From Think Progress:
Last week, House Oversight Chairman Henry Waxman (D-CA) revealed that the White House failed to preserve emails for at least 473 separate days. Waxman’s report said “Vice President Cheney’s office showed no electronic messages on 16 occasions from September 2003 to May 2005.” Among the sixteen days for which email are missing from Vice President Cheney’s office “is Sept. 30, 2003, the same day the day the Justice Department and the Federal Bureau of Investigation announced they were investigating who outed former CIA officer Valerie Plame Wilson.”
Yes, I think this is clearly the iceberg tip of a high crime and/or misdemeanor.
so sorry the clock is running down. can we indict and inscribe court proceedings even after he’s out of office?
Billary will no doubt give BushCheney a free pass. In the paraphrased words of David Brooks, ‘they’re counting on Clinton to continue their legacy.’
see all you Clinton supporters, one more reason eh to vote Clinton and continue the BushCheney legacy. 8 more years of BushCheney.
What makes you so sure that the Senator Clinton would give Bush/Cheney a free pass. She’s quite capable of kicking ass and taking names. And I do think it’s personal with her…
ask David Brooks and his round table
Watch Video here
that confirms this previous article here
and since Bill left office he’s been very chummy with Bush Sr. No? So you think there won’t be a pardon sans indictment b/c Bush won’t be able to travel outside the U.S. as a private citizen. How do we spell war crimes?
Oh and BTW, have you noticed she’s adopted Karl Rove’s playbook and the Bush Cheney model. Ask Jim Webb.
Clinton sleaze Parade
Taken together, these examples echo the Bush’s administration’s tendency to attack anyone who challenges them. They echo Clinton’s refusal to apologize for her Iraq war vote or for an Iran vote so reckless that Jim Webb called it “Dick Cheney’s fondest pipe dream.” They hardly bode well for reversing the massive erosions of transparency of the past seven years.
enough already. We cannot afford to rehash the 90s or the Bush years. Bill’s bridge to the 21st century is broken.
I think you’re right. Have you looked through the CREW reports yet? (link)
I’ve only skimmed two of them, but the clear pattern is that it looks like they’re trying to hide internal discussions about:
I think we’re looking at circumstantial evidence of behind the scenes dealings that make Iran-contra look like a game of checkers in the park, and I don’t think it is a coincidence that Valerie Plame and Sibel Edmonds seem to be cropping up in articles more and more frequently of late.
I read this earlier today. As excited as I would like to get about stuff like this, I think we know, once again, where all of this will end. A big, fat zero.
Folks, face the music. No one, not one player at all in this administration is going to be held accountable for any of this. Not one. Why do we even hope? This administration, through capitulation by the spineless Democrats, enabling and support of the corporate media and the total abdication of responsibility by the citizenry of this country, has so stacked the deck of the legal system of this country, that we will all be long dead before there is any hope of getting a fair and total hearing on this. Not to mention actually seeing any justice done.
The Democrats don’t really give a shit about holding anyone accountable. This becomes nothing more than an opportunity to generate a little theater in an effort to cultivate political capital for future use (meaning, future elections). We are cooked. It becomes, unfortunately, just something used to fill time on C-Span.
So, Mr. Waxman, we prepare once again for a whole lot of blustering and blowing. Knowing that, in the end, the best we can hope for is a resounding, “We are so really disappointed in the obstinance and possible lawbreaking displayed by this administration. But, alas, there is nothing we can do”.
Please, Henry. Maybe it’s my cynicism talking. But we just don’t need to be put through this wringer again. We have had just about enough.
Reading what you wrote, it occurs to me that my hope that anyone will be held accountable for what has transpired really is dead. I still get excited about developments like this, but not because I think they’re going to result in impeachments or convictions. It’s more like a complicated math problem: it bugs you for days and days, but then eventually you build towards that eureka moment where everything clicks into place.
I just want that eureka moment.
I like a good puzzler, too. So I understand what you’re saying. I do believe that there is a purpose and a meaning to understanding how this happened, the sequence of events and how the groundwork was laid by the players so that it could all take place so seamlessly, without any notoriety or public exposure.
It will serve us well as a nation to make sure that any time we might be able to glean new information, that we pursue it. It is our duty to continue to dig. Until we understand the depths of the corruption and the methods that were used to completely usurp the Constitutional obligations of the executive branch, then we will always be uncertain as to whether or not this type of behavior is continuing.
I guess I’m just tired of the Dems acting like they are really going to do anything about any of this stuff. That’s my frustration.
And, please, do us a big favor. When your eureka moment finally comes, write a good diary so those of us who are still trying to figure it out can finally say, “Hey, I think I get it now, too”. I need all the help I can get.
Yeah, I hear you. And I share your frustration.
I think most of American electoral politics has gotten to the point where it’s really just competing pyramid schemes. They’ll offer us just enough progress to keep us in the game, but keep the real goal just out of reach saying that they need us to elect more and more of them to get to that goal.
Tell me this doesn’t sound like what each party is doing (from wiki, selectively quoted):
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mike you are probably right
Mike is 100% correct. Who’s gonna step up, the Democrats? Don’t make me laugh.
You’d have better luck setting up a green cheese mine on the moon, run by Oompah Loompahs who shit uranium and piss motor oil.
I mean if you think about it, by refusing to perform oversight, the Dems are just making life easy on themselves, since Bush is just going to pardon everyone on his way out the door, just like his rat fink of a father did.
I think I’d like to see the vistors’ logs for the WH both the front door & the back door. How many hackers walk down the halls before the secret service asks how many hackers are needed?
I’m sure planning to write some sternly written letters cannot be too far off.