crowned with electrodes. I wonder what part of the Dems’ brains they hooked up?
Dial techonolgy. You hold a little meter and turn the dial up or down to indicate positive and negative responses. I did that as part of a focus group once.
Democratic presidential rivals Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama accused each other of repeatedly and deliberately distorting the truth for political gain Monday night in a highly personal, finger-wagging debate that ranged from the war in Iraq to Bill Clinton’s role in the campaign.
Obama told the former first lady he was helping unemployed workers on the streets of Chicago when “you were a corporate lawyer sitting on the board at Wal-Mart.”
Moments later, Clinton said that she was fighting against misguided Republican policies “when you were practicing law and representing your contributor … in his slum landlord business in inner city Chicago.”
and more:
Even in the superheated atmosphere of the primary, the statements and exchanges between Clinton and Obama were unusually acrimonious. The debate came as the two campaigns continued to complain about dirty politics and disenfranchisement of voters in last Saturday’s Nevada caucuses.
Obama suggested the Clintons were both practicing the kind of political tactics that had alienated voters.
“There was a set of assertions made by Senator Clinton as well as her husband that are not factually accurate,” Obama said. “I think that part of what people are looking for right now is someone who is going to solve problems and not resort to the same typical politics that we’ve seen in Washington.”
Clinton countered: “I believe your record and what you say should matter.”
Then it goes on with more summary. Not sure either of them wins from this coverage.
How exactly was Clinton “fighting against misguided Republican policies”? That’s something me and my husband were discussing. She wasn’t an elected official and it seems that while Obama was a lawyer for that hot minute, she was First Lady of Arkansas or the US.
Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama engaged in a rancorous crossfire on Monday as their U.S. presidential campaign took an ugly turn on the Martin Luther King holiday.
Clinton and rival John Edwards both ganged up on Obama in a debate that marked some of the angriest exchanges seen yet in the race to determine which Democrat will face the Republicans’ choice in the November election.
Not sure I like “ganged up on” but maybe it will help him like it helped Hillary in NH.
In the televised debate, Clinton accused Obama of praising ideas from the opposition party after Obama said last week that Republican President Ronald Reagan “changed the trajectory of America.”
“Now I personally think they had ideas. But they were bad ideas,” Clinton said. “They were bad ideas for America.”
Obama, who would be the first black U.S. president, shot back that he was in no way praising Republican ideas, but simply saying that Reagan had been able to bring political rivals together.
“I didn’t say they were good ones,” Obama said of Reagan’s ideas, insisting he spent years fighting Reagan’s policies.
Then he came back with a new line of attack, accusing Clinton of representing Wal-Mart, a company that many in the United States see as responsible for selling cheap imported products that have prompted many U.S. jobs to go overseas.
“You were a corporate lawyer sitting on the board of Wal-Mart,” Obama said.
This makes the Wal-Mart quote look petty imo.
hmmm. I just can’t tell which side wins from this.
on January 21, 2008 at 11:29 pm
How many people will have watched the debate? How it’s reported is more important than what it was.
For the two whites to “gang up on” the black guy in South Carolina can give Obama the New Hampshire Hillary effect. South Carolina’s dem constituency is 60% black. Hillary doesn’t look good tonight. I’m convinced of it. Edwards did look good and he’ll get the racist white vote who won’t vote for a black man, but Hillary blew it. If decisions are made on tonights debate and coverage of it, Obama will do really well.
Yeah. There are alot of delusional gay people who think that as well. Remember Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and the Defense of Marriage Act? Thanks alot Bill! We pump millions into your campaign and you burn us because the Republicans in congress barked.
In the most intense and personal exchange of the campaign season, they questioned each other’s integrity and criticized each other’s voting records five days before a critical South Carolina primary.
“It is very difficult having a straight-up debate with you because you don’t take responsibility for any vote,” Mrs. Clinton told her leading rival, drawing a chorus of jeers from a crowd at the Palace Theater here.
For his part, Mr. Obama was as heated and intense as he has been at any debate over the last year. At times, he appeared to be on the verge of losing his temper at Mrs. Clinton — and also at her husband, former President Bill Clinton, whom Mr. Obama criticized frequently during the debate for what he said were distortions of his views and his record.
“I’m here,” Mrs. Clinton said, “not my husband.”
Mr. Obama snapped, “I can’t tell who I’m running against sometimes.”
In one breath, Mrs. Clinton accused Mr. Obama of being associated with a “slumlord,” a reference to an indicted businessman in Chicago who had donated money to his campaign; Mr. Obama also had entered into a controversial land deal with him. In a retort, Mr. Obama accused Mrs. Clinton of employing “the kind of political games that we are accustomed to.”
They won’t call it for either of them:
For months, Mr. Obama has resisted being drawn into such a feud, repeatedly professing to be above the fray. It is unclear what impact the debate will have on the views of voters viewing the race here and across the country.
But it was disputes over the tenor and tone of the campaign that served as emotional flash points between Obama and Clinton.
Following a protracted debate over the appropriateness of former president Bill Clinton’s role in the campaign and whether or not Obama had praised former president Ronald Reagan, Obama launched a line that surely made opposition researchers everywhere slap five. While he was serving as a community organizer in Chicago, said Obama, Clinton was serving as a “corporate lawyer on the board of Wal-Mart.”
Clinton matched Obama’s howitzer with one of her own, noting that while she was fighting Reagan’s policies Obama was “practicing law and representing your contributor Rezko, in his slum landlord business in inner city Chicago “– a reference to indicted real estate developer Antoin Rezko.
That exchange was the most heated of the night but far from the only time that Clinton and Obama disagreed vehemently and, often, in personal terms. They exchanged blows over Obama’s “present” votes in the Illinois legislature, their respective health care plans and (again) on the appropriate role for Bill Clinton on the campaign trail.
UGH, now the chattering heads on CNN are discussing the “Latino Vote” and the Republican operative actually has the audacity to say that all Latino voters view their politics through the lens of immigration. BARF
I’m sixty-fucking-eight years old (if I remember) and Clinton (either one) looks older than I feel. Obama is the one who can set America Barack on its tracks.
I am Maryb’s Undecided Focus Group. I never watch these things, but happened to last night. I watched and listened, tring to ignore my personal prejudices and judgements.
I’d rather say why the media approach to elections sucks, as Bill Moyers says they are “pundits throwing gasoline on the tiniest of embers.”
I came away from the “debate” feeling happy about the future, because I saw three people who will help us fight the good fight.
I don’t like battle, and that whole ‘winners and losers’ meme. Moyer’s essay is the perfect ending to my political MLK day. I spent many years despising LBJ, but this story warms my heart toward my fellow dems.
Now is the time for all good men (etc.) to come to the aid of their party.
they’re replaying the biggest hits.
That I missed. Obama won that one hands down. Clinton bringing up Rezko means shit to most Americans. The papers were clear that Rezko’s problems now have nothing to do with Obama. That line, “I can’t tell which one I’m running against.”
not presidential.
The best line – While I was working on the streets, you were sitting on the board at Wal Mart…
And then the cat fight really got going.
I was sittin’ here wondering out loud if someone would bring that up. Then he did.
By far the best line, and nothing she said after that landed.
links hillary to corporate greed and a company that abuses its workers
And she really didn’t see that coming – you could tell by the look on her face.
So much for being prepared for anything that can be thrown at her.
Yeah. She’s vetted, she’s tested, she’s READY!
LOL, RandyH!
I know it’s part of the process now, but they should really just agree to a cease fire on the negative shit. They are all so much more eloquent and convincing when they’re talking about what they believe in instead of trying to assess blame for this and that and pull up votes on amendments on old bills that nobody has ever heard of.
That’s boring. And it won’t get the airtime needed to educate the voters unless it’s Jerry Springer-esque.
When they stopped the stand up part of the debate I thought they were going to move to the candidates wrestling in a vat of jello.
Now that is funny. Laughing my ass off!
that’s so funny!
When they moved to the sitting down part I wondered where they got the chairs from the old Merv Griffin set.
I’d almost pay to see that!
Speaking of which – wish me luck. I got an invitation to the lottery from which California audience members are chosen. I’d love to see them go at each other live at the Kodak Theater here!
I’m chatting with 8 other people spread around the world. Everyone thinks that Clinton just looked bad, she was too negative and it made her look desperate. It’s split between them for Edwards or Obama.
I hope they’re right. May I ask what gender these folks are?
I would like to see a focus group of old ladies to see what they think. They may feel pity for “their girl” and get even more aggressive.
Check my demos (I’m not including myselfe):
7 Females
1 Male
2 Lesbians
6 Heteros
4 Americans (including the guy)– Two Black, One Brazilian, One White
One French lady
One Greece lady
One Canadian (Black/Chinese)
One Japanese (she’s actually Chilean).
Ages run 27 – 58.
Two Jews,
Two Christians (the Lesbian couple)
and the rest are “non-religious”.
With the exception of the Greek lady, everyone has US Citizenship and can vote.
me too.
Although I guess I could go read a pro-Hillary blog and get the same effect. But I already showered today 🙂
ok I took a quick peek at one – Edwards won but only by a smidgeon because Hillary was so wonderful !!!! and Obama was terrible, how can people even consider him.
I think people who have made up their minds in this contest are going to see what they want to see.
What we need is an undecided focus group.
And “I’m not voting for an Islamic terrrr’ist like Obama!”
crankykites or whatever his name person over at MyDD. I think it’s hilarious that he says the most racist, bigoted stuff and since it’s against Obama it’s totally fine. If this was last year, he would have been banned in an instant. If any one needs proof that the liberal blogosphere is full of racist nutjobs like FreeRepublic or LGF they only have to go to MyDD or DK. That’s really, really sad.
Obama could do open heart surgery, blind-folded, limited to one hand in under 30 minutes, single handedly rebuild the entire Gulf Coast in 2 days, and shit gold bricks and those people will still find something to complain about.
How true that is.
On the other hand, I know I keep hoping that Obama will magically get better at debates. Ain’t gonna happen. He is what he is.
He was better in the second half. But I really don’t think he looked strong enough when Hillary was attacking him. It took him a while to start to fight back. Fortunately the media picked up the good parts so maybe it won’t matter since so few people watch theses debates. Although by picking those clips they make it look like it was he that started the attack. She began it iirc.
I think he’d do fine against McCain in a debate.
I think I agree – because I haven’t been too impressed with McCain’s debating abilities so far. Although the Republican debates are such a joke it’s hard to tell.
He couldn’t even handle a “Victory Speech” recently. Looked like he dropped all the index cards on the floor, picked them up and read them all out of order. Pathetic.
The repub debate is a clueless bunch consisting of Troy McClure, Rev. Gov. Goober, Mayor “noun, verb and 9-11,” the Kiss-up Maverick, Rep. Moonbat and Lurch.
Just…damn. They are simply pathetic.
Nah, I don’t think so. That Wal-Mart line was huge. I thought she looked desperate.
But I’m an Obama supporter, so YMMV. But I was actually cleaning up–listening to a the TV from another room–and his comment just stopped me in my tracks. In a good way. I thought it was quite deserved.
Everyone is talking about that line. It seems that that line made Obama looked tough, while her Rezko line made her look petty. I’m sitting here explaining who Rezko is to people and one they realize, it makes her look even lamer for bringing it up.
She just looked so nasty. I’m sure she’ll have a good cry tomorrow.
A bit surprised to see the sharp elbows here, but boy did Billary every deserve it. I’m so tired of them. So very, very tired. I just can’t stand the sight of them anymore. Please, goodness, let us turn the page on these horrid people.
BTW, did you see the clip of Rep. Tubbs Jones on Tucker Carlson? (I saw it on jack and jill politics–the blog–but the site is doing something weird right now) I frankly can’t stand the smarmy, arrogant stereotypically frat-boy (sorry, ejmw!!) banter from him but my God, looking at her performance was just painful. It was in Bob Johnson territory.
Wow…I was just embarrassed for her. She looked unhinged and out of her depth. Thank goodness he doesn’t have higher ratings.
That was bad. I watched with my agape. I don’t even have words. That was bad. Very not good.
I still can’t quite believe it. These “leaders” aren’t leaders at all, and I am stunned at their lack of savvy. And I shouldn’t be, but they just seemed to have regressed.
I think there’s a whole lotta hate, and they refuse to check themselves. I think Hillary is incensed that Barack has the temerity to run against her.
So is Bill, but I think there’s more with him. He’s JEALOUS! Remember how JFK was his hero; how the media would show that shot of a young Bill angling to shake JFK’s hand? Bill was supposed to be the heir to JFK…and he ain’t. Bill saw how people responded to Barack’s Iowa win, and he couldn’t take it. Folks were INSPIRED in a way we haven’t seen in a long time. He can’t stand that.
Further, Bill was not a transformational president, but a transitional one, and Barack had the audacity to call him on that, which further pissed him off. If Ted Kennedy stopped being “neutral” and endorsed Barack, I really believe Bill would spontaneously combust.
The Young/Lewis/Johnson/Tubbs Jones/Rangel crowd are jealous of him, too. They are just completely green-eyed because he’s more brilliant than they will ever DREAM about being. I’m sorry, but they are completely out of their depth in comparison, and they know it. Barack didn’t have to kiss their asses, either. More to the point, there is no guaranteed “high position” and/or gravy train with Barack as it is with Billary. And they know that, too.
Is Barack the revolution? Hell to the no. But he is a mighty big step in the right direction, and if he can rid of us of these no-count dinosaurs, all the better.
I wrote about that on my blog. It’s so sad. They’re just showing that they like power for power’s sake.
Damn, are we EVER on the same wavelength! It’s kinda scary, actually. 🙂 I am just disgusted with “our leadership” and they should be retired tomorrow. One really good project would be to groom and fundraise primary challengers to go against these cretins. Their thinking is just degraded, and they degrade themselves.
I want someone who will take charge, not just accept Hillary handouts.
BTW, your blog is really good. I’m going to have stop by and visit more often. And I love your self-description…I almost fell out of my chair laughing!
The black leadership thing has bugged me since I was a kid. I went to a mainly Latino/Asian school and in my Honors classes, I was usually the only or the other black kid in class. I would constantly have to answer for the people on TV, protesting that they don’t speak for all black people. Grrrr…even with my recent dealings with the CBC and local Los Angeles black politicians it’s a chore. Because I’m asking them to change, I get told not to rock the boat. To wait. I ask them, “What the hell are we waiting for?” These people are 60+ years old and they’re hold us (I’m 35) hostage for their ideals they sold out or gave up on when we were children. It’s like they figure that it got better, so what’s the worry.
Oh, I’m about to do some ranting, so I’ll stop right here.
OK, we’re going to have e-mail each other. We just have too much in common! We’re even the same age–and I well remember the “I can’t speak for everybody” line in class.
I think of the CBC’s highpoint in ’92, and I just weep. They could be doing SO much more, and they are just a joke. They just suck up to Billary. I just don’t understand, and I’m ready to throw the bums OUT.
Definitely email me.
I remember hoping that the CBC would be a force to be reckoned with. I thought that Clinton was ushering in something new. By ’96, I knew that the CBC were just his black face photo op group. Yeah, they got access in return for what? No help in their stated goals. Nice job.
Trust me when I say that I know exactly what you mean. What a disappointment!
I’ll e-mail…also because I’m thinking of going to the blogging convention if I can. Not that I have a blog, but there’s no time like the present!
That’s what CNN had. They said while they think Edwards won the debate, they’d be most likely to vote for Obama. Interesting.
I’m still undecided.
You know, on replay, Barack’s answer to “Was Bill Clinton the first black prez?” seemed brilliant.
I agree. I thought it was fabulous the first time but was just even more impressed on the replay.
Watching the replay I give Obama the advantage over Hillary – because the media is showing his best moments.
On the other hand they aren’t showing her worst moments so maybe I’m wrong. It’s really hard to tell what the average person who isn’t following things like we are will think.
they’re still not watching this.
see what makes the Today show.
I guess I was assuming that what makes the today show will come out of these clips. That the media thinks he won because of the clips they’ve picked. But maybe I’m wrong.
I never watch morning TV, so I’ll probably forget to watch tomorrow.
This was the best debate by Edwards. He had “home field” advantage and used it effectively. Obama had the crowd behind him from the very beginning. This could be an indicator of what will happen on Saturday. I was not overly impressed by the performance of Hillary…althought she did have some good responses.
Once again, I think her tone during some exchanges will hurt her.
I thought her first answer to the first question was too long, too unfocused. I found myself saying “stop talking”, which I don’t usually do at anyone in a debate. It just annoyed me.
Frankly, since I’ve seen these exchanges already I think it would be nice to have the old Batman graphics for the recap.
Heh, great minds think alike 😉
I wasn’t OL yet, I swear.
You wanna bet Olbermann or the Daily Show will do this for tomorrow’s show?
That would be too silly.
O, here’s my first Obama commercial. They’ve just kicked in today, here in FL.
I’m in Nevada and I got so tired of all the ads. Now today, I saw them all day and thought what’s up? It’s over in Nevada now. But Obama started National ads today on all the cable nets.
Hm. I s’pose Nevada’s part of the bloc & that’s that.
were on national cable networks
I wonder if it’s the same one I saw today for the first time here in California. Probably – it’s new on his Web site. Pretty good, I thought.
The ad you’ve seen today on the cable nets is new TODAY. The one-minute ad with interviews of people praising Obama for his organizing work, etc. and the Nova/Frontline announcer guy’s narration. It’s alot like the one I liked best for Nevada. Many say one of his best (for women) is the one where he talks about his mother dying of cancer and worrying about the medical bills. It is playing in other states now. I, for some reason, didn’t love that one. But it gets the tears flowing for some people. It makes him seem like your good friend/neighbor.
I’ve always been an ad critic. Sorry for sharing too much.
You and ej need to get together and work on that for the next debate 🙂
(btw – nice to see you around again).
Good to see you too, maryb!
If I was at home with my Mac & Photoshop, I’d definitely be on it.
I am totally recording the next debate on my computer and doing this. I’ll post youtube links here if I come up with anything good.
you know we’re gonna hold you to this.
I had better start laying the ground work now, then.
I’m seriously youtube challenged here, ej — so I may just have to imagine.
yeah, edwards won this debate. not that it matters.
Gee, I’m an Edwards supporter and though I think he did well, maybe he won it, Obama was pretty close. I thought Clinton was way too negative early on and from there on if she tried to make a differentiation between her stand on an issue and someone else’s it sounded like more low punching by her. I liked how when Edwards spoke about differences he also talked about similarities. It sounded as if he were being, gee, honest about issues.
But then sounding honest is just another political ploy.
I forgot about the answer he gave personalizing why his work on the bill against sexual assault. I thought it was very thoughtful.
I’m witnessing my first campaign ad on TV for the first time in like 15 years! Wow. I mean, they run that’s for sure, I don’t watch TV that often.
I haven’t lived with a TV since Bush I. Experiencing the political equivalent to adds from Big Pharma (another very weird development) is a very funky experience.
There is no chin behind Wolf Blitzer’s beard. There is only a blathering idiot.
You’re channeling Chuck Norris jokes, aren’t you?
Yes. In all honesty, that was the first thing that popped into my head during whatever the last debate highlight was.
So yes, I generally think in terms of Chuck Norris facts these days.
When Wolf Blitzer does push ups, he isn’t pushing himself. Nor is he pushing the earth down. In fact, Wolf Blitzer does not do push ups.
She’s attacking Obama’s time in the IL State Legislature AND his time in the Senate. She only has her Senate time. So, what’s he going to attack, her time as First Lady?
I actually feel good that his “present” votes seem to be the worst she has on him in Illinois. That’s pretty good!
And what’s with her make up tonight? She looks like Miss Piggy with the red cheeks and purple eyeshadow.
Heh, heh, heh.
IMO, all of the commentators there kinda suck. And what’s up w/ that radio guy? He has a face for radio, but not the voice. Ew. Creepy w/ a capital “C.”
Yeah. He’s a freak and a half. I thought my head was huge. Dayum!
Miss PIggy!!! LOL!
The make-up is Miss Piggy, but the features are Chuckie.
cnn’s undecided focus group said edwards won, but half will vote for Obama because he is more likely to win the nomination
Apparently, some anonymous Democratic voters were ‘wired for this event’.
Can’t help remembering images of rhesus monkeys crowned with electrodes. I wonder what part of the Dems’ brains they hooked up?
Dial techonolgy. You hold a little meter and turn the dial up or down to indicate positive and negative responses. I did that as part of a focus group once.
CNN did a dial group of undecided voters who agreed that Edwards won, but they were most likely to vote for Obama now because he’s best able to win.
That is interesting.
So, they’re not putting a lot of weight on a single debate.
I’d be interested in the focus group’s demographics. See if it contained the groups that Hillary normally attracts or not.
I would too.
It’s probably balanced by gender/race/age. Check I’ll bet they’ll put up all of the details.
From the quick panning of the group, I noticed a group which was majority white, elderly, and about split gender-wise.
I think white and elderly would be Hillary’s group. And women of course. So this does sound good for Edwards and Obama.
and someone beat me by 14 seconds…
Nedra Pickler at Associated Press via TPM
and more:
Then it goes on with more summary. Not sure either of them wins from this coverage.
How exactly was Clinton “fighting against misguided Republican policies”? That’s something me and my husband were discussing. She wasn’t an elected official and it seems that while Obama was a lawyer for that hot minute, she was First Lady of Arkansas or the US.
Did Nedra notice anyone else on the stage?
and here’s Reuters
Not sure I like “ganged up on” but maybe it will help him like it helped Hillary in NH.
This makes the Wal-Mart quote look petty imo.
hmmm. I just can’t tell which side wins from this.
How many people will have watched the debate? How it’s reported is more important than what it was.
Probably the TV coverage is the most important.
For the two whites to “gang up on” the black guy in South Carolina can give Obama the New Hampshire Hillary effect. South Carolina’s dem constituency is 60% black. Hillary doesn’t look good tonight. I’m convinced of it. Edwards did look good and he’ll get the racist white vote who won’t vote for a black man, but Hillary blew it. If decisions are made on tonights debate and coverage of it, Obama will do really well.
We’ll see. It sounds logical to me but this election is hard to call.
There are clearly a lot of black people who are delusional enough to believe that the Clinton’s actually did something for us.
Yeah. There are alot of delusional gay people who think that as well. Remember Don’t Ask Don’t Tell and the Defense of Marriage Act? Thanks alot Bill! We pump millions into your campaign and you burn us because the Republicans in congress barked.
& this is why Vidal calls it the United States of Amnesia (though the disorder might actually be a bit closer to ADD).
Stick with amnesia. Some of us with A.D.D. are a little tired of being unfairly maligned…
Vidal’s phrase is more poetic, too.
New York Times
They won’t call it for either of them:
And the The Fix over at the Washington Post
Matching howitzers?
That’s just a few inches from a pissing contest.
UGH, now the chattering heads on CNN are discussing the “Latino Vote” and the Republican operative actually has the audacity to say that all Latino voters view their politics through the lens of immigration. BARF
Yeah. Don’t you hate being reduced to a label? I’m an older woman, therefore I “must” be voting for Hillary. BS. I detest all such labelism.
I’m sixty-fucking-eight years old (if I remember) and Clinton (either one) looks older than I feel. Obama is the one who can set America Barack on its tracks.
I am Maryb’s Undecided Focus Group. I never watch these things, but happened to last night. I watched and listened, tring to ignore my personal prejudices and judgements.
I’d rather say why the media approach to elections sucks, as Bill Moyers says they are “pundits throwing gasoline on the tiniest of embers.”
I came away from the “debate” feeling happy about the future, because I saw three people who will help us fight the good fight.
I don’t like battle, and that whole ‘winners and losers’ meme. Moyer’s essay is the perfect ending to my political MLK day. I spent many years despising LBJ, but this story warms my heart toward my fellow dems.
Now is the time for all good men (etc.) to come to the aid of their party.